You do enough reading into Marxism and it is remarkably obvious.
I'm telling you, man. I got into researching Marxist atrocities in the past year or so... It is unreal. Seriously. As far as I can tell we're talking AT LEAST 100-150 million dead. And that's not considering the suffering the people who lived endured. Or the wicked, arguably satanic actions of Marx (the guy LITERALLY wrote satanic poetry)... Every time I learn something new about it the whole ideology just gets somehow even worse.
It's a nightmare arguing with communists too, trying to convince them the famines were caused by collectivist policies is harder than cracking cold fusion
You do enough reading into Marxism and it is remarkably obvious.
I'm telling you, man. I got into researching Marxist atrocities in the past year or so... It is unreal. Seriously. Every time I learn something new about it the whole ideology just gets somehow even worse.
It's a nightmare arguing with communists too, trying to convince them the famines were caused by collectivist policies is harder than cracking cold fusion