Yea the mechanism is still an unanswered question.
While that is the literal obvious question - maybe need to approach with an understanding of how things transpire, and keep puzzling over the puzzle.
So let's get a bit of altitude ... see how these "new things" keep appearing and get traction, and command attention and focus, there is always the initial phase were it's wild and mind blowing for most, this ensures it spreads and is a cybernetic forms of "look here!"
Ok and we look there, and then as we let it mind simmering, what appears next is the topic of the "self-spreading" vaccine as a concept and a real thing, and conencting those who have been pursuing it.
This shedding meme, primed our minds then to start make more connections, with existing connection and info.
In terms forced vaccination, the idea of self-spreading vaccines released unknown to the world is a form of violent bypassing of human consent on a global scale at the micro level, is, pure evil.
So now we know, the level of pure evil. We know the shape of their designs and ideas to take full control.
So was this actually the original plan, but a plan that was actually thwarted, as is a common suggestion since last year but with less detail and clarity. Going back to the vials form Canada and Lieber etc. etc.
If the self-spreading has not worked as planned, because it is actually really really hard to do or it was thwarted, then perhpas this is the purpose of the shedding meme. To nudge us in the right direction to really see what they had planned but was a real let down in the end, thankfully!
The WH's knew their endgame - switch or thwarted access to a self-spreading formula (a bio-weapon by another name) but was actually a dud i.e. jsut a bad flu.
If you review all the various tangents and stories, mutations, concerns that the vaccinated spreading the virus, reports form countries of tainted detection kits form China (maybe even vape disease), add in the 2019 mandatory vaccination drive in Wuhan - China then we start to see info that has appeared, still stand somewhat along, all inter-connect to paint what was a crime against humanity intended, but foiled by WH's - the criminals continued on with all their plans and misdirections, thinking all along they really had released the endgame elixir.
It also conforms to the "disinfo is necessary" as a practice, ok then apply it - if the "shedding meme" is disinfo and WH disinformation, then it looks like it's purpose is to act as look-here signpost, to a important clue to solve the actually intended crime (thwarted) getting us back on track, because the bio-weapon concept, sure has reappeared in a lot of coverage too.
Perhaps we can draw some conclusion that everyone would be safe, in comparison to what was planned. Hard to know, it's not a perfect result but like the circulating meme is, in War it is the path of least casualties. It may turn out to be not as high when you strip out the bogus PCR numbers, and combined with injection deaths, may be far less, if we are lucky.
If not, this is all idle conjecture and speculation.
Yea the mechanism is still an unanswered question.
While that is the literal obvious question - maybe need to approach with an understanding of how things transpire, and keep puzzling over the puzzle.
So let's get a bit of altitude ... see how these "new things" keep appearing and get traction, and command attention and focus, there is always the initial phase were it's wild and mind blowing for most, this ensures it spreads and is a cybernetic forms of "look here!"
Ok and we look there, and then as we let it mind simmering, what appears next is the topic of the "self-spreading" vaccine as a concept and a real thing, and conencting those who have been pursuing it.
This shedding meme, primed our minds then to start make more connections, with existing connection and info.
In terms forced vaccination, the idea of self-spreading vaccines released unknown to the world is a form of violent bypassing of human consent on a global scale at the micro level, is, pure evil.
So now we know, the level of pure evil. We know the shape of their designs and ideas to take full control.
So was this actually the original plan, but a plan that was actually thwarted, as is a common suggestion since last year but with less detail and clarity. Going back to the vials form Canada and Lieber etc. etc.
If the self-spreading has not worked as planned, because it is actually really really hard to do or it was thwarted, then perhpas this is the purpose of the shedding meme. To nudge us in the right direction to really see what they had planned but was a real let down in the end, thankfully!
The WH's knew their endgame - switch or thwarted access to a self-spreading formula (a bio-weapon by another name) but was actually a dud i.e. jsut a bad flu.
If you review all the various tangents and stories, mutations, concerns that the vaccinated spreading the virus, reports form countries of tainted detection kits form China (maybe even vape disease), add in the 2019 mandatory vaccination drive in Wuhan - China then we start to see info that has appeared, still stand somewhat along, all inter-connect to paint what was a crime against humanity intended, but foiled by WH's - the criminals continued on with all their plans and misdirections, thinking all along they really had released the endgame elixir.
It also conforms to the "disinfo is necessary" as a practice, ok then apply it - if the "shedding meme" is disinfo and WH disinformation, then it looks like it's purpose is to act as look-here signpost, to a important clue to solve the actually intended crime (thwarted) getting us back on track, because the bio-weapon concept, sure has reappeared in a lot of coverage too.
Perhaps we can draw some conclusion that everyone would be safe, in comparison to what was planned. Hard to know, it's not a perfect result but like the circulating meme is, in War it is the path of least casualties. It may turn out to be not as high when you strip out the bogus PCR numbers, and combined with injection deaths, may be far less, if we are lucky.
If not, this is all idle conjecture and speculation.
Yea the mechanism is still an unanswered question.
While that is the literal obvious question - maybe need to approach with an understanding of how things transpire, and keep puzzling over the puzzle.
So let's get a bit of altitude ... see how these "new things" keep appearing and get traction, and command attention and focus, there is always the initial phase were it's wild and mind blowing for most, this ensures it spreads and is a cybernetic forms of "look here!"
Ok and we look there, and then as we let it mind simmering, what appears next is the topic of the "self-spreading" vaccine as a concept and a real thing, and conencting those who have been pursuing it.
This shedding meme, primed our minds then to start make more connections, with existing connection and info.
In terms forced vaccination, the idea of self-spreading vaccines released unknown to the world is a form of violent bypassing of human consent on a global scale at the micro level, is, pure evil.
So now we know, the level of pure evil. We know the shape of their designs and ideas to take full control.
So was this actually the original plan, but a plan that was actually thwarted, as is a common suggestion since last year but with less detail and clarity. Going back to the vials form Canada and Lieber etc. etc.
If the self-spreading has not worked as planned, because it is actually really really hard to do or it was thwarted, then perhpas this is the purpose of the shedding meme. To nudge us in the right direction to really see what they had planned but was a real let down in the end, thankfully!
The WH's knew their endgame - switch or thwarted access to a self-spreading formula (a bio-weapon by another name) but was actually a dud i.e. jsut a bad flu.
If you review all the various tangents and stories, mutations, concerns that the vaccinated spreading the virus, reports form countries of tainted detection kits form China (maybe even vape disease) and the early 2019 mandatory drive in Wuhan, China then we start to see was a crime against humanity foiled by WH's, but the criminals continued on with all their plans and misdirections, thinking all along they really had released the endgame elixir.
It also conforms to the "disinfo is necessary" idea, ok then - if the "shedding meme" is disinfo then it looks like it's purpose is to act as look-here signpost, to a important clue to solve the actually intended crime (thwarted) getting us back on track, because the bio-weapon concept, sure has reappeared in a lot of coverage too.
Perhaps we can draw some conclusion that everyone would be safe, in comparison to what was planned. Hard to know, it's not a perfect result but like the circulating meme is, in War it is the path of least casualties. It may turn out to be not as high when you strip out the bogus PCR numbers, and combined with injection deaths, may be far less, if we are lucky.
If not, this is all idle conjecture and speculation.
Yea the mechanism is still an unanswered question.
While that is the literal obvious question - maybe need to approach with an understanding of how things transpire, and keep puzzling over the puzzle.
So let's get a bit of altitude ... see how these "new things" keep appearing and get traction, and command attention and focus, there is always the initial phase were it's wild and mind blowing for most, this ensures it spreads and is a cybernetic forms of "look here!"
Ok and we look there, and then as we let it mind simmering, what appears next is the topic of the "self-spreading" vaccine as a concept and a real thing, and conencting those who have been pursuing it.
This shedding meme, primed our minds then to start make more connections, with existing connection and info.
In terms forced vaccination, the idea of self-spreading vaccines released unknown to the world is a form of violent bypassing of human consent on a global scale at the micro level, is, pure evil.
So now we know, the level of pure evil. We know the shape of their designs and ideas to take full control.
So was this actually the original plan, but a plan that was actually thwarted, as is a common suggestion since last year but with less detail and clarity. Going back to the vials form Canada and Lieber etc. etc.
If the self-spreading has not worked as planned, because it is actually really really hard to do or it was thwarted, then perhpas this is the purpose of the shedding meme. To nudge us in the right direction to really see what they had planned but was a real let down in the end, thankfully!
The WH's knew their endgame - switch or thwarted access to a self-spreading formula (a bio-weapon by another name) but was actually a dud i.e. jsut a bad flu.
If you review all the various tangents and stories, mutations, corners of the vaccinated spreading the virus, early 2019 vaccaintoin in China and other aspects, then we start to see was a crime against humanity foiled by WH's, but the criminals continued on with all their plans and misdirection and porganda thinking all along they really had released the endgame elixir.
It also conforms to the "Disinfo is necessary", ok then - if the "shedding meme" is dis-info signpost, to a clue to solve that actually intended crime (thwarted) getting us back on track, because the bio-weapon concept, sure has come reappeared in a lot of coverage too.