Free Masons: the new Nazis.
Is Trump evil?
Is he trying to save the world?
I'd answer no and yes in that order.
So is he a Free Mason? I don't give a shit. All I know is my enemies hate him, and want me to hate him and Free Masons. I'll judge my enemies by their actions, and work back from there to who is evil and who is good.
Start examining those they demonize more closely. The cabal is always looking for a scapegoat when their ass is in a sling.
Tell me are Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, the Wojcicki sisters, Schumer, Schiff, Pelosi, Feinstein, the owners and controllers of media Free Masons?
Free Masons: the new Nazis.
Is Trump evil?
Is he trying to save the world.
Start examining those they demonize more closely. The cabal is always looking for a scapegoat when their ass is in a sling.