I don't think you have any idea of how lousy the reception was of the average American television set in the 1960s, even an expensive large set in a house right next to the broadcast tower. Even if this youtuber's assertions are true (and I don't think they are, since it's been "enhanced" by him), nobody's subconscience let alone actual consciousness would have been able to pick it out amidst the 525 scanlines of 30fps interlaced NTSC "snow" noise pixels the size of pencil-erasers.
I don't think you have any idea of how lousy the reception was of the average American television set in the 1960s, even an expensive large set in a house right next to the broadcast tower. Even if this youtuber's assertions are true (and I don't think they are, since it's been "enhanced" by him), nobody's subconscience let alone actual consciousness would have been able to pick it out amidst the 525 canlines of 30fps interlaced NTSC "snow" noise pixels the size of pencil-erasers.