No you're not, you just told me in the post right before or after this one,
''I cain't two have red whatchew dun rit!''
Which is leftspeek for
"I can't stop self humiliating in public, to get attention.''
Do you have one of those bowl haircuts and throw beer cans out of your buggy like anti-Mennonites claim online, or is that just DeePZoG dis-info?
I always wondered if maybe that was the FBI and CIA, dressing up like you guys to shade your reps
No you're not, you just told me in the post right before or after this one,
''I cain't two have red whatchew dun rit!''
Which is leftard for
"I can't stop self humiliating in public, to get attention.''
Do you have one of those bowl haircuts and throw beer cans out of your buggy like anti-Mennonites claim online, or is that just deep-ZoG dis-info?
I always wondered if maybe that was the FBI and CIA dressing up like you guys to shade your reps.
No you're not, you just told me in the post right before or after this one,
''I cain't two have red whatchew dun rit!''
Which is leftard for
"I can't stop self humiliating in public, to get attention.''
Do you have one of those bowl haircuts and throw beer cans out of your buggy like anti-Mennonites claim online, or is that just deepZoG dis-info?
I always wondered if maybe that was the FBI and CIA dressing up like you guys to shade your reps
No you're not, your stupid ass just told me in the post right before or after this one,
''I cain't dun two have red whatchew dun rit!''
Which is leftard for
"I can't stop self injuring in public to get attention.''