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I know I keep dropping comments around like this but the more i think about it the more I feel I have to put it out there - so, please humor me.

I think that comms and stories from the bible and other historical things involving the esoteric have the same kind of encoded symbolism based off dates, numbers, animal imagery etc not only because it serves the purpose of preserving a message and communicating it on multiple levels - but because one of the layers it communicates across is time.

The more and more I see of this the more I consider multiple world theory and timeline divergence / multiverse stuff. These types of 'datefagging' posts and symbolism communicate a few things - and this is all through history.

They communicate the base "normie message" on the first level. Sometimes this message has truth or merit sometimes it seems like complete fluff but it always stirs up some kind of emotion on a shallow level to normies.

The second level of encoding Is in the use of metaphor/symbolism and structure this adds an additional level of information that layers upon and interacts with first adding additional meaning to first message. This is where we are at with a lot of the q comm stuff.

Now the third level is something we are all touching as well but it confuses us - there is often relationships with time, dates, delta etc and this third level too encodes more meaning than just being some sort of time stamp generally. Most often there is a timestamp marker but the marker itself corresponds to another similar date or sum esoteric numerology stuff.

There is a 4th level of encoding that comes into play when you consider names and times and word connotation together as well that often corresponds with other similar names in the past.

So my whole point is if a messages has characteristically of all these layers of encoding they would be able to specify not only messages, but people, events, absolute value of time between messages and proof of witness by the creator of the message being so knowledgeable to encode the message in such a way. This would allow not only for messages to be preserved from deep last to far future but would also allow messages to be preserved across divergent worldines. By seeing a message encoded this way you could understand not only where in time you are on a worldline but also perhaps on which worldline you are on. And be able to have a marker/or waypoint if you were traveling between them for either yourself or someone else you need to contact out of worldline that has similar knowledge.

So Q is a factor in this world line which is seemingly arbitrary to us but it would make sense to have Q require all these associations - the one seen above in the picture is known and agreed upon as Q, the clearance is regarded as Q , our Q went by Q. This would be the key to understanding what world line or groups of worldlines you are acting in - consider that a worldline traveler has seen essentially the same thing from 4 worldlines "nearby" his worldine except instead of these people going by Q they go buy T and people remark symbolism in the number 18 rather than 17 he would be able to objectively interpret which worldline or worldline group he was in by that alone even if all other events were exactly the same.

I don't know - developing theory here but I've really been thinking about it a lot through a lense assuming their are either interdinensional beings or that we are ourselves develop the ability to move through time or across worldlines. All this encoding would make perfect sense and have a remarkable purpose. Sorry if it is a way out theory but I figure this group out of all groups could start to wrap their heads around it and think and criticize the idea.

Also to answer why would anyone travel or interfere or do anything to any other worldlines - I hypothesize that perhaps the big deal is there is a probable outcome of humanity being great and another outcome in which humanity is destroyed. I would imagine that the macro goal is to "solve" the events that need to occur for humanity to become great across all worldlines instead of just like... Probably 2. Say if we were on a worldline where we became technologically great and huge benefactors of christ and holiness and goodness and we truly conquered ourselves but we found out through exploration that there were many world lines in which we destroyed ourselves, would we in our great compassion begin to find a way to solve for all variations of humanity on all worldlines to achieve their great ideals? I assume we would give our selves the most grace of all. How would we behave if we were at that point and across every worldline there exists humans there also exists this great balance between them becoming great and destroying themselves - everytime. Everytime there was humans across infinite worldlines the major common theme was they were always threatening to destroy themselves. It was alswau the fundamental problem everywhere humans appeared. And not only that - those humans were you. They were versions of you or your ancestors. Just living in a parallel reality. Would we not do everything we could to subtly tilt their worldline to an outcome in which they could become great by their own volition?

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

I know I keep dropping comments around like this but the more i think about it the more I feel I have to put it out there - so, please humor me.

I think that comms and stories from the bible and other historical things involving the esoteric have the same kind of encoded symbolism based off dates, numbers, animal imagery etc not only because it serves the purpose of preserving a message and communicating it on multiple levels - but because one of the layers it communicates across is time.

The more and more I see of this the more I consider multiple world theory and timeline divergence / multiverse stuff. These types of 'datefagging' posts and symbolism communicate a few things - and this is all through history.

They communicate the base "normie message" on the first level. Sometimes this message has truth or merit sometimes it seems like complete fluff but it always stirs up some kind of emotion on a shallow level to normies.

The second level of encoding Is in the use of metaphor/symbolism and structure this adds an additional level of information that layers upon and interacts with first adding additional meaning to first message. This is where we are at with a lot of the q comm stuff.

Now the third level is something we are all touching as well but it confuses us - there is often relationships with time, dates, delta etc and this third level too encodes more meaning than just being some sort of time stamp generally. Most often there is a timestamp marker but the marker itself corresponds to another similar date or sum esoteric numerology stuff.

There is a 4th level of encoding that comes into play when you consider names and times and word connotation together as well that often corresponds with other similar names in the past.

So my whole point is if a messages has characteristically of all these layers of encoding they would be able to specify not only messages, but people, events, absolute value of time between messages and proof of witness by the creator of the message being so knowledgeable to encode the message in such a way. This would allow not only for messages to be preserved from deep last to far future but would also allow messages to be preserved across divergent worldines. By seeing a message encoded this way you could understand not only where in time you are on a worldline but also perhaps on which worldline you are on. And be able to have a marker/or waypoint if you were traveling between them for either yourself or someone else you need to contact out of worldline that has similar knowledge.

So Q is a factor in this world line which is seemingly arbitrary to us but it would make sense to have Q require all these associations - the one seen above in the picture is known and agreed upon as Q, the clearance is regarded as Q , our Q went by Q. This would be the key to understanding what world line or groups of worldlines you are acting in - consider that a worldline traveler has seen essentially the same thing from 4 worldlines "nearby" his worldine except instead of these people going by Q they go buy T and people remark symbolism in the number 18 rather than 17 he would be able to objectively interpret which worldline or worldline group he was in by that alone even if all other events were exactly the same.

I don't know - developing theory here but I've really been thinking about it a lot through a lense assuming their are either interdinensional beings or that we are ourselves develop the ability to move through time or across worldlines. All this encoding would make perfect sense and have a remarkable purpose. Sorry if it is a way out theory but I figure this group out of all groups could start to wrap their heads around it and think and criticize the idea.

Also to answer why would anyone travel or interfere or do anything to any other worldlines - I hypothesize that perhaps the big deal is there is a probable outcome of humanity being great and another outcome in which humanity is destroyed. I would imagine that the macro goal is to "solve" the events that need to occur for humanity to become great across all worldlines instead of just like... Probably 2. Say if we were on a worldline where we became technologically great and huge benefactors of christ and holiness and goodness and we truly conquered ourselves but we found out through exploration that there were many world lines in which we destroyed ourselves, would we in our great compassion begin to find a way to solve for all variations of humanity on all worldlines to achieve their great ideals? I assume we would give our selves the most grace of all.

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I know I keep dropping comments around like this but the more i think about it the more I feel I have to put it out there - so, please humor me.

I think that comms and stories from the bible and other historical things involving the esoteric have the same kind of encoded symbolism based off dates, numbers, animal imagery etc not only because it serves the purpose of preserving a message and communicating it on multiple levels - but because one of the layers it communicates across is time.

The more and more I see of this the more I consider multiple world theory and timeline divergence / multiverse stuff. These types of 'datefagging' posts and symbolism communicate a few things - and this is all through history.

They communicate the base "normie message" on the first level. Sometimes this message has truth or merit sometimes it seems like complete fluff but it always stirs up some kind of emotion on a shallow level to normies.

The second level of encoding Is in the use of metaphor/symbolism and structure this adds an additional level of information that layers upon and interacts with first adding additional meaning to first message. This is where we are at with a lot of the q comm stuff.

Now the third level is something we are all touching as well but it confuses us - there is often relationships with time, dates, delta etc and this third level too encodes more meaning than just being some sort of time stamp generally. Most often there is a timestamp marker but the marker itself corresponds to another similar date or sum esoteric numerology stuff.

There is a 4th level of encoding that comes into play when you consider names and times and word connotation together as well that often corresponds with other similar names in the past.

So my whole point is if a messages has characteristically of all these layers of encoding they would be able to specify not only messages, but people, events, absolute value of time between messages and proof of witness by the creator of the message being so knowledgeable to encode the message in such a way. This would allow not only for messages to be preserved from deep last to far future but would also allow messages to be preserved across divergent worldines. By seeing a message encoded this way you could understand not only where in time you are on a worldline but also perhaps on which worldline you are on. And be able to have a marker/or waypoint if you were traveling between them for either yourself or someone else you need to contact out of worldline that has similar knowledge.

So Q is a factor in this world line which is seemingly arbitrary to us but it would make sense to have Q require all these associations - the one seen above in the picture is known and agreed upon as Q, the clearance is regarded as Q , our Q went by Q. This would be the key to understanding what world line or groups of worldlines you are acting in - consider that a worldline traveler has seen essentially the same thing from 4 worldlines "nearby" his worldine except instead of these people going by Q they go buy T and people remark symbolism in the number 18 rather than 17 he would be able to objectively interpret which worldline or worldline group he was in by that alone even if all other events were exactly the same.

I don't know - developing theory here but I've really been thinking about it a lot through a lense assuming their are either interdinensional beings or that we are ourselves develop the ability to move through time or across worldlines. All this encoding would make perfect sense and have a remarkable purpose. Sorry if it is a way out theory but I figure this group out of all groups could start to wrap their heads around it and think and criticize the idea

3 years ago
1 score