Many don't appreciate how extraordinary this event is.
For a high official in mainstream religion (Catholicism in particular) to publicly weigh in on matters of such geopolitical gravity is simply unheard of. Vigano has done so several times now in the strongest of terms.
I think we are living through what may be the most important series of events in the course of human history. Clearly, the Archbishop does as well.
Many don't appreciate how extraordinary this event is.
For a high official in mainstream religion (Catholicism in particular) to publicly weigh in on matters of such geopolitical gravity is simply unheard of. Vigano has done so several times now in the strongest of terms.
I think we are living through what may be the most important events in the course of human history. Clearly, the Archbishop does as well.
Many don't appreciate how extraordinary this event is.
For a high official in mainstream religion (Catholicism in particular) to publicly weigh in on matters of such geopolitical gravity is simply unheard of. Vigano has done so several times now in the strongest of terms.
I think we are living through what may be the most important events in the course of human history. Clearly, the Archbishop does as well.