Honestly, I don't know. I mean, how do you isolate something so small that it's not visible under light. It only becomes visible under x-rays (which kill it, instantly). For something that's smaller than the wavelength of visible light, what sort of tweezers do you pick it up with?
It's unimaginably small. You simply can't conceive how small it really is. Try looking at the tiniest speck of dust that you can see with a magnifying glass then imagine it 10,000 times smaller!
Yet the sheeples actually believe that a mask will block it!
Honestly, I don't know. I mean, how do you isolate something so small that it's not visble under light. It only becomes visible under x-rays (which kill it, instantly). For something that's smaller than the wavelength of visible light, what sort of tweezers do you pick it up with?
It's unimaginably small. You simply can't conceive how small it really is. Try looking at the tiniest speck of dust that you can see with a magnifying glass then imagine it 10,000 times smaller!
Yet the sheeples actually believe that a mask will block it!