As of today, W Oxon Council is reporting you have '27 new cases' for TODAY. For comparison, the government's latest statutory 'Notification Of Infectious Diseases' report, for week ending 4 April:
Shows NO cases for Oxon that WEEK (scroll down to the bottom).
The difference? The council is reporting the daily FALSE POSITIVE TEST RESULTS, whereas the NOIDS report is a weekly return based on reporting by ACTUAL DOCTORS assessing patients as CLINICALLY likely to have Covid. In other words, say there were 189 'cases' that week (based on the council's today figure), NONE of those people actually went on to be assessed by a doctor!! Most likely, the ?? had their positive test, promoted by the council of course, went home proudly being able to say they've 'got Covid', then probably carried on about their business as they would do, totally otherwise unaffected.
This is how the scam is being kept alive. We're not told that these two different data points even exist - though sadly, as you say, even if you were to point it out to the average normie, even if they 'got the difference', the cognitive dissonance in their brains, implanted by the EVIL, 'Behaviour Science' funded BBC, would disallow them from accepting that it means they have been wrong all this time. Much easier to bury their heads in the sand, go to the shop in their masks, and have the same conversation again around 'oh well we've just got to get on with it haven't we'.
I'm sounding like a doomer here, but rest assured there WILL be a tipping point. Efforts and challenges are going on, not that you would know from the Mockingbird media of course, and the results of those and their consequences WILL be known.
Peace for now, have a lovely day, if you do try the lanyard-free challenge, let us know how you got on ??
As of today, W Oxon Council is reporting you have '27 new cases' for TODAY. For comparison, the government's latest statutory 'Notification Of Infectious Diseases' report, for week ending 4 April:
Shows NO cases for Oxon that WEEK (scroll down to the bottom).
The difference? The council is reporting the daily FALSE POSITIVE TEST RESULTS, whereas the NOIDS report is a weekly return based on reporting by ACTUAL DOCTORS assessing patients as CLINICALLY likely to have Covid. In other words, say there were 189 'cases' that week (based on the council's today figure), NONE of those people actually went on to be assessed by a doctor!! Most likely, the ?? had their positive test, promoted by the council of course, went home proudly being able to say they've 'got Covid', then probably carried on about their business as they would do, totally otherwise unaffected.
This is how the scam is being kept alive. We're not told that these two different data points even exist - though sadly, as you say, even if you were to point it out to the average normie, even if they 'got the difference', the cognitive dissonance in their brains, implanted by the EVIL, 'Behaviour Science' funded BBC, would disallow them from accepting that it means they have been wrong all this time. Much easier to bury their heads in the sand, go to the shop in their masks, and have the same conversation again around 'oh well we've just got to get on with it haven't we'.
I'm sounding like a doomer here, but rest assured there WILL be a tipping point. Efforts and challenges are going on, not that you would know from the Mockingbird media of course, and the results of those and their consequences WILL be known.
Peace for now, have a lovely day, if you do try the lanyard-free challenge, let us know how you got on ??
As of today, W Oxon Council is reporting you have '27 new cases' for TODAY. For comparison, the government's latest statutory 'Notification Of Infectious Diseases' report, for week ending 4 April:
Shows NO cases for Oxon that WEEK (scroll down to the bottom).
The difference? The council is reporting the daily FALSE POSITIVE TEST RESULTS, whereas the NOIDS report is a weekly return based on reporting by ACTUAL DOCTORS assessing patients as CLINICALLY likely to have Covid. In other words, say there were 189 'cases' that week (based on the council's today figure), NONE of those people actually went on to be assessed by a doctor!! Most likely, the ?? had their positive test, promoted by the council of course, went home proudly being able to say they've 'got Covid', then probably carried on about their business as they would do, completely otherwise unaffected.
This is how the scam is being kept alive. We're not told that these two different data points even exist - though sadly, as you say, even if you were to point it out to the average normie, even if they 'got the difference', the cognitive dissonance in their brains, implanted by the EVIL, 'Behaviour Science' funded BBC, would disallow them from accepting that it means they have been wrong all this time. Much easier to bury their heads in the sand, go to the shop in their masks, and have the same conversation again around 'oh well we've just got to get on with it haven't we'.
I'm sounding like a doomer here, but rest assured there WILL be a tipping point. Efforts and challenges are going on, not that you know from the Mockingbird media of course, and the results of those and their consequences WILL be known.
Peace for now, have a lovely day, if you do try the lanyard-free challenge, let us know how you got on ??
As of today, W Oxon Council is reporting you have '27 new cases' for TODAY. For comparison, the government's latest statutory 'Notification Of Infectious Diseases' report, for week ending 4 April:
Shows NO cases for Oxon that WEEK (scroll down to the bottom).
The difference? The council is reporting the daily FALSE POSITIVE TEST RESULTS, whereas the NOIDS report is a weekly return based on reporting by ACTUAL DOCTORS assessing patients as CLINICALLY likely to have Covid. In other words, say there were 189 'cases' that week (based on the council's today figure), NONE of those people actually went on to be assessed by a doctor!! Most likely, the ?? had their positive test, promoted by the council of course, went home proudly being able to say they've 'got Covid', then probably carried on about their business as they would do.
This is how the scam is being kept alive. We're not told that these two different data points even exist - though sadly, as you say, even if you were to point it out to the average normie, even if they 'got the difference', the cognitive dissonance in their brains, implanted by the EVIL, 'Behaviour Science' funded BBC, would disallow them from accepting that it means they have been wrong all this time. Much easier to bury their heads in the sand, go to the shop in their masks, and have the same conversation again around 'oh well we've just got to get on with it haven't we'.
I'm sounding like a doomer here, but rest assured there WILL be a tipping point. Efforts and challenges are going on, not that you know from the Mockingbird media of course, and the results of those and their consequences WILL be known.
Peace for now, have a lovely day, if you do try the lanyard-free challenge, let us know how you got on ??
As of today, W Oxon Council is reporting you have '27 new cases' for TODAY. For comparison, the government's latest statutory 'Notification Of Infectious Diseases' report, for week ending 4 April:
Shows NO cases for Oxon that WEEK (scroll down to the bottom).
The difference? The council is reporting the daily FALSE POSITIVE TEST RESULTS, whereas the NOIDS report is a weekly return based on reporting by ACTUAL DOCTORS assessing patients as CLINICALLY likely to have Covid. In other words, say there were 189 'cases' that week (based on the council's today figure), NONE of those people actually went on to be assessed by an actual doctor!! Most likely, the ?? had their positive test, went home proudly being able to say they've 'got Covid', then probably carried on about their business as they would do.
This is how the scam is being kept alive. We're not told that these two different data points even exist - though sadly, as you say, even if you were to point it out to the average normie, even if they 'got the difference', the cognitive dissonance in their brains, implanted by the EVIL, 'Behaviour Science' funded BBC, would disallow them from accepting that it means they have been wrong all this time. Much easier to bury their heads in the sand, go to the shop in their masks, and have the same conversation again around 'oh well we've just got to get on with it haven't we'.
I'm sounding like a doomer here, but rest assured there WILL be a tipping point. Efforts and challenges are going on, not that you know from the Mockingbird media of course, and the results of those and their consequences WILL be known.
Peace for now, have a lovely day, if you do try the lanyard-free challenge, let us know how you got on ??