Those still in favor of trusting the plan and continuing the mission till the last second vote “I” Those in objection vote “nay” I will tally up the results in the house of GA.WIN representatives And release the results in a couple hours . Update results so far: 32-0 in favor of holding the line.
Those still in favor of trusting the plan and continuing the mission till the last second vote “I” Those in objection vote “nay” I will tally up the results in the house of GA.WIN representatives And release the results in a couple hours .
Update results so far: 23-0 in favor of holding the line.
Those still in favor of trusting the plan and continuing the mission till the last second vote “I” Those in objection vote “nay” I will tally up the results in the house of GA.WIN representatives And release the results in a couple hours .
Update results so far: 23-0 in favor of holding the line
Those still in favor of trusting the plan and continuing the mission till the last second vote “I” Those in objection vote “nay” I will tally up the results in the house of GA.WIN representatives And release the results in a couple hours .