Nothing wrong with a Peaceful Patriot Protest
To those brave 1-6-21 patriots who heeded the call, made the trek, and kept it civil and peaceful, hats off. You braved the weather and tremendous personal danger to gather and petition your government for a redress of grievances, as is your constitutionally guaranteed First Amendment right. You stood firm for the cause of liberty. You committed no violence upon anyone. You even respected the velvet ropes, like good citizens. One of you apparently died for your belief in the Constitution. You will forever be regarded as heroes by champions of freedom the world over.
From now on, Jan. 6 should be commemorated as Peaceful Patriot Protest Day.
There was no riot
There was no insurrection
There was no violence whatsoever by supporters of Q or Trump, who were the peacekeepers amid the violence of the criminal police and antifa terrorists
The left doesn't mind violence anyway, this is just a movie where a peaceful patriot protest is renamed a violent insurrection by a filthy lying news media
Nothing wrong with a Peaceful Patriot Protest
To those brave 1-6-21 patriots who heeded the call, made the trek, and kept it civil and peaceful, hats off. You braved the weather and tremendous personal danger to gather and petition your government for a redress of grievances, as is your constitutionally guaranteed First Amendment right. You stood firm for the cause of liberty. You committed no violence upon anyone. You even respected the velvet ropes, like good citizens. One of you apparently died for your belief in the Constitution. You will forever be regarded as heroes by champions of freedom the world over.
From now on, Jan. 6 should be commemorated as Peaceful Patriot Protest Day.
There was no riot
There was no insurrection
There was no violence whatsoever by supporters of Q or Trump, who were the peacekeepers amid the violence of the police and antifa terrorists
The left doesn't mind violence anyway, this is just a movie where a peaceful patriot protest is renamed a violent insurrection by a filthy lying news media
Nothing wrong with a Peaceful Patriot Protest
To those brave patriots who heeded the call, made the trek, and kept it civil and peaceful, hats off. You will forever be regarded as heroes by champions of freedom the world over.
There was no riot
There was no insurrection
There was no violence whatsoever by supporters of Q or Trump, who were the peacekeepers amid the violence of the police and antifa terrorists
The left doesn't mind violence anyway, this is just a movie where a peaceful patriot protest is renamed a violent insurrection by a filthy lying news media