Yes, colloidal silver. Ever since that first bite anytime I get bitten by any insect it starts to flare up. I use colloidal silver [Curad brand] and gone in a few hours, otherwise I’d be another online horror story of repeat bouts of cellulitis and ER visits and still no way to help them. That silver [sovereign silver] to be exact is one of the most valuable liquids to have ever existed, to me at least, yes it sounds cheesy, but three ER visits 3~4months of antibiotics, anaphylaxis, Steven~Johnsons~Syndrome feelings from sulpha (bactrim), nausea from the keflex, bombing of my gut’s good/bad bacteria filled rainforest & immune defense from the amoxicillin, et alia; left me in horrible shape. It was as if nothing could help and they wanted my immunity down to nothing to keep the farce going. Sorry for ranting on, just want to help anybody that might read this who might currently be dealing with anything close and deserves to catch that same break that I did.
Yes, colloidal silver. Ever since that first bite anytime I get bitten by any insect it starts to flare up. I use colloidal silver [Curad brand] and gone in a few hours, otherwise I’d be another online horror story of repeat bouts of cellulitis and ER visits and still no way to help them. That Sovereign Silver brand really came through.