ive been watching this off & on since this morn. so awesome! thank you fren. seriously EVERYONE should see this. strangely enough, i had to drive by my local Mason "family lodge" on the way somewhere today. i totally just stared at it after seeing a few hours of this RIGHT beforehand!! then i remembered it was actually my voting location. haven't lived here long so i don't always remember what is where. i remember it being creepy AF inside. weeeeeeeeeird.
ive been watching this off & on since this morn. so awesome! thank you fren. seriously EVERYONE should see this. strangely enough, i had to drive by my local Mason "family lodge" on the way somewhere today. i totally just stared at it after seeing a few hours of this RIGHT beforehand!! then i remembered it was actually my voting location. i remember it being creepy AF inside. weeeeeeeeeird.
ive been watching this off & on since this morn. so awesome! thank you fren. seriously EVERYONE should see this.