As a combat vet (SEA) the video didn't fit reality. Not only her but the reaction of everyone around her. Trust me when a shot is unexpectedly fired, especially in close quarters, every-damn-one hits the dirt. Even the aggressor team. Then when I realized what her name was "Babbitt" I became convinced it was all a FF op. We know how the Cabal likes to play little word games. Her name was the perfect name to use for a social justice warrior.
The name Babbitt has social significance most today don't know about. It comes from a 1922 novel by Sinclair Lewis of the same name, 'Babbitt'.
The word "Babbitt" entered the English language as a "person and especially a business or professional man who conforms unthinkingly to prevailing middle-class standards".
As a combat vet (SEA) the video didn't fit reality. Not only her but the reaction of everyone around her. Trust me when a shot is unexpectedly fired, especially in close quarters, everyone damn one hits the dirt. Even the aggressor team. Then when I realized what her name was "Babbitt" I became convinced it was all a FF op. We know how the Cabal likes to play little word games. Her name was the perfect name to use for a social justice warrior.
The name Babbitt has social significance most today don't know about. It comes from a 1922 novel by Sinclair Lewis of the same name, 'Babbitt'.
The word "Babbitt" entered the English language as a "person and especially a business or professional man who conforms unthinkingly to prevailing middle-class standards".