Treason of Mike Pence, Rod Rosenstein and Paul Ryan. A coup to invoke the 25th Amendment on Trump. See Q posts. Search by using; 25th.
FYI; 1) Lin Wood gives the impression that he can take many punches. I would say his 'intel' comes from Mike Flynn directly who still maintains his secret clearances. level. 2) Mike Flynn is reported to be the messenger/creator of Q. Many of Flynn's statements and public speeches parallel with Q posts (language, terminology, usage of words and phrases, etc with direct Q posts). 3) Since Flynn was pardoned by Trump, we have not had any Q posts; since 12/2020. 4) Now we refer back to Q posts for current events being played out (future proves past - albeit encrypted). Q; 'We have more than we know.' 5) Flynn knows where all the bodies are buried! He knows about Pence and the circumstances around what Lin Wood has revealed to the public. (A respectable lawyer for years does not make statements he cannot back up with evidence). 6) Lin Wood is a 'compartmentalized' part of the great awakening plan. He is a 'player' in the military plan to drain the Wash DC swamp and return the governmental system to; WE, THE PEOPLE!
Treason of Mike Pence, Rod Rosenstein and Paul Ryan. A coup to invoke the 25th Amendment on Trump. See Q posts. Search by using; 25th.
FYI; 1) Lin Wood gives the impression that he can take many punches. I would say his 'intel' comes from Mike Flynn directly who still maintains his secret clearances. level. 2) Mike Flynn is reported to be the messenger/creator of Q. Many of Flynn's statements and public speeches parallel with Q posts (language, terminology, usage of words and phrases, etc with direct Q posts). 3) Since Flynn was pardoned by Trump, we have not had any Q posts; since 12/2020. 4) Now we refer back to Q posts for current events being played out (future proves past - albeit incrypted).
Treason of Mike Pence, Rod Rosenstein and Paul Ryan. A coup to invoke the 25th Amendment on Trump. See Q posts. Search by using; 25th.