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Reason: None provided.

The problems for this OP and the rest of us are just getting started. Those in the workplace that took this poison are all now foreign protein manufacturing plants and are going to be transmitting these proteins all over the workplace - not to mention everywhere they go. Refusing to be jabbed may not be enough to keep someone safe from adverse reactions to whatever the hell is in these things. We do not know if there is even and off switch to the protein production. I personally have made the decision to remove myself from healthcare because of this very issue. I refuse to jeopardize my own health and I refuse to knowingly harm my patients. Until I can find a situation that works for me, I will remain on the sidelines for the moment. Others may not have the luxury of that option and are forced to make due.

We are pretty sure these proteins can be transmitted and taken up by the respiratory system and the skin. Workplaces that are more confining spaces with closer contact between employees will be the worst. Ventilation in most work places is not sufficient enough to keep fresh air circulating. My advise to those in this situation is to at least try to clean up the air in their immediate workspace to minimize exposure. A few bucks may need to be spent on a decent HEPA air filter. (It must filter at least down to one micron.) It is not a perfect solution but it can help.

If a worker is forced to wear a mask there are personal HEPA filters to use with a mask. This is one example: Easy Flow Positive Airflow Personal Air Filtration Also, if using a fan, try to arrange airflow away and not directing the flow at you. (By the way, contained within the CDC's own documentation from the earliest days of the plandemic, the CDC was recommending changes to ventilation systems in the workplace - especially healthcare settings. What did they know then? Unfortunately for employees, most employers are never going to make such changes. They are cost prohibitive. I was told to get a fan.) It's here: CDC releases official COVID-19 ventilation recommendations

Reproductive issues seem to be the most obvious ill effects reported by those that are trying to save themselves and not succumb to the pied piper's call. Those of us trying to survive this plandemic are beginning to be affected by those around us stupid enough to get in line for this kill shot. It is still too early to know what other effects will be in store for those being exposed to these Frankenprotiens against their will. What is the government's response to the increase in adverse reactions? It is coincidence and anxiety. Yes, you read that right. The CDC just released a report stating that people suffering from so called adverse reactions are in reality suffering from anxiety. 64 Adverse Reactions to J&J COVID Vaccine Were Brought on By Anxiety, CDC Says
This is a sign that they cannot just ignore the numbers any longer. When coincidence and anxiety are not enough to dissuade the public's need for answers due to mounting victims, they will shift blame to yet another lie that the sheeple will believe and be temporarily pacified.

It is looking more and more every day like the perfect binary weapon. When the adverse effects start piling up we will be the ones blamed - especially in the fall when these sheeple are exposed to other organic pathogens and become sick and possibly die from an illness they would have ordinarily survived with mild symptoms if they had not had their immune systems altered. So, buckle up Patriots. This ride is far from over.

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

The problems for this OP and the rest of us are just getting started. Those in the workplace that took this poison are all now foreign protein manufacturing plants and are going to be transmitting these proteins all over the workplace - not to mention everywhere they go. Refusing to be jabbed may not be enough to keep someone safe from adverse reactions to whatever the hell is in these things. We do not know if there is even and off switch to the protein production. I personally have made the decision to remove myself from healthcare because of this very issue. I refuse to jeopardize my own health and I refuse to knowingly harm my patients. Until I can find a situation that works for me, I will remain on the sidelines for the moment. Others may not have the luxury of that option and are forced to make due.

We are pretty sure these proteins can be transmitted and taken up by the respiratory system and the skin. Workplaces that are more confining spaces with closer contact between employees will be the worst. Ventilation in most work places is not sufficient enough to keep fresh air circulating. My advise to those in this situation is to at least try to clean up the air in their immediate workspace to minimize exposure. A few bucks may need to be spent on a decent HEPA air filter. (It must filter at least down to one micron.) It is not a perfect solution but it can help.

If a worker is forced to wear a mask there are personal HEPA filters to use with a mask. This is one example: Easy Flow Positive Airflow Personal Air Filtration Also, if using a fan, try to arrange airflow away and not directing the flow at you. (By the way, contained within the CDC's own documentation from the earliest days of the plandemic, the CDC were recommending changes to ventilation systems in the workplace - especially healthcare settings. What did they know then? Unfortunately for employees, most employers are never going to make such changes. They are cost prohibitive. I was told to get a fan.) It's here: CDC releases official COVID-19 ventilation recommendations

Reproductive issues seem to be the most obvious ill effects reported by those that are trying to save themselves and not succumb to the pied piper's call. Those of us trying to survive this plandemic are beginning to be affected by those around us stupid enough to get in line for this kill shot. It is still too early to know what other effects will be in store for those being exposed to these Frankenprotiens against their will. What is the government's response to the increase in adverse reactions? It is coincidence and anxiety. Yes, you read that right. The CDC just released a report stating that people suffering from so called adverse reactions are in reality suffering from anxiety. 64 Adverse Reactions to J&J COVID Vaccine Were Brought on By Anxiety, CDC Says
This is a sign that they cannot just ignore the numbers any longer. When coincidence and anxiety are not enough to dissuade the public's need for answers due to mounting victims, they will shift blame to yet another lie that the sheeple will believe and be temporarily pacified.

It is looking more and more every day like the perfect binary weapon. When the adverse effects start piling up we will be the ones blamed - especially in the fall when these sheeple are exposed to other organic pathogens and become sick and possibly die from an illness they would have ordinarily survived with mild symptoms if they had not had their immune systems altered. So, buckle up Patriots. This ride is far from over.

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

The problems for this OP and the rest of us are just getting started. Those in the workplace that took this poison are all now foreign protein manufacturing plants and are going to be transmitting these proteins all over the workplace - not to mention everywhere they go. Refusing to be jabbed may not be enough to keep someone safe from adverse reactions to whatever the hell is in these things. We do not know if there is even and off switch to the protein production. I personally have made the decision to remove myself from healthcare because of this very issue. I refuse to not only jeopardize my own health, but I refuse to knowingly harm my patients. Until I can find a situation that works for me, I will remain on the sidelines for the moment. Others may not have the luxury of that option and are forced to make due.

We are pretty sure these proteins can be transmitted and taken up by the respiratory system and the skin. Workplaces that are more confining spaces with closer contact between employees will be the worst. Ventilation in most work places is not sufficient enough to keep fresh air circulating. My advise to those in this situation is to at least try to clean up the air in their immediate workspace to minimize exposure. A few bucks may need to be spent on a decent HEPA air filter. (It must filter at least down to one micron.) It is not a perfect solution but it can help.

If a worker is forced to wear a mask there are personal HEPA filters to use with a mask. This is one example: Easy Flow Positive Airflow Personal Air Filtration Also, if using a fan, try to arrange airflow away and not directing the flow at you. (By the way, contained within the CDC's own documentation from the earliest days of the plandemic, the CDC were recommending changes to ventilation systems in the workplace - especially healthcare settings. What did they know then? Unfortunately for employees, most employers are never going to make such changes. They are cost prohibitive. I was told to get a fan.) It's here: CDC releases official COVID-19 ventilation recommendations

Reproductive issues seem to be the most obvious ill effects reported by those that are trying to save themselves and not succumb to the pied piper's call. Those of us trying to survive this plandemic are beginning to be affected by those around us stupid enough to get in line for this kill shot. It is still too early to know what other effects will be in store for those being exposed to these Frankenprotiens against their will. What is the government's response to the increase in adverse reactions? It is coincidence and anxiety. Yes, you read that right. The CDC just released a report stating that people suffering from so called adverse reactions are in reality suffering from anxiety. 64 Adverse Reactions to J&J COVID Vaccine Were Brought on By Anxiety, CDC Says
This is a sign that they cannot just ignore the numbers any longer. When coincidence and anxiety are not enough to dissuade the public's need for answers due to mounting victims, they will shift blame to yet another lie that the sheeple will believe and be temporarily pacified.

It is looking more and more every day like the perfect binary weapon. When the adverse effects start piling up we will be the ones blamed - especially in the fall when these sheeple are exposed to other organic pathogens and become sick and possibly die from an illness they would have ordinarily survived with mild symptoms if they had not had their immune systems altered. So, buckle up Patriots. This ride is far from over.

3 years ago
1 score