If you want to label a particular alien that came to earth during a particular period in middle eastern history as Nephilim, that’s fine with me.
But don’t tell me that all the aliens that have ever come to earth are Nephilim or watchers, etc. There’s no reason to expect that the Bible explains the aliens described by Central or South American cultures.
Do you want to call a particular alien “a fallen angel” because they were sent here by something ancient people called a “god”. Don’t call me an heathen, if I tell you that it’s possible that some those aliens may have been inter-dimensional beings using technologies still well beyond our understanding.
If you’re going to continue this conversation and tell us that the earth is flat and covered by magical glass dome, etc. please just fuck right off.
If you want to label a particular alien that came to earth during a particular period in middle eastern history as Nephilim, that’s fine with me.
But don’t tell me that all the aliens that have ever come to earth are Nephilim or watchers, etc. There’s no reason to expect that the Bible explains the aliens experiences described by Central or South American cultures.
Do you want to call a particular alien “a fallen angel” because they were sent here by something ancient people called a “god”. Don’t call me an heathen, if I tell you that it’s possible that some those aliens may have been inter-dimensional beings using technologies still well beyond our understanding.
If you’re going to continue this conversation and tell us that the earth is flat and covered by magical glass dome, etc. please just fuck right off.
If you want to label a particular alien that came to earth during a particular period in middle eastern history as Nephilim, that’s fine with me.
But don’t tell me that all the aliens that have ever come to earth are Nephilim or watchers, etc. There’s no reason to expect that the Bible explains the aliens experiences described by Central or South American cultures.
Do you want to call a particular alien “a fallen angel” because they were sent here by something ancient people called a “god”. Don’t call me an heathen, if I tell you that it’s possible that those aliens were inter-dimensional beings with technologies still well beyond our understanding.
If you’re going to continue this conversation and tell us that the earth is flat and covered by magical glass dome, etc. please just fuck right off.
If you want to label a particular alien that came to earth during a particular period in history as Nephilim that’s fine with me.
But don’t tell me that all aliens that I’ve ever come to earth are Nephilim or watchers, etc.
Do you want to call a particular alien a fallen angel because they were sent here by some thing we call a god. Don’t call me an idiot if I tell you that it’s possible that those aliens are inter-dimensional beings.