This needs to be diagrammed:
Lutheran Church Elects Former Lesbian as First Transgender Bishop
Lutheran Church = institution now controlled by the mentally ill
Elects = can I get an audit here? Just to prove statement 1.
Former Lesbian = woman who used to like women a whole lot
First Transgender = woman, not satisfied with liking women a whole lot, now claims she is a man, who, presumably likes women a whole lot.
Bishop - Does she have a bishop in her drawers? Does it rise up when worshiped?
I predict a few years down the road she will realize she was in fact a CIS-normative white female the whole time with mental issues.
This needs to be diagrammed:
Lutheran Church Elects Former Lesbian as First Transgender Bishop
Lutheran Church = institution now controlled by the mentally ill
Elects = can I get an audit here? Just to prove statement 1.
Former Lesbian = woman who used to like women a whole lot
First Transgender = woman, not satisfied with liking women a whole lot, now claims she is a man, who, presumably likes women a whole lot.
Bishop - Does she have a bishop in her drawers? And how does that work?
I predict a few years down the road she will realize she was in fact a CIS-normative white female the whole time with mental issues.
This needs to be diagrammed:
Lutheran Church Elects Former Lesbian as First Transgender Bishop
Lutheran Church = institution now controlled by the mentally ill
Elects = can I get an audit here? Just to prove statement 1.
Former Lesbian = woman who used to like women a whole lot
First Transgender Bishop = woman, not satisfied with liking women a whole lot, now claims she is a man, who, presumably likes women a whole lot.
Bishop - Does she have a bishop in her drawers? And how does that work?
I predict a few years down the road she will realize she was in fact a CIS-normative white female the whole time with mental issues.