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Reason: None provided.

I'm a Navy Vet. Let me first say this: there is NO CHANCE IN HELL that ANY one military can take us on and win. Not even 2 or 3 banded together. It would take a coalition of forces to defeat us. Period. ESPECIALLY on/in/over the waters. Trump's not lying when he says we have the MOST technologically, MOST powerful military on the planet, in mankind's history. We literally OWN the oceans. TOTAL and COMPLETE Freedom of Navigation.

Now, as far as Electronic Warfare is concerned, the U.S. Navy IS THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE ON THE PLANET. I've seen onen EA-6B Prowler shut down Seattle, complete and total blackout. I've seen them only turn off lights in one room of one house on one city block. I've also seen them operate garage door openers and activate/deactivate alarm systems... AT WILL. And they could communicate anywhere, with anyone on the planet at any given time. And all of that was in 96-98 when I was with USS NIMITZ before going to EOD School. I've seen them shut down whole cities overseas, shut down boats, melt down radar facilities (literally melt the radar antennae and fry all electronics in those facilities), burn out comms equipment, and immobilize convoys. I've seen them fly right through radar/SAM fields and destroy each and every radar/SAM site without so much as one SAM leaving the launcher. Didn't matter if they were "shielded."

And that was before the E/A-18 Growler.

From what I've heard about it, the E/A-18 can do all of that, and more. May even be able to carry air based lasers and masers. Just one E/A-18 can shut down a Carrier Battle Group. And we send a whole Growler squadron (10-12 planes) out on every Carrier we have. And we have loads of carriers.

If this story is true, we just made Chyna's Navy look like a backwater canoe club. And we just destroyed their Navy without ever firing a shot, because there's NO WAY [they] could possibly win with issues like Liaoning looming. [they] wouldn't stand even half a chance against the U S. Navy now. Not that [they] could to begin with, but we can literally defeat [their] entire fleet without ever having to fire a shot now, if this story's true.

And if Chyna's using some antiquated technology that originally came from us, then it's certain we can defeat it, bcause we don't give anything to any other country without knowing how to defeat it first.

The article said Chyna sources it's gear from other places. Before [HRC] became SoS, they usually got their ideas from watching surveillance footage or by working back alley deals with some of our allies for certain gear, and then reverse engineering the rest to get a facsimile of what we have. It would make sense that with their backdoor access to her server(s), they would've been able to get their eyea on some of our older Naval Aviation tech. The shit we don't use anymore. The shit we'd know how to defeat without ever firing a shot. The kind of shit that was just fried on Liaoning. And the shit that just one E/A-18 Growler would be able to defeat without much trouble, and without anyone even knowing it was there.

3 years ago
2 score
Reason: None provided.

I'm a Navy Vet. Let me first say this: there is NO CHANCE IN HELL that ANY one military can take us on and win. Not even 2 or 3 banded together. It would take a coalition of forces to defeat us. Period. ESPECIALLY on/in/over the waters. Trump's not lying when he says we have the MOST technologically, MOST powerful military on the planet, in mankind's history. We literally OWN the oceans. TOTAL and COMPLETE Freedom of Navigation.

Now, as far as Electronic Warfare is concerned, the U.S. Navy IS THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE ON THE PLANET. I've seen onen EA-6B Prowler shut down Seattle, complete and total blackout. I've seen them only turn off lights in one room of one house on one city block. I've also seen them operate garage door openers and activate/deactivate alarm systems... AT WILL. And they could communicate anywhere, with anyone on the planet at any given time. And all of that was in 96-98 when I was with USS NIMITZ before going to EOD School. I've seen them shut down whole cities overseas, shut down boats, melt down radar facilities (literally melt the radar antennae and fry all electronics in those facilities), burn out comms equipment, and immobilize convoys. I've seen them fly right through radar/SAM fields and destroy each and every radar/SAM site without so much as one SAM leaving the launcher. Didn't matter if they were "shielded."

And that was before the E/A-18 Growler.

From what I've heard about it, the E/A-18 can do all of that, and more. May even be able to carry air based lasers and masers. Just one E/A-18 can shut down a Carrier Battle Group. And we send a whole Growler squadron (10-12 planes) out on every Carrier we have. And we have loads of carriers.

If this story is true, we just made Chyna's Navy look like a backwater canoe club. And we just destroyed their Navy without ever firing a shot, because there's NO WAY [they] could possibly win with issues like Liaoning looming. [they] wouldn't stand even half a chance against the U S. Navy now. Not that [they] could to begin with, but we can literally defeat [their] entire fleet without ever having to fire a shot now, if this story's true.

And if Chyna's using some antiquated technology that originally came from us, then it's certain we can defeat it, bcause we don't give anything to any other country without knowing how to defeat it first.

The article said Chyna sources it's gear from other places. Before [HRC] became SoS, they usually got their ideas from watching surveillance footage or by working back alley deals with some of our allies for certain gear, and then reverse engineering the rest to get a facsimile of what we have. It would make sense that with their backdoor access to her server(s), they would've been able to get their ey a on some of our older Naval Aviation tech. The shit we don't use anymore. The suit we'd know how to defeat without ever firing a shot. The kind of shit that was just fried. And the kind of tech that the E/A-18 Growler would be able to defeat without much trouble.

3 years ago
2 score
Reason: Original

I'm a Navy Vet. Let me first say this: there is NO CHANCE IN HELL that ANY one military can take us on and win. Not even 2 or 3 banded together. It would take a coalition of forces to defeat us. Period. ESPECIALLY on/in/over the waters. Trump's not lying when he says we have the MOST technologically, MOST powerful military on the planet. We literally OWN the oceans. TOTAL and COMPLETE Freedom of Navigation.

Now, as far as Electronic Warfare is concerned, the U.S. Navy IS THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE ON THE PLANET. I've seen on EA-6B Prowler shut down Seattle, complete and total blackout. I've s seen them only turn off lights in one room of one house on one city block. I've also seen them operate garage door openers and activate/deactivate alarm systems... AT WILL. And all of that was in 96-98 when I was with USS NIMITZ befor going to EOD School. I've seen them shut down whole cities overseas, shut down boats, melt down radar facilities (literally melt the radar antennae and fry all electronics in those facilities), burn out comms equipment, and immobilize convoys. Didn't matter if they were "shielded." And that was before the E/A-18 Growler.

From what I've heard about it, the E/A-18 can do all of that, and more. May even be able to carry so based lasers and masers. Just one E/A-18 can shut down a Carrier Battle Group. And we send a whole Growler squadron (10-12 planes) out on every Carrier we have. And we have loads of them.

If this story is true, we just made Chyna's Navy look like a backwater canoe club. And we just destroyed their Navy without ever firing a shot, because there's NO WAY [they] could possibly win with issues like Liaoning looming. [they] wouldn't stand even half a chance against the U S. Navy now.

3 years ago
1 score