It all started with the arrival of actor Zac Efron. Mark Wallberg followed, and then Matt Damon Julia Roberts George Clooney Idris Elba Natalie Portman
The attendance list also includes Awkwafina, Ed Sheeran, Jane Seymour, Melissa McCarthy, Michael Yeh, Paul Meskel, Rita Ora, Ron Howard, Taika Waite, Tessa Thompson, Tilda Swindon and Tom Hanks.
Also returning home are Australian stars: Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban, Kylie and Danny Minogue, Rose Byrne, Isla Fisher and her husband Sacha Baron Cohen.
All anti Trump pedos, except for Chris Pratt, but he's probably infiltrated them on Trumps behalf
It all started with the arrival of actor Zac Efron. Mark Wallberg followed, and then Matt Damon Julia Roberts George Clooney Idris Elba Natalie Portman
The attendance list also includes Awkwafina, Ed Sheeran, Jane Seymour, Melissa McCarthy, Michael Yeh, Paul Meskel, Rita Ora, Ron Howard, Taika Waite, Tessa Thompson, Tilda Swindon and Tom Hanks.
Also returning home are Australian stars: Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban, Kylie and Danny Minogue, Rose Byrne, Isla Fisher and her husband Sacha Baron Cohen.
All anti Trump pedos.
It all started with the arrival of actor Zac Efron. Mark Wallberg followed, and then Matt Damon Julia Roberts George Clooney Idris Elba Natalie Portman
The attendance list also includes Awkwafina, Ed Sheeran, Jane Seymour, Melissa McCarthy, Michael Yeh, Paul Meskel, Rita Ora, Ron Howard, Taika Waite, Tessa Thompson, Tilda Swindon and Tom Hanks.
Also returning home are Australian stars: Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban, Kylie and Danny Minogue, Rose Byrne, Isla Fisher and her husband Sacha Baron Cohen.