I think he's coked out. His pupils are dilated and huge, making his eyes look black. COKE EYES:
White Supremacy? FUCK-OFF!
The endless war on terror that the administration creates is good business and laundering money to the 1%. People are dying for the 1% to get more power and more money. They're a bottomless pit. They will never be satisfied or have enough.
I think he's coked out. His pupils are dilated and huge, making his eyes look black.
White Supremacy? FUCK-OFF!
The endless war on terror that the administration creates is good business and laundering money to the 1%. People are dying for the 1% to get more power and more money. They're a bottomless pit. They will never be satisfied or have enough.
I think he's coked out. His pupils are dilated and huge, making his eyes look black. COKE EYES: https://cdn1.img.sputniknews.com/img/106476/02/1064760213_0:196:1280:888_1000x541_80_0_0_a8c97ce58684b96f9ae272296fd2f650.jpg
White Supremacy? FUCK-OFF!
The endless war on terror that the administration creates is good business and laundering money to the 1%. People are dying for the 1% to get more power and more money. They're a bottomless pit. They will never be satisfied or have enough.
I think he's coked out. His pupils are dilated and huge, making his eyes look black.