Majestic 12 was a super secret space program, above and separate from governmental control, after the 1947 Roswell and related crashes to deal with the alien question.
They're the ones that reverse engineered tech such as Looking Glass, which both Q and Majestic 12 referred to.
Majestic 12 was a super secret space program, above and separate from governmental control, after the 1947 Roswell and related crashes to deal with the alien question.
They're the ones that reverse engineered tech such as Looking Glass, which both Q and Majestic 12 referred to.
Majestic 12 was a super secret, above and separate from governmental control secret space program after the 1947 Roswell and related crashes to deal with the alien question.
They're the ones that reverse engineered tech such as Looking Glass, which both Q and Majestic 12 referred to.
Majestic 12 was a super secret, above and separate from governmental control after the 1947 Roswell and related crashes do deal with the alien question.
They're the ones that reverse engineered tech such as Looking Glass, which both Q and Majestic 12 referred to.