I must have been doing dumb college stuff. I don't recall this. I looked up some footage & how the actual FK does someone not look at this & think "RITUAL".... Their (deepstate) arrogance is absolutely disgusting. To flaunt this vile filth in our faces...
... And to think that we willing accept it/clap. Fuckers probably gave that shit show a round of applause.
These sick bastards leading this satanic filth need to be tossed into the lake of fire already.
I must have been doing dumb college stuff. I don't recall this. I looked up some footage & how the actual FK does someone not look at this & think "RITUAL".... Their (deepstate) arrogance is absolutely disgusting. To flaunt this vile filth in our faces...
... And to think of we willing accept it/clap. Fuckers probably gave that shit show a round of applause.
These sick bastards leading this satanic filth need to be tossed into the lake of fire already.