I'm going to point out that this is an area that we might be able to get some advantage in. Almost all political movements like this on the left are money laundering schemes. What would happen if a right wing organization raised money like this and then actually put it back into the community like they say the would? Like say a pro 2nd Amendment group funding court cases to get pro 2A precedent passed.
You see this will be an issue that plagues the left and will continue to be to their detriment. What happens when you team up with weak, greedy and moral-less people? You get grifted by people like BLM. In essence the left doesn't have legitimate political action. It has paid actors pushing an agenda created in a think tank board room. They're all Chicom cut throats with no allegiance to anyone but themselves. Eventually normies will wake up to that.
The fact is that BLM fund raised for the Dems and these mansions are Culler's pay off for her acting role. What really happening in the street with BLM is that they have all of these disorganized, disparate groups roaming around black neighborhoods and the downtowns of liberal cities. That 1.4 million dollar house could buy vans to carry your people around, That 590k house could have been used to take care of your wounded after a riot you incited. Any political strategists could have told you that. The only time you buy property during a political movement is to quarter your troops, prevent inflation of your funds or to launder money.
The Neo-Cons in the Republican party are not different. One of the things I'm happy about in the Patriot wing of the party. We're actually coming up with legitimate political action. We need more of it though. I think we need to re-organize the Republican party based on the parts of the Constitution we're fighting for. For example;
The 1A branch is in charge of pursuing 1A action in defense of religion, free speech, assembly, and press. Project Veritas for example would fall under this. By the way give a little to Project Veritas. O'Keefe is fired up and ready to take back free speech for this country.
The 2A branch is for anti-gun control legislation and court precedent.
The 3A, 4A, 5A and 9A (The 21) branches pursue property rights cases.
the 5A, 6A, 7A and 8A (The 26) branches of the party would focus efforts on the rights of citizens in court.
The 9A and 10A (The 19) branches would focus on states rights.
Imagine if we organized like the Left but didn't grift like the RINOs. We'd have the country fixed up in no time.
I'm going to point out that this is an area that we might be able to get some advantage in. Almost all political movements like this on the left are money laundering schemes. What would happen if a right wing organization raised money like this and then actually put it back into the community like they say the would. Like say a pro 2nd Amendment group funding court cases to get pro 2A precedent passed.
You see this will be an issue that plagues the left and will continue to be to their detriment. What happens when you team up with weak, greedy and moral-less people? You get grifted by people like BLM. In essence the left doesn't have legitimate political action. It has paid actors pushing an agenda created in a think tank board room. They're all Chicom cut throats with no allegiance to anyone but themselves. Eventually normies will wake up to that.
The fact is that BLM fund raised for the Dems and these mansions are Culler's pay off for her acting role. What really happening in the street with BLM is that they have all of these disorganized, disparate groups roaming around black neighborhoods and the downtowns of liberal cities. That 1.4 million dollar house could buy vans to carry your people around, That 590k house could have been used to take care of your wounded after a riot you incited. Any political strategists could have told you that. The only time you buy property during a political movement is to quarter your troops, prevent inflation of your funds or to launder money.
The Neo-Cons in the Republican party are not different. One of the things I'm happy about in the Patriot wing of the party. We're actually coming up with legitimate political action. We need more of it though. I think we need to re-organize the Republican party based on the parts of the Constitution we're fighting for. For example;
The 1A branch is in charge of pursuing 1A action in defense of religion, free speech, assembly, and press. Project Veritas for example would fall under this. By the way give a little to Project Veritas. O'Keefe is fired up and ready to take back free speech for this country.
The 2A branch is for anti-gun control legislation and court precedent.
The 3A, 4A, 5A and 9A (The 21) branches pursue property rights cases.
the 5A, 6A, 7A and 8A (The 26) branches of the party would focus efforts on the rights of citizens in court.
The 9A and 10A (The 19) branches would focus on states rights.
Imagine if we organized like the Left but didn't grift like the RINOs. We'd have the country fixed up in no time.