the Bill Maher story about the cannibal women is in the Survival guide to the future edition of George Magazine, which also featured Bill Gates, and a fictional story called Elder Skelter.
which was about a crisis with the elderly, Quebec, AND the maritime. the story also mentioned 'time defiers' ...evergreen??
And a group of people called Yers, which is like Q's drop about the cult who runs the world.
all from 24 years ago?...
Also, the author Harry Turtledove, hates DJT and has written a lot of 'alternate' fiction about him and JFK jr.
the Bill Maher story about the cannibal women is in the Survival guide to the future edition of George Magazine, which also featured Bill Gates, and a fictional story called Elder Skelter.
which was about a crisis with the elderly, Quebec, AND the maritime. the story also mentioned 'time defiers' ...evergreen??
And a group of people called Yers, which is like Q's drop about the cult who runs the world. all from 24 years ago?...
Also, the author Harry Turtledove, hates DJT and has written a lot of 'alternate' fiction about him.