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Ever since yesterday's "inauguration", I've seen many on here expressing major gloom and doom sentiments. And while I for one outright REFUSE to believe that the majority of them are coming from legitimate Great Awakening enthusiasts, I'll entertain that possibility regardless for but a moment, here.

So, playing the Devil's Advocate for a bit, what's the worst possible thing that could have possibly happened in here? That Q turned out to be a LARP as many warned us and that Donald Trump played US all like a fiddle? That's it right???

That's like ALL you really even got? Because if that's the full case, then, I'm afraid to say here, that you missed the whole POINT of the Great Fucking Awakening.

So let me break this all down for y'all point by point real QUICK...

ONE: Q simply CANNOT be a Deep State LARP because that would be, quite frankly, the Stupidest. Fucking. Idea. EVER.

Because firstly, our Deep State And Friends were doing absolutely fine without more than half the world knowing about their messed up, Satanic shit in literal Minute. Fucking. DETAIL. Which they then literally exacerbated tonfold by censoring that whole shit like crazy (leading to even more mass awakenings, courtesy of the Streisand Effect), and then, talking about the whole thing via Every. Fucking. Media. Outlet. On. The. Darn. Planet. Their 'Predictive Programming' is extremely subtle in a blink-and-you-miss-it sort of manner. The Q movement, if it was indeed their idea, would be outright stupid AF (and Deep State And Friends are NOT that stupid, folks).

To add to their woes, even NORMIES all over the world are now aware of such ideas such as 'A Satanic Cabal of Cannibalistic Paedophiles'. Not exactly the Deep State's pipe dream, that. Even YouTube searches for "Qanon" bring up entire Wikipedia articles "debunking" the whole idea. So now, you do the math.

TWO: If the above point is true, and it very much so is, then it means that Q is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT LEGIT. And if Q is legit, then what Q is saying about Donald Trump is ALSO VERY MUCH SO LEGIT. AND If Q is legit, then, it also means that "TRUST THE PLAN" is 100% LEGIT.

Furthermore, there's SO. MANY. FUCKING. EVIDENCES. (and "coincidences") pertaining to this whole thing that it simply CANNOT be a hoax or a LARP One. Darn. Fucking. BIT. I'm sure you saw the 17 flags yesterday. Or Trump very CLEARLY etching the letter "Q" in the air multiple times ON VIDEO. And oh so, so, so much more.

Well beyond all of that even, the GREATEST Evidence of its TRUTH is the mainstream media's sheer OBSESSION with all of us Qtards, all DESPITE their man already having been "elected". Or their interminable obsession with bringing down Trump even NOW. (He's GONE now. So why do they even care, at this point?) Or the sheer amount of ATTENTION that "Qanon" is getting even NOW literally all across their news media outlets and shit. And that kind of attention costs BIG MONEY, and even above that, a damn fucking good REASON.

Please remember that your media's primary job right now is to spark up wars, terrorist incidents, racial violence, and fearmonger their asses off about this whole COVID-19 thingy. And yet, they're STILL spending their VALUABLE ON-AIR MINUTES (HOURS???) talking about Q (of all things). Now that's (extremely!) quite unlike them.

And, speaking of "quite unlikes", it is QUITE UNLIKE Donald Trump to stay quiet and leave office all nicely and silently after he was CHEATED, DEFAMED, AND CENSORED RUTHLESSLY to rub some o' that extra salt on his wounds (you've seen how he's usually even LIKE on his Twitter, right?). The man's already risked his life FULL OUT by taking on Deep State And Friends directly by their fucking horns. So he's most definitely NOT doing this shit out of the fear of SHIT. He burnt that one particular bridge back long, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong back with those ones.

Also speaking all the more of even MORE "quite unlikes", the whole military presence around DC (that somehow just keeps INCREASING by the day for SOME weird reason), ANTIFA going rogue outta nowhere (the fuck???), and like COUNTLESS other things that aren't adding up (or adding up SURPRISINGLY WELL once you read Qs "prophecies")... the TRUTH is rather obvious, here. And that is: SOONER OR LATER, SHIT'S GOING DOWN.

So, you see, there's LITERAL ZERO REASONS for shills and "doomers" to show up on here even fucking NOW. Who even bothers (or has the sheer will, time, energy, and, above all, INTEREST and PATIENCE) to kick a dead horse over and over and over and over and all OVER again? (Unless???)

So let me now conclude this whole thing with what is THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE **of this ENTIRE FUCKING POST: And that is. even if we were to somehow (retardedly) "assume" that Q is a LARP and that everything that we have been seeing and hearing and learning (with PILES UPON PILES of UNDENIABLE evidence, that too) so far, is, somehow the greatest troll job in history, YOUR AWAKENING IS, NEVERTHELESS, 100% R-E-A-L.

For the Satanic Cabal is very REAL. Their dark rituals are so very much so REAL. Child Trafficking is REAL. Child abuse and torture is very much so REAL. Cannibalism is very, very, REAL. Pizzagate is super REAL. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are very much so REAL. Spirit Cooking is REAL. Hillary's email scandal is REAL. Obamagate is REAL. The whole COVID scam is very, very, REAL. Wayfairgate is REAL. Voter Fraud (be it in the US Elections or within the Scottish Referendum) is very much so REAL. And last but by NO MEANS the least, UNRESTRAINED CENSORSHIP and THOUGHT POLICING are very, very, VERY MUCH SO REAL --- just look the fuck around you for fucksakes, jeez.

So, make no mistake here, YOUR Great Awakening VERY MUCH SO HAPPENED. No "LARPs" there! It is, very, very, VERY. REAL.

And, in the meantime, our Planetary Great Awakening is also, very much so, HAPPENING EVEN AS YOU READ THIS VERY PIECE OF TEXT.

And last, and the very BEST-EST part of it all, you are NOW a part of a MASSIVE GLOBAL COMMUNITY. In fact, an INCREDIBLY INTELLIGENT, AWAKE, AND TRULY LOVING GLOBAL FAMILY, that is bloody HELL BENT ON NIPPING ALL OF THIS INSANITY RIGHT IN THE BUD, --- Q or NO Q. --- Trump or NO TRUMP., and ONCE AND FOR ALL, at that.

So yeah, NOT A SINGLE FUCKING SECOND of your precious Facebook-ing time has been "wasted" by this movement because you became an Anon, a Patriot, or a Qtard. You, in fact, are the very FRONTRUNNER of a WORLDWIDE AWAKENING MOVEMENT that will one day be the very stuff of not just History, but mother fucking LEGENDS, don't you ever, ever, EVER forget this! For you very much so are a person, who, with actions as (purportedly) "insignificant" as meme-ing and shit...are, quite literally so, CHANGING THE WHOLE WORLD FOR GOOD. And this is SO NOT an exaggeration in the very slightest, my dearest fellow Anon / Patriot / Qtard.

So get fucking REAL, and ENJOY the fucking SHOW. WWG1WGA.

EDIT: By the way, if Q was indeed so a troll or a "LARP", then I GENUINELY and SINCERELY applaud the fuck outta them and straight up bow down in admiration of their God-tier trolling skills and techniques. Because by God if this isn't the very GREATEST trolling attempt to have EVER been known to man, if such is INDEED the case (and which we all know for a FACT now, isn't). Even makes Rick Roll look like a child's prank, ya know. So then, I'll give 'em credit where credit's due coz they bloody darn well fuckin' woulda EARNED IT. Endofstory.

3 years ago
61 score
Reason: unable to view text

text error

3 years ago
61 score
Reason: Typos were fixed today.

Ever since yesterday's "inauguration", I've seen many on here expressing major gloom and doom sentiments. And while I for one outright REFUSE to believe that the majority of them are coming from legitimate Great Awakening enthusiasts, I'll entertain that possibility regardless for but a moment, here.

So, playing the Devil's Advocate for a bit, what's the worst possible thing that could have possibly happened in here? That Q turned out to be a LARP as many warned us and that Donald Trump played US all like a fiddle? That's it right???

That's ALL you really even got? Because if that's the full case, then, I'm afraid to say here, that you missed the whole POINT of the Great Fucking Awakening.

So let me break this all down for y'all point by point...

ONE: Q simply CANNOT be a Deep State LARP because that would be, quite frankly, the Stupidest. Fucking. Idea. EVER.

Because firstly, our Deep State And Friends were doing absolutely fine without more than half the world knowing about their messed up, Satanic shit in literal Minute. Fucking. DETAIL. Which they then literally exacerbated tonfold by censoring that whole shit like crazy (leading to even more mass awakenings, courtesy of the Streisand Effect), and then, talking about the whole thing via Every. Fucking. Media. Outlet. On. The. Darn. Planet. Their 'Predictive Programming' is extremely subtle in a blink-and-you-miss-it sort of manner. The Q movement, if it was indeed their idea, would be outright stupid AF (and Deep State And Friends are NOT that stupid, folks).

Even NORMIES all over the world are now aware of such ideas such as 'A Satanic Cabal of Cannibalistic Paedophiles'. Not exactly the Deep State's pipe dream, that. Even YouTube searches for "Qanon" bring up entire Wikipedia articles "debunking" the whole idea. So now, you do the math.

TWO: If the above point is true, and it very much so is, then it means that Q is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT LEGIT. And if Q is legit, then what Q is saying about Donald Trump is ALSO VERY MUCH SO LEGIT. AND If Q is legit, then, it also means that "TRUST THE PLAN" is 100% LEGIT.

Furthermore, there's SO. MANY. FUCKING. EVIDENCES. (and "coincidences") pertaining to this whole thing that it simply CANNOT be a hoax or a LARP One. Darn. Fucking. BIT. I'm sure you saw the 17 flags yesterday. Or Trump very CLEARLY etching the letter "Q" in the air multiple times ON VIDEO. And oh so, so, so much more.

Well beyond all of that even, the GREATEST Evidence of its TRUTH is the mainstream media's sheer OBSESSION with all of us Qtards, all DESPITE their man already having been "elected". Or their interminable obsession with bringing down Trump even NOW. (He's GONE now. So why do they even care, at this point?) Or the sheer amount of ATTENTION that "Qanon" is getting even NOW literally all across their news media outlets and shit. And that kind of attention costs BIG MONEY, and even above that, a damn fucking good REASON.

Please remember that your media's primary job right now is to spark up wars, terrorist incidents, racial violence, and fearmonger their asses off about this whole COVID-19 thingy. And yet, they're STILL spending their VALUABLE ON-AIR MINUTES (HOURS???) talking about Q (of all things). Now that's (extremely!) quite unlike them.

And, speaking of "quite unlikes", it is QUITE UNLIKE Donald Trump to stay quiet and leave office all nicely and silently after he was CHEATED, DEFAMED, AND CENSORED RUTHLESSLY to rub some o' that extra salt on his wounds (you've seen how he's usually even LIKE on his Twitter, right?). The man's already risked his life FULL OUT by taking on Deep State And Friends directly by their fucking horns. So he's most definitely NOT doing this shit out of the fear of SHIT. He burnt that one particular bridge back long, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong back with those ones.

Also speaking all the more of even MORE "quite unlikes", the whole military presence around DC (that somehow just keeps INCREASING by the day for SOME weird reason), ANTIFA going rogue outta nowhere (the fuck???), and like COUNTLESS other things that aren't adding up (or adding up SURPRISINGLY WELL once you read Qs "prophecies")... the TRUTH is rather obvious, here. And that is: SOONER OR LATER, SHIT'S GOING DOWN.

So, you see, there's LITERAL ZERO REASONS for shills and "doomers" to show up on here even fucking NOW. Who even bothers (or has the sheer will, time, energy, and, above all, INTEREST and PATIENCE) to kick a dead horse over and over and over and over and all OVER again? (Unless???)

So let me now conclude this whole thing with what is THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE **of this ENTIRE FUCKING POST: And that is. even if we were to somehow (retardedly) "assume" that Q is a LARP and that everything that we have been seeing and hearing and learning (with PILES UPON PILES of UNDENIABLE evidence, that too) so far, is, somehow the greatest troll job in history, YOUR AWAKENING IS, NEVERTHELESS, 100% R-E-A-L.

For the Satanic Cabal is very REAL. Their dark rituals are so very much so REAL. Child Trafficking is REAL. Child abuse and torture is very much so REAL. Cannibalism is very, very, REAL. Pizzagate is super REAL. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are very much so REAL. Spirit Cooking is REAL. Hillary's email scandal is REAL. Obamagate is REAL. The whole COVID scam is very, very, REAL. Wayfairgate is REAL. Voter Fraud (be it in the US Elections or within the Scottish Referendum) is very much so REAL. And last but by NO MEANS the least, UNRESTRAINED CENSORSHIP and THOUGHT POLICING are very, very, VERY MUCH SO REAL --- just look the fuck around you for fucksakes, jeez.

So, make no mistake here, YOUR Great Awakening VERY MUCH SO HAPPENED. No "LARPs" there! It is, very, very, VERY. REAL.

And, in the meantime, our Planetary Great Awakening is also, very much so, HAPPENING EVEN AS YOU READ THIS VERY PIECE OF TEXT.

And last, and the very BEST-EST part of it all, you are NOW a part of a MASSIVE GLOBAL COMMUNITY. In fact, an INCREDIBLY INTELLIGENT, AWAKE, AND TRULY LOVING GLOBAL FAMILY, that is bloody HELL BENT ON NIPPING ALL OF THIS INSANITY RIGHT IN THE BUD, --- Q or NO Q. --- Trump or NO TRUMP., and ONCE AND FOR ALL, at that.

So yeah, NOT A SINGLE FUCKING SECOND of your precious Facebook-ing time has been "wasted" by this movement because you became an Anon, a Patriot, or a Qtard. You, in fact, are the very FRONTRUNNER of a WORLDWIDE AWAKENING MOVEMENT that will one day be the very stuff of not just History, but mother fucking LEGENDS, don't you ever, ever, EVER forget this! For you very much so are a person, who, with actions as (purportedly) "insignificant" as meme-ing and shit...are, quite literally so, CHANGING THE WHOLE WORLD FOR GOOD. And this is SO NOT an exaggeration in the very slightest, my dearest fellow Anon / Patriot / Qtard.

So get fucking REAL, and ENJOY the fucking SHOW.


EDIT: By the way, if Q was indeed so a troll or a "LARP", then I GENUINELY and SINCERELY applaud the fuck outta them and straight up bow down in admiration of their God-tier trolling skills and techniques. Because by God if this isn't the very GREATEST trolling attempt to have EVER been known to man, if such is INDEED the case (and which we all know for a FACT now, isn't). Even makes Rick Roll look like a child's prank, ya know. So then, I'll give 'em credit where credit's due coz they bloody darn well fuckin' woulda EARNED IT. Endofstory.

3 years ago
61 score
Reason: Typos

Ever since yesterday's "inauguration", I've seen many on here expressing major gloom and doom sentiments. And while I for one outright REFUSE to believe that the majority of them are coming from legitimate Great Awakening enthusiasts, I'll entertain that possibility regardless for but a moment, here.

So, playing the Devil's Advocate for a bit, what's the worst possible thing that could have possibly happened in here? That Q turned out to be a LARP as many warned us and that Donald Trump played US all like a fiddle? That's it right???

That's ALL you really even got? Because if that's the full case, then, I'm afraid to say here, that you missed the whole POINT of the Great Fucking Awakening.

So let me break this all down for y'all point by point...

ONE: Q simply CANNOT be a Deep State LARP because that would be, quite frankly, the Stupidest. Fucking. Idea. EVER.

Because firstly, our Deep State And Friends were doing absolutely fine without more than half the world knowing about their messed up, Satanic shit in literal Minute. Fucking. DETAIL. Which they then literally exacerbated tonfold by censoring that whole shit like crazy (leading to even more mass awakenings, courtesy of the Streisand Effect), and then, talking about the whole thing via Every. Fucking. Media. Outlet. On. The. Darn. Planet. Their 'Predictive Programming' is extremely subtle in a blink-and-you-miss-it sort of manner. The Q movement, if it was indeed their idea, would be outright stupid AF (and Deep State And Friends are NOT that stupid, folks).

Even NORMIES all over the world are now aware of such ideas such as 'A Satanic Cabal of Cannibalistic Paedophiles'. Not exactly the Deep State's pipe dream, that. Even YouTube searches for "Qanon" bring up entire Wikipedia articles "debunking" the whole idea. So now, you do the math.

TWO: If the above point is true, and it very much so is, then it means that Q is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT LEGIT. And if Q is legit, then what Q is saying about Donald Trump is ALSO VERY MUCH SO LEGIT. AND If Q is legit, then, it also means that "TRUST THE PLAN" is 100% LEGIT.

Furthermore, there's SO. MANY. FUCKING. EVIDENCES. (and "coincidences") pertaining to this whole thing that it simply CANNOT be a hoax or a LARP One. Darn. Fucking. BIT. I'm sure you saw the 17 flags yesterday. Or Trump very CLEARLY etching the letter "Q" in the air multiple times ON VIDEO. And oh so, so, so much more.

Well beyond all of that even, the GREATEST Evidence of its TRUTH is the mainstream media's sheer OBSESSION with all of us Qtards, all DESPITE their man already having been "elected". Or their interminable obsession with bringing down Trump even NOW. (He's GONE now. So why do they even care, at this point?) Or the sheer amount of ATTENTION that "Qanon" is getting even NOW literally all across their news media outlets and shit. And that kind of attention costs BIG MONEY, and even above that, a damn fucking good REASON.

Please remember that your media's primary job right now is to spark up wars, terrorist incidents, racial violence, and fearmonger their asses off about this whole COVID-19 thingy. And yet, they're STILL spending their VALUABLE ON-AIR MINUTES (HOURS???) talking about Q (of all things). Now that's (extremely!) quite unlike them.

And, speaking of "quite unlikes", it is QUITE UNLIKE Donald Trump to stay quiet and leave office all nicely and silently after he was CHEATED, DEFAMED, AND CENSORED RUTHLESSLY to rub some o' that extra salt on his wounds (you've seen how he's usually even LIKE on his Twitter, right?). The man's already risked his life FULL OUT by taking on Deep State And Friends directly by their fucking horns. So he's most definitely NOT doing this shit out of the fear of SHIT. He burnt that one particular bridge back long, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong back with those ones.

Also speaking all the more of even MORE "quite unlikes", the whole military presence around DC (that somehow just keeps INCREASING by the day for SOME weird reason), ANTIFA going rogue outta nowhere (the fuck???), and like COUNTLESS other things that aren't adding up (or adding up SURPRISINGLY WELL once you read Qs "prophecies")... the TRUTH is rather obvious, here. And that is: SOONER OR LATER, SHIT'S GOING DOWN.

So, you see, there's LITERAL ZERO REASONS for shills and "doomers" to show up on here even fucking NOW. Who even bothers (or has the sheer will, time, energy, and, above all, INTEREST and PATIENCE) to kick a dead horse over and over and over and over and all OVER again? (Unless???)

So let me now conclude this whole thing with what is THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE **of this ENTIRE FUCKING POST: And that is. even if we were to somehow (retardedly) "assume" that Q is a LARP and that everything that we have been seeing and hearing and learning (with PILES UPON PILES of UNDENIABLE evidence, that too) so far, is, somehow the greatest troll job in history, YOUR AWAKENING IS, NEVERTHELESS, 100% R-E-A-L.

For the Satanic Cabal is very REAL. Their dark rituals are so very much so REAL. Child Trafficking is REAL. Child abuse and torture is very much so REAL. Cannibalism is very, very, REAL. Pizzagate is super REAL. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are very much so REAL. Spirit Cooking is REAL. Hillary's email scandal is REAL. Obamagate is REAL. The whole COVID scam is very, very, REAL. Wayfairgate is REAL. Voter Fraud (be it in the US Elections or within the Scottish Referendum) is very much so REAL. And last but by NO MEANS the least, UNRESTRAINED CENSORSHIP and THOUGHT POLICING are very, very, VERY MUCH SO REAL --- just look the fuck around you for fucksakes, jeez.

So, make no mistake here, YOUR Great Awakening VERY MUCH SO HAPPENED. No "LARPs" there! It is, very, very, VERY. REAL.

And, in the meantime, our Planetary Great Awakening is also, very much so, HAPPENING EVEN AS YOU READ THIS VERY PIECE OF TEXT.

And last, and the very BEST-EST part of it all, you are NOW a part of a MASSIVE GLOBAL COMMUNITY. In fact, an INCREDIBLY INTELLIGENT, AWAKE, AND TRULY LOVING GLOBAL FAMILY, that is bloody HELL BENT ON NIPPING ALL OF THIS INSANITY RIGHT IN THE BUD, --- Q or NO Q. --- Trump or NO TRUMP., and ONCE AND FOR ALL, at that.

So yeah, NOT A SINGLE FUCKING SECOND of your precious Facebook-ing time has been "wasted" by this movement because you became an Anon, a Patriot, or a Qtard. You, in fact, are the very FRONTRUNNER of a WORLDWIDE AWAKENING MOVEMENT that will one day be the very stuff of not just History, but mother fucking LEGENDS, don't you ever, ever, EVER forget this! For you very much so are a person, who, with actions as (purportedly) "insignificant" as meme-ing and shit...are, quite literally so, CHANGING THE WHOLE WORLD FOR GOOD. And this is SO NOT an exaggeration in the very slightest, my dearest fellow Anon / Patriot / Qtard.

So get fucking REAL, and ENJOY the fucking SHOW.


EDIT: By the way, if Q was indeed so a troll or a "LARP", then I GENUINELY and SINCERELY applaud the fuck outta them and straight up bow down in admiration of their God-tier trolling skills and techniques. Because by God if this isn't the very GREATEST trolling attempt to have EVER been known to man, if such is INDEED the case (and which we all know for a FACT now, isn't). Even makes Rick Roll look like a child's prank, ya know. So then, I'll give 'em credit where credit's due coz they bloody darn well fuckin' EARNED IT. Endofstory.

3 years ago
61 score
Reason: Ultratypofix

Ever since yesterday's "inauguration", I've seen many on here expressing major gloom and doom sentiments. And while I for one outright REFUSE to believe that the majority of them are coming from legitimate Great Awakening enthusiasts, I'll entertain that possibility regardless for but a moment, here.

So, playing the Devil's Advocate for a bit, what's the worst possible thing that could have possibly happened in here? That Q turned out to be a LARP as many warned us and that Donald Trump played US all like a fiddle? That's it right???

That's ALL you really even got? Because if that's the full case, then, I'm afraid to say here, that you missed the whole POINT of the Great Fucking Awakening.

So let me break this all down for y'all point by point...

ONE: Q simply CANNOT be a Deep State LARP because that would be, quite frankly, the Stupidest. Fucking. Idea. EVER.

Because firstly, our Deep State And Friends were doing absolutely fine without more than half the world knowing about their messed up, Satanic shit in literal Minute. Fucking. DETAIL. Which they then literally exacerbated tonfold by censoring that whole shit like crazy (leading to even more mass awakenings, courtesy of the Streisand Effect), and then, talking about the whole thing via Every. Fucking. Media. Outlet. On. The. Darn. Planet. Their 'Predictive Programming' is extremely subtle in a blink-and-you-miss-it sort of manner. The Q movement, if it was indeed their idea, would be outright stupid AF (and Deep State And Friends are NOT that stupid, folks).

Even NORMIES all over the world are now aware of such ideas such as 'A Satanic Cabal of Cannibalistic Paedophiles'. Not exactly the Deep State's pipe dream, that. Even YouTube searches for "Qanon" bring up entire Wikipedia articles "debunking" the whole idea. So now, you do the math.

TWO: If the above point is true, and it very much so is, then it means that Q is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT LEGIT. And if Q is legit, then what Q is saying about Donald Trump is ALSO VERY MUCH SO LEGIT. AND If Q is legit, then, it also means that "TRUST THE PLAN" is 100% LEGIT.

Furthermore, there's SO. MANY. FUCKING. EVIDENCES. (and "coincidences") pertaining to this whole thing that it simply CANNOT be a hoax or a LARP One. Darn. Fucking. BIT. I'm sure you saw the 17 flags yesterday. Or Trump very CLEARLY etching the letter "Q" in the air multiple times ON VIDEO. And oh so, so, so much more.

Well beyond all of that even, the GREATEST Evidence of its TRUTH is the mainstream media's sheer OBSESSION with all of us Qtards, all DESPITE their man already having been "elected". Or their interminable obsession with bringing down Trump even NOW. (He's GONE now. So why do they even care, at this point?) Or the sheer amount of ATTENTION that "Qanon" is getting even NOW literally all across their news media outlets and shit. And that kind of attention costs BIG MONEY, and even above that, a damn fucking good REASON.

Please remember that your media's primary job right now is to spark up wars, terrorist incidents, racial violence, and fearmonger their asses off about this whole COVID-19 thingy. And yet, they're STILL spending their VALUABLE ON-AIR MINUTES (HOURS???) talking about Q (of all things). Now that's (extremely!) quite unlike them.

And, speaking of "quite unlikes", it is QUITE UNLIKE Donald Trump to stay quiet and leave office all nicely and silently after he was CHEATED, DEFAMED, AND CENSORED RUTHLESSLY to rub some o' that extra salt on his wounds (you've seen how he's usually even LIKE on his Twitter, right?). The man's already risked his life FULL OUT by taking on Deep State And Friends directly by their fucking horns. So he's most definitely NOT doing this shit out of the fear of SHIT. He burnt that one particular bridge back long, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong back with those ones.

Also speaking all the more of even MORE "quite unlikes", the whole military presence around DC (that somehow just keeps INCREASING by the day for SOME weird reason), ANTIFA going rogue outta nowhere (the fuck???), and like COUNTLESS other things that aren't adding up (or adding up SURPRISINGLY WELL once you read Qs "prophecies")... the TRUTH is rather obvious, here. And that is: SOONER OR LATER, SHIT'S GOING DOWN.

So, you see, there's LITERAL ZERO REASONS for shills and "doomers" to show up on here even fucking NOW. Who even bothers (or has the sheer will, time, energy, and, above all, INTEREST and PATIENCE) to kick a dead horse over and over and over and over and all OVER again? (Unless???)

So let me now conclude this whole thing with what is THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE **of this ENTIRE FUCKING POST: And that is. even if we were to somehow (retardedly) "assume" that Q is a LARP and that everything that we have been seeing and hearing and learning (with PILES UPON PILES of UNDENIABLE evidence, that too) so far, is, somehow the greatest troll job in history, YOUR AWAKENING IS, NEVERTHELESS, 100% R-E-A-L.

For the Satanic Cabal is very REAL. Their dark rituals are so very much so REAL. Child Trafficking is REAL. Child abuse and torture is very much so REAL. Cannibalism is very, very, REAL. Pizzagate is super REAL. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are very much so REAL. Spirit Cooking is REAL. Hillary's email scandal is REAL. Obamagate is REAL. The whole COVID scam is very, very, REAL. Wayfairgate is REAL. Voter Fraud (be it in the US Elections or within the Scottish Referendum) is very much so REAL. And last but by NO MEANS the least, UNRESTRAINED CENSORSHIP and THOUGHT POLICING are very, very, VERY MUCH SO REAL --- just look the fuck around you for fucksakes, jeez.

So, make no mistake here, YOUR Great Awakening VERY MUCH SO HAPPENED. No "LARPs" there! It is, very, very, VERY. REAL.

And, in the meantime, our Planetary Great Awakening is also, very much so, HAPPENING EVEN AS YOU READ THIS VERY PIECE OF TEXT.

And last, and the very BEST-EST part of it all, you are NOW a part of a MASSIVE GLOBAL COMMUNITY. In fact, an INCREDIBLY INTELLIGENT, AWAKE, AND TRULY LOVING GLOBAL FAMILY, that is bloody HELL BENT ON NIPPING ALL OF THIS INSANITY RIGHT IN THE BUD, --- Q or NO Q. --- Trump or NO TRUMP., and ONCE AND FOR ALL, at that.

So yeah, NOT A SINGLE FUCKING SECOND of your precious Facebook-ing time has been "wasted" by this movement because you became an Anon, a Patriot, or a Qtard. You, in fact, are the very FRONTRUNNER of a WORLDWIDE AWAKENING MOVEMENT that will one day be the very stuff of not just History, but mother fucking LEGENDS, don't you ever, ever, EVER forget this! For you very much so are a person, who, with actions as (purportedly) "insignificant" as meme-ing and shit...are, quite literally so, CHANGING THE WHOLE WORLD FOR GOOD. And this is SO NOT an exaggeration in the very slightest, my dearest fellow Anon / Patriot / Qtard.

So get fucking REAL, and ENJOY the fucking SHOW.


EDIT: By the way, if Q was indeed so a troll or a "LARP", then I GENUINELY and SINCERELY applaud the fuck outta them and straight up bow down in admiration of their God-tier trolling skills and techniques. Because by God if this isn't the very GREATEST trolling attempt to have EVER been known to man, if such is INDEED the case (and which we all know for a FACT now, isn't). Even makes Rick Roll look like a child's prank, ya know. So then, I'll give 'em credit where credit's due coz they bloody darn well fuckin' EARNED IT.

3 years ago
61 score
Reason: Typosuperfix

Ever since yesterday's "inauguration", I've seen many on here expressing major gloom and doom sentiments. And while I for one outright REFUSE to believe that the majority of them are coming from legitimate Great Awakening enthusiasts, I'll entertain that possibility regardless for but a moment, here.

So, playing the Devil's Advocate for a bit, what's the worst possible thing that could have possibly happened in here? That Q turned out to be a LARP as many warned us and that Donald Trump played US all like a fiddle? That's it right???

That's ALL you really even got? Because if that's the full case, then, I'm afraid to say here, that you missed the whole POINT of the Great Fucking Awakening.

So let me break this all down for y'all point by point...

ONE: Q simply CANNOT be a Deep State LARP because that would be, quite frankly, the Stupidest. Fucking. Idea. EVER.

Because firstly, our Deep State And Friends were doing absolutely fine without more than half the world knowing about their messed up, Satanic shit in literal Minute. Fucking. DETAIL. Which they then literally exacerbated tonfold by censoring that whole shit like crazy (leading to even more mass awakenings, courtesy of the Streisand Effect), and then, talking about the whole thing via Every. Fucking. Media. Outlet. On. The. Darn. Planet. Their 'Predictive Programming' is extremely subtle in a blink-and-you-miss-it sort of manner. The Q movement, if it was indeed their idea, would be outright stupid AF (and Deep State And Friends are NOT that stupid, folks).

Even NORMIES all over the world are now aware of such ideas such as 'A Satanic Cabal of Cannibalistic Paedophiles'. Not exactly the Deep State's pipe dream, that. Even YouTube searches for "Qanon" bring up entire Wikipedia articles "debunking" the whole idea. So now, you do the math.

TWO: If the above point is true, and it very much so is, then it means that Q is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT LEGIT. And if Q is legit, then what Q is saying about Donald Trump is ALSO VERY MUCH SO LEGIT. AND If Q is legit, then, it also means that "TRUST THE PLAN" is 100% LEGIT.

Furthermore, there's SO. MANY. FUCKING. EVIDENCES. (and "coincidences") pertaining to this whole thing that it simply CANNOT be a hoax or a LARP One. Darn. Fucking. BIT. I'm sure you saw the 17 flags yesterday. Or Trump very CLEARLY etching the letter "Q" in the air multiple times ON VIDEO. And oh so, so, so much more.

Well beyond all of that even, the GREATEST Evidence of its TRUTH is the mainstream media's sheer OBSESSION with all of us Qtards, all DESPITE their man already having been "elected". Or their interminable obsession with bringing down Trump even NOW. (He's GONE now. So why do they even care, at this point?) Or the sheer amount of ATTENTION that "Qanon" is getting even NOW literally all across their news media outlets and shit. And that kind of attention costs BIG MONEY, and even above that, a damn fucking good REASON.

Please remember that your media's primary job right now is to spark up wars, terrorist incidents, racial violence, and fearmonger their asses off about this whole COVID-19 thingy. And yet, they're STILL spending their VALUABLE ON-AIR MINUTES (HOURS???) talking about Q (of all things). Now that's (extremely!) quite unlike them.

And, speaking of "quite unlikes", it is QUITE UNLIKE Donald Trump to stay quiet and leave office all nicely and silently after he was CHEATED, DEFAMED, AND CENSORED RUTHLESSLY to rub some o' that extra salt on his wounds (you've seen how he's usually even LIKE on his Twitter, right?). The man's already risked his life FULL OUT by taking on Deep State And Friends directly by their fucking horns. So he's most definitely NOT doing this shit out of the fear of SHIT. He burnt that one particular bridge back long, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong back with those ones.

Also speaking all the more of even MORE "quite unlikes", the whole military presence around DC (that somehow just keeps INCREASING by the day for SOME weird reason), ANTIFA going rogue outta nowhere (the fuck???), and like COUNTLESS other things that aren't adding up (or adding up SURPRISINGLY WELL once you read Qs "prophecies")... the TRUTH is rather obvious, here. And that is: SOONER OR LATER, SHIT'S GOING DOWN.

So, you see, there's LITERAL ZERO REASONS for shills and "doomers" to show up on here even fucking NOW. Who even bothers (or has the sheer will, time, energy, and, above all, INTEREST and PATIENCE) to kick a dead horse over and over and over and over and all OVER again? (Unless???)

So let me now conclude this whole thing with what is THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE **of this ENTIRE FUCKING POST: And that is. even if we were to somehow (retardedly) "assume" that Q is a LARP and that everything that we have been seeing and hearing and learning (with PILES UPON PILES of UNDENIABLE evidence, that too) so far, is, somehow the greatest troll job in history, YOUR AWAKENING IS, NEVERTHELESS, 100% R-E-A-L.

For the Satanic Cabal is very REAL. Their dark rituals are so very much so REAL. Child Trafficking is REAL. Child abuse and torture is very much so REAL. Cannibalism is very, very, REAL. Pizzagate is super REAL. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are very much so REAL. Spirit Cooking is REAL. Hillary's email scandal is REAL. Obamagate is REAL. The whole COVID scam is very, very, REAL. Wayfairgate is REAL. Voter Fraud (be it in the US Elections or within the Scottish Referendum) is very much so REAL. And last but by NO MEANS the least, UNRESTRAINED CENSORSHIP and THOUGHT POLICING are very, very, VERY MUCH SO REAL --- just look the fuck around you for fucksakes, jeez.

So, make no mistake here, YOUR Great Awakening VERY MUCH SO HAPPENED. No "LARPs" there! It is, very, very, VERY. REAL.

And, in the meantime, our Planetary Great Awakening is also, very much so, HAPPENING EVEN AS YOU READ THIS VERY PIECE OF TEXT.

And last, and the very BEST-EST part of it all, you are NOW a part of a MASSIVE GLOBAL COMMUNITY. In fact, an INCREDIBLY INTELLIGENT, AWAKE, AND TRULY LOVING GLOBAL FAMILY, that is bloody HELL BENT ON NIPPING ALL OF THIS INSANITY RIGHT IN THE BUD, --- Q or NO Q. --- Trump or NO TRUMP., and ONCE AND FOR ALL, at that.

So yeah, NOT A SINGLE FUCKING SECOND of your precious Facebook-ing time has been "wasted" by this movement because you became an Anon, a Patriot, or a Qtard. You, in fact, are the very FRONTRUNNER of a WORLDWIDE AWAKENING MOVEMENT that will one day be the very stuff of not just History, but mother fucking LEGENDS, don't you ever, ever, EVER forget this! For you very much so are a person, who, with actions as (purportedly) "insignificant" as meme-ing and shit...are, quite literally so, CHANGING THE WHOLE WORLD FOR GOOD. And this is SO NOT an exaggeration in the very slightest, my dearest fellow Anon / Patriot / Qtard.

So get fucking REAL, and ENJOY the fucking SHOW.


EDIT: By the way, if Q was indeed so a troll or a "LARP", then I GENUINELY and SINCERELY applaud the fuck outta them and straight up bow down in admiration of their God-tier trolling skills and techniques. Because by God if this isn't the very GREATEST trolling attempt to have EVER been known to man, if such is INDEED the case (and which we all know for a FACT now, isn't). Even makes Rick Roll look like a child's prank, ya know. So then, I'll give 'em credit where credit's due coz they bloody darn well fuckin' EARNED IT.

3 years ago
61 score
Reason: Typofixes

Ever since yesterday's "inauguration", I've seen many on here expressing major gloom and doom sentiments. And while I for one outright REFUSE to believe that the majority of them are coming from legitimate Great Awakening enthusiasts, I'll entertain that possibility regardless for but a moment, here.

So, playing the Devil's Advocate for a bit, what's the worst possible thing that could have possibly happened in here? That Q turned out to be a LARP as many warned us and that Donald Trump played US all like a fiddle? That's it right???

That's ALL you really even got? Because if that's the full case, then, I'm afraid to say here, that you missed the whole POINT of the Great Fucking Awakening.

So let me break this all down for y'all point by point...

ONE: Q simply CANNOT be a Deep State LARP because that would be, quite frankly, the Stupidest. Fucking. Idea. EVER.

Because firstly, our Deep State And Friends were doing absolutely fine without more than half the world knowing about their messed up, Satanic shit in literal Minute. Fucking. DETAIL. Which they then literally exacerbated tonfold by censoring that whole shit like crazy (leading to even more mass awakenings, courtesy of the Streisand Effect), and then, talking about the whole thing via Every. Fucking. Media. Outlet. On. The. Darn. Planet. Their 'Predictive Programming' is extremely subtle in a blink-and-you-miss-it sort of manner. The Q movement, if it was indeed their idea, would be outright stupid AF (and Deep State And Friends are NOT that stupid, folks).

Even NORMIES all over the world are now aware of such ideas such as 'A Satanic Cabal of Cannibalistic Paedophiles'. Not exactly the Deep State's pipe dream, that. Even YouTube searches for "Qanon" bring up entire Wikipedia articles "debunking" the whole idea. So now, you do the math.

TWO: If the above point is true, and it very much so is, then it means that Q is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT LEGIT. And if Q is legit, then what Q is saying about Donald Trump is ALSO VERY MUCH SO LEGIT. AND If Q is legit, then, it also means that "TRUST THE PLAN" is 100% LEGIT.

Furthermore, there's SO. MANY. FUCKING. EVIDENCES. (and "coincidences") pertaining to this whole thing that it simply CANNOT be a hoax or a LARP One. Darn. Fucking. BIT. I'm sure you saw the 17 flags yesterday. Or Trump very CLEARLY etching the letter "Q" in the air multiple times ON VIDEO. And oh so, so, so much more.

Well beyond all of that even, the GREATEST Evidence of its TRUTH is the mainstream media's sheer OBSESSION with all of us Qtards, all DESPITE their man already having been "elected". Or their interminable obsession with bringing down Trump even NOW. (He's GONE now. So why do they even care, at this point?) Or the sheer amount of ATTENTION that "Qanon" is getting even NOW literally all across their news media outlets and shit. And that kind of attention costs BIG MONEY, and even above that, a damn fucking good REASON.

Please remember that your media's primary job right now is to spark up wars, terrorist incidents, racial violence, and fearmonger their asses off about this whole COVID-19 thingy. And yet, they're STILL spending their VALUABLE ON-AIR MINUTES (HOURS???) talking about Q (of all things). Now that's (extremely!) quite unlike them.

And, speaking of "quite unlikes", it is QUITE UNLIKE Donald Trump to stay quiet and leave office all nicely and silently after he was CHEATED, DEFAMED, AND CENSORED RUTHLESSLY to rub some o' that extra salt on his wounds (you've seen how he's usually even LIKE on his Twitter, right?). The man's already risked his life FULL OUT by taking on Deep State And Friends directly by their fucking horns. So he's most definitely NOT doing this shit out of the fear of SHIT. He burnt that one particular bridge back long, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong back with those ones.

Also speaking all the more of even MORE "quite unlikes", the whole military presence around DC (that somehow just keeps INCREASING by the day for SOME weird reason), ANTIFA going rogue outta nowhere (the fuck???), and like COUNTLESS other things that aren't adding up (or adding up SURPRISINGLY WELL once you read Qs "prophecies")... the TRUTH is rather obvious, here. And that is: SOONER OR LATER, SHIT'S GOING DOWN.

So, you see, there's LITERAL ZERO REASONS for shills and "doomers" to show up on here even fucking NOW. Who even bothers (or has the sheer will, time, energy, and, above all, INTEREST and PATIENCE) to kick a dead horse over and over and over and over and all OVER again? (Unless???)

So let me now conclude this whole thing with what is THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE **of this ENTIRE FUCKING POST: And that is. even if we were to somehow (retardedly) "assume" that Q is a LARP and that everything that we have been seeing and hearing and learning (with PILES UPON PILES of UNDENIABLE evidence, that too) so far, is, somehow the greatest troll job in history, YOUR AWAKENING IS, NEVERTHELESS, 100% R-E-A-L.

For the Satanic Cabal is very REAL. Their dark rituals are so very much so REAL. Child Trafficking is REAL. Child abuse and torture is very much so REAL. Cannibalism is very, very, REAL. Pizzagate is super REAL. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are very much so REAL. Spirit Cooking is REAL. Hillary's email scandal is REAL. Obamagate is REAL. The whole COVID scam is very, very, REAL. Wayfairgate is REAL. Voter Fraud (be it in the US Elections or within the Scottish Referendum) is very much so REAL. And last but by NO MEANS the least, UNRESTRAINED CENSORSHIP and THOUGHT POLICING are very, very, VERY MUCH SO REAL --- just look the fuck around you for fucksakes, jeez.

So, make no mistake here, YOUR Great Awakening VERY MUCH SO HAPPENED. No "LARPs" there! It is, very, very, VERY. REAL.

And, in the meantime, our Planetary Great Awakening is also, very much so, HAPPENING EVEN AS YOU READ THIS VERY PIECE OF TEXT.

And last, and the very BEST-EST part of it all, you are NOW a part of a MASSIVE GLOBAL COMMUNITY. In fact, an INCREDIBLY INTELLIGENT, AWAKE, AND TRULY LOVING GLOBAL FAMILY, that is bloody HELL BENT ON NIPPING ALL OF THIS INSANITY RIGHT IN THE BUD, --- Q or NO Q. --- Trump or NO TRUMP., and ONCE AND FOR ALL, at that.

So yeah, NOT A SINGLE FUCKING SECOND of your precious Facebook-ing time has been "wasted" by this movement because you became an Anon, a Patriot, or a Qtard. You, in fact, are the very FRONTRUNNER of a WORLDWIDE AWAKENING MOVEMENT that will one day be the very stuff of not just History, but mother fucking LEGENDS, don't you ever, ever, EVER forget this! For you very much so are a person, who, with actions as (purportedly) "insignificant" as meme-ing and shit...are, quite literally so, CHANGING THE WHOLE WORLD FOR GOOD. And this is SO NOT an exaggeration in the very slightest, my dearest fellow Anon / Patriot / Qtard.

So get fucking REAL, and ENJOY the fucking SHOW. WWG1WGA.

EDIT: By the way, if Q was indeed so a troll or a "LARP", then I GENUINELY and SINCERELY applaud the fuck outta them and straight up bow down in admiration of their God-tier trolling skills and techniques. Because by God if this isn't the very GREATEST trolling attempt to have EVER been known to man, if such is INDEED the case (and which we all know for a FACT now, isn't). Even makes Rick Roll look like a child's prank, ya know. So then, I'll give 'em credit where credit's due coz they bloody darn well fuckin' EARNED IT.

3 years ago
61 score
Reason: Fixed even more stuff.

Ever since yesterday's "inauguration", I've seen many on here expressing major gloom and doom sentiments. And while I for one outright REFUSE to believe that the majority of them are coming from legitimate Great Awakening enthusiasts, I'll entertain that possibility regardless for but a moment, here.

So, playing the Devil's Advocate for a bit, what's the worst possible thing that could have possibly happened in here? That Q turned out to be a LARP as many warned us and that Donald Trump played US all like a fiddle? That's it right???

That's ALL you really even got? Because if that's the full case, then, I'm afraid to say here, that you missed the whole POINT of the Great Fucking Awakening.

So let me break this all down for y'all point by point...

ONE: Q simply CANNOT be a Deep State LARP because that would be, quite frankly, the Stupidest. Fucking. Idea. EVER.

Because firstly, our Deep State And Friends were doing absolutely fine without more than half the world knowing about their messed up, Satanic shit in literal Minute. Fucking. DETAIL. Which they then literally exacerbated tonfold by censoring that whole shit like crazy (leading to even more mass awakenings, courtesy of the Streisand Effect), and then, talking about the whole thing via Every. Fucking. Media. Outlet. On. The. Darn. Planet. Their 'Predictive Programming' is extremely subtle in a blink-and-you-miss-it sort of manner. The Q movement, if it was indeed their idea, would be outright stupid AF (and Deep State And Friends are NOT that stupid, folks).

Even NORMIES all over the world are now aware of such ideas such as 'A Satanic Cabal of Cannibalistic Paedophiles'. Not exactly the Deep State's pipe dream, that. Even YouTube searches for "Qanon" bring up entire Wikipedia articles "debunking" the whole idea. So now, you do the math.

TWO: If the above point is true, and it very much so is, then it means that Q is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT LEGIT. And if Q is legit, then what Q is saying about Donald Trump is ALSO VERY MUCH SO LEGIT. AND If Q is legit, then, it also means that "TRUST THE PLAN" is 100% LEGIT.

Furthermore, there's SO. MANY. FUCKING. EVIDENCES. (and "coincidences") pertaining to this whole thing that it simply CANNOT be a hoax or a LARP One. Darn. Fucking. BIT. I'm sure you saw the 17 flags yesterday. Or Trump very CLEARLY etching the letter "Q" in the air multiple times ON VIDEO. And oh so, so, so much more.

Well beyond all of that even, the GREATEST Evidence of its TRUTH is the mainstream media's sheer OBSESSION with all of us Qtards, all DESPITE their man already having been "elected". Or their interminable obsession with bringing down Trump even NOW. (He's GONE now. So why do they even care, at this point?) Or the sheer amount of ATTENTION that "Qanon" is getting even NOW literally all across their news media outlets and shit. And that kind of attention costs BIG MONEY, and even above that, a damn fucking good REASON.

Please remember that your media's primary job right now is to spark up wars, terrorist incidents, racial violence, and fearmonger their asses off about this whole COVID-19 thingy. And yet, they're STILL spending their VALUABLE ON-AIR MINUTES (HOURS???) talking about Q (of all things). Now that's (extremely!) quite unlike them.

And, speaking of "quite unlikes", it is QUITE UNLIKE Donald Trump to stay quiet and leave office all nicely and silently after he was CHEATED, DEFAMED, AND CENSORED RUTHLESSLY to rub some o' that extra salt on his wounds (you've seen how he's usually even LIKE on his Twitter, right?). The man's already risked his life FULL OUT by taking on Deep State And Friends directly by their fucking horns. So he's most definitely NOT doing this shit out of the fear of SHIT. He burnt that one particular bridge back long, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong back with those ones.

Also speaking all the more of even MORE "quite unlikes", the whole military presence around DC (that somehow just keeps INCREASING by the day for SOME weird reason), ANTIFA going rogue outta nowhere (the fuck???), and like COUNTLESS other things that aren't adding up (or adding up SURPRISINGLY WELL once you read Qs "prophecies")... the TRUTH is rather obvious, here. And that is: SOONER OR LATER, SHIT'S GOING DOWN.

So, you see, there's LITERAL ZERO REASONS for shills and "doomers" to show up on here even fucking NOW. Who even bothers (or has the sheer will, time, energy, and, above all, INTEREST and PATIENCE) to kick a dead horse over and over and over and over and all OVER again? (Unless???)

So let me now conclude this whole thing with what is THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE **of this ENTIRE FUCKING POST: And that is. even if we were to somehow (retardedly) "assume" that Q is a LARP and that everything that we have been seeing and hearing and learning (with PILES UPON PILES of UNDENIABLE evidence, that too) so far, is, somehow the greatest troll job in history, YOUR AWAKENING IS, NEVERTHELESS, 100% R-E-A-L.

For the Satanic Cabal is very REAL. Their dark rituals are so very much so REAL. Child Trafficking is REAL. Child abuse and torture is very much so REAL. Cannibalism is very, very, REAL. Pizzagate is super REAL. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are very much so REAL. Spirit Cooking is REAL. Hillary's email scandal is REAL. Obamagate is REAL. The whole COVID scam is very, very, REAL. Wayfairgate is REAL. Voter Fraud (be it in the US Elections or within the Scottish Referendum) is very much so REAL. And last but by NO MEANS the least, UNRESTRAINED CENSORSHIP and THOUGHT POLICING are very, very, VERY MUCH SO REAL --- just look the fuck around you for fucksakes, jeez.

So, make no mistake here, YOUR Great Awakening VERY MUCH SO HAPPENED. No "LARPs" there! It is, very, very, VERY. REAL.

And, in the meantime, our Planetary Great Awakening is also, very much so, HAPPENING EVEN AS YOU READ THIS VERY PIECE OF TEXT.

And last, and the very BEST-EST part of it all, you are NOW a part of a MASSIVE GLOBAL COMMUNITY. In fact, an INCREDIBLY INTELLIGENT, AWAKE, AND TRULY LOVING GLOBAL FAMILY, that is bloody HELL BENT ON NIPPING ALL OF THIS INSANITY RIGHT IN THE BUD, --- Q or NO Q. --- Trump or NO TRUMP., and ONCE AND FOR ALL, at that.

So yeah, NOT A SINGLE FUCKING SECOND of your precious Facebook-ing time has been "wasted" by this movement because you became an Anon, a Patriot, or a Qtard. You, in fact, are the very FRONTRUNNER of a WORLDWIDE AWAKENING MOVEMENT that will one day be the very stuff of not just History, but mother fucking LEGENDS, don't you ever, ever, EVER forget this! For you very much so are a person, who, with actions as (purportedly) "insignificant" as meme-ing and shit...are, quite literally so, CHANGING THE WHOLE WORLD FOR GOOD. And this is SO NOT an exaggeration in the very slightest, my dearest fellow Anon / Patriot / Qtard.

So get fucking REAL, and ENJOY the fucking SHOW. WWG1WGA.

EDIT: By the way, if Q was indeed so a troll or a "LARP", then I GENUINELY and SINCERELY applaud the fuck outta them and straight up bow down in admiration of their God-tier trolling skills and techniques. Because by God if this isn't the very GREATEST trolling attempt to have EVER been known to man, if such is INDEED the case (and which we all know for a FACT now, isn't). Even makes Rick Roll look like a child's prank, ya know. So then, I'll give 'em credit where credit's due coz they bloody darn well fuckin' EARNED IT.

3 years ago
61 score
Reason: Added an Edit :)

Ever since yesterday's "inauguration", I've seen many on here expressing major gloom and doom sentiments. And while I for one outright REFUSE to believe that the majority of them are coming from legitimate Great Awakening enthusiasts, I'll entertain that possibility regardless for but a moment, here.

So, playing the Devil's Advocate for a bit, what's the worst possible thing that could have possibly happened in here? That Q turned out to be a LARP as many warned us and that Donald Trump played US all like a fiddle? That's it right???

That's ALL you really even got? Because if that's the full case, then, I'm afraid to say here, that you missed the whole POINT of the Great Fucking Awakening.

So let me break this all down for y'all point by point...

ONE: Q simply CANNOT be a Deep State LARP because that would be, quite frankly, the Stupidest. Fucking. Idea. EVER.

Because firstly, our Deep State And Friends were doing absolutely fine without more than half the world knowing about their messed up, Satanic shit in literal Minute. Fucking. DETAIL. Which they then literally exacerbated tonfold by censoring that whole shit like crazy (leading to even more mass awakenings, courtesy of the Streisand Effect), and then, talking about the whole thing via Every. Fucking. Media. Outlet. On. The. Darn. Planet. Their 'Predictive Programming' is extremely subtle in a blink-and-you-miss-it sort of manner. The Q movement, if it was indeed their idea, would be outright stupid AF (and Deep State And Friends are NOT that stupid, folks).

Even NORMIES all over the world are now aware of such ideas such as 'A Satanic Cabal of Cannibalistic Paedophiles'. Not exactly the Deep State's pipe dream, that. Even YouTube searches for "Qanon" bring up entire Wikipedia articles "debunking" the whole idea. So now, you do the math.

TWO: If the above point is true, and it very much so is, then it means that Q is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT LEGIT. And if Q is legit, then what Q is saying about Donald Trump is ALSO VERY MUCH SO LEGIT. AND If Q is legit, then, it also means that "Trust The Plan" is 100% LEGIT.

Furthermore, there's SO. MANY. FUCKING. EVIDENCES. (and "coincidences") pertaining to this whole thing that it simply CANNOT be a hoax or a LARP One. Darn. Fucking. BIT. I'm sure you saw the 17 flags yesterday. Or Trump very CLEARLY etching the letter "Q" in the air multiple times ON VIDEO. And oh so, so, so much more.

Beyond all of that, the GREATEST evidence of its TRUTH is the mainstream media's sheer OBSESSION with all of us Qtards DESPITE their man already having been "elected". Or their interminable obsession with bringing down Trump even NOW. Or the sheer amount of ATTENTION that "Qanon" is getting even NOW literally all across their news media outlets and shit. And that kind of attention costs BIG MONEY, and even above that, a damn fucking good REASON. Remember, the media's primary job right now is to spark up wars, terrorist incidents, racial violence, and fearmonger their asses off about that whole COVID-19 thingy. And yet, they're STILL spending their VALUABLE ON-AIR MINUTES (HOURS???) talking about Q. Now that's (extremely!) quite unlike them.

And speaking of "quite unlikes", it is QUITE UNLIKE Donald Trump to stay quiet and leave office nicely and silently after he was CHEATED, DEFAMED, AND CENSORED RUTHLESSLY to rub some o' that extra salt on his wounds (you've seen how he's usually like on his Twitter, right?). The man's already risked his life FULL OUT by taking on Deep State And Friends directly by the horns. So he's most definitely NOT doing this shit out of the fear of shit. He burnt that one particular bridge back long, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong back with those ones.

Also speaking all the more of even MORE "quite unlikes", the whole military presence around DC (that somehow just keeps INCREASING by the day for SOME weird reason), ANTIFA going rogue outta nowhere (the fuck???), and like COUNTLESS other things that aren't adding up (or adding up SURPRISINGLY WELL once you read Qs "prophecies")... the TRUTH is rather obvious, here. And that is: SOONER OR LATER, SHIT'S GOING DOWN.

So, you see, there's LITERAL ZERO REASONS for shills and "doomers" to show up on here even fucking NOW. Who even bothers (or has the sheer will, time, energy, and, above all, interest) to kick a dead horse over and over and over and over and all OVER again? (Unless???)

So let me now conclude this whole thing with what is THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE of this ENTIRE POST: Even if we were to somehow (retardedly) "assume" that Q is a LARP and that everything that we have been seeing and hearing and learning (with PILES UPON PILES of UNDENIABLE evidence, that too) so far, is, somehow the greatest troll job in history, YOUR AWAKENING IS, NEVERTHELESS, 100% R-E-A-L.

The Satanic Cabal is very REAL. Their dark rituals are so very much so REAL. Child Trafficking is REAL. Child abuse and torture is very much so REAL. Cannibalism is very, very, REAL. Pizzagate is super REAL. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are very much so REAL. Spirit Cooking is REAL. Hillary's email scandal is REAL. Obamagate is REAL. The whole COVID scam is very, very, REAL. Wayfairgate is REAL. Voter Fraud (be it in the US Elections or the Scottish Referendum) is very much so REAL. And last but by NO MEANS the least, CENSORSHIP and THOUGHT POLICING is very, very, VERY REAL --- just look the fuck around you, jeez.

So, make no mistake, YOUR Great Awakening VERY MUCH SO HAPPENED. No LARPs there! It's very, VERY. REAL.

In the meantime, our Planetary Great Awakening is also, very much so, HAPPENING EVEN AS YOU READ THIS VERY PIECE OF TEXT., here.


NOT A SINGLE FUCKING SECOND of your precious Facebook-ing time has been "wasted" by this movement because you became an Anon, a Patriot, or a Qtard. You, in fact, are the very FRONTRUNNER of a WORLDWIDE AWAKENING MOVEMENT. A person, who, with actions as (purportedly) "insignificant" as meme-ing, are, quite literally so, CHANGING THE WHOLE WORLD FOR GOOD. This is NOT an exaggeration in the very slightest, my dearest fellow Anon / Patriot / Qtard.

So get fucking REAL, and ENJOY the fucking SHOW.


EDIT: By the way, if Q was indeed a troll / LARP, I GENUINELY and SINCERELY applaud the fuck outta them and straight up bow down in admiration of their God-tier trolling skills and techniques. Because by God if this isn't the very GREATEST trolling attempt to have EVER been known to man, if that is INDEED the case (and which we all know, isn't). Even makes Rick Roll look like a child's prank, ya know. So then, I'll give 'em credit where credit's due coz they bloody darn well woulda EARNED IT.

3 years ago
38 score
Reason: Original

Ever since yesterday's "inauguration", I've seen many on here expressing major gloom and doom sentiments. And while I for one outright REFUSE to believe that the majority of them are coming from legitimate Great Awakening enthusiasts, I'll entertain that possibility regardless for but a moment, here.

So, playing the Devil's Advocate for a bit, what's the worst that could have happened here? That Q turned out to be a LARP as many warned us and that Donald Trump played US all like a fiddle? That's it right? That's ALL you really even got? Because if that's the case, then, I'm afraid to say here, that you missed the whole POINT of the Great Awakening.

So let me break this all down for y'all point by point...

ONE: Q simply CANNOT be a Deep State LARP because that would be, quite frankly, the Stupidest. Fucking. Idea. EVER.

Because firstly, our Deep State And Friends we're doing absolutely fine without more than half the world knowing about their Satanic shit in minute detail. Which they then exacerbated tonfold by censoring that whole shit like crazy (leading to even more mass awakenings, courtesy the Streisand Effect), and then, talking about the whole thing via Every. Fucking. Media. Outlet. On. The. Damn. Planet. Their Predictive Programming is extremely subtle in a blink-and-you-miss-it sort of manner. The Q movement, if it was indeed their idea, would be outright stupid AF (and Deep State And Friends are NOT stupid).

Even NORMIES all over the world are now aware of ideas such as 'A Satanic Cabal of Cannibalistic Paedophiles. Not exactly the Deep State's pipe dream, that. Even YouTube searches for "Qanon" bring up entire Wikipedia articles "debunking" the whole idea. So now, you do the math.

TWO: If the above point is true, and it very much so is, then it means that Q is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT legit. If Q is legit, then what Q is saying about Donald Trump is legit. If Q is legit, then it also means that "Trust The Plan" is legit.

Furthermore, there's SO. MANY. FUCKING. EVIDENCES. (and "coincidences") pertaining to this whole thing that it simply CANNOT be a hoax or a LARP. I'm sure you saw the 17 flags yesterday. Or Trump very CLEARLY etching the letter Q in the air multiple times on video. And oh so, so, so much more.

Beyond all of that, the GREATEST evidence of its TRUTH is the mainstream media's sheer OBSESSION with all of us Qtards DESPITE their man already having been "elected". Or their obsession with getting Trump even NOW. Or the sheer amount of ATTENTION that "Qanon" is getting even NOW literally all across their news media outlets and shit. And that kind of attention costs BIG MONEY and above all, a very good REASON. Remember, the media's primary job right now is to spark up wars, terrorist incidents, racial violence, and fearmonger their asses off about that whole COVID thingy. And yet, they're STILL spending their VALUABLE ON-AIR MINUTES (HOURS???) talking about Q. Now that's quite unlike them.

And speaking of "quite unlikes", it is QUITE UNLIKE Donald Trump to stay quiet and leave office nicely and silently after he was CHEATED, DEFAMED, AND CENSORED RUTHLESSLY to rub some o' that extra salt on his wounds. The man's already risked his life FULL OUT by taking on Deep State And Friends directly by the horns. So he's most definitely NOT doing this shit out of fear of shit.

Also speaking of even MORE "quite unlikes", the whole military presence around DC (that somehow just keeps INCREASING by the day for SOME weird reason), ANTIFA going rogue outta nowhere (the fuck???), and like COUNTLESS other things that aren't adding up (or adding up SURPRISINGLY WELL once you read Qs "prophecies")... the TRUTH is rather obvious, here: SOONER OR LATER, SHIT'S GOING DOWN.

So, you see, there's LITERAL ZERO REASONS for shills and "doomers" to show up on here even fucking NOW. Who bothers to kick a dead horse over and over? (Unless???)

So let me now conclude this whole thing with THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE of this ENTIRE POST: Even if we were to somehow (retardedly) "assume" that Q is a LARP and that everything that we have been seeing and hearing and learning (with PILES UPON PILES of UNDENIABLE evidence, that too) so far is somehow the greatest troll job in history, YOUR AWAKENING IS, NEVERTHELESS, 100% R-E-A-L.

The Satanic Cabal is very REAL. Their dark rituals are so very much so REAL. Child Trafficking is REAL. Child abuse and torture is very much so REAL. Cannibalism is very, very, REAL. Pizzagate is super REAL. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are very much so REAL. Spirit Cooking is REAL. Hillary's email scandal is REAL. Obamagate is REAL. The whole COVID scam is very, very, REAL. Wayfairgate is REAL. Voter Fraud (be it in the US Elections or the Scottish Referendum) is very much so REAL. And last but by NO MEANS the least, CENSORSHIP and THOUGHT POLICING is very, very, VERY REAL --- just look the fuck around you.

So, make no mistake, YOUR Great Awakening VERY MUCH SO HAPPENED. No LARPs there! It's very, VERY. REAL.

The Planetary Great Awakening is also, very much so, HAPPENING AS YOU EVEN READ THIS PIECE OF TEXT.


NOT A SINGLE FUCKING SECOND of your precious Facebook-ing time has been "wasted" because you became an Anon, a Patriot, or a Qtard. You, in fact, are the very FRONTRUNNER of a WORLDWIDE AWAKENING MOVEMENT, who, with actions as (purportedly) "insignificant" as meme-ing, are, quite literally so, CHANGING THE WHOLE WORLD FOR GOOD. This is NOT an exaggeration in the very slightest, my dearest fellow Anon / Patriot / Qtard.

So get fucking REAL, and Enjoy the fucking SHOW.


3 years ago
1 score