Well the technology is real... they basically GMO an iron-holding protein called ferritin to the nerve cells by telling them to produce it. They can then pull on the nerve cell, activating it with a magnetic field.
Highly respected Nature Journal published the research.
Its possible the mRNA hits the injection site the most and causes that area to produce a lot of concentrated ferritin proteins. Then the rest of the mRNA disburses more evenly throughout the body. This would cause more iron to be at the injection site.
Well the technology is real... they basically GMO an iron-holding protein called ferritin to the nerve cells by telling them to produce it.
Its possible the mRNA hits the injection site the most and causes that area to produce a lot of concentrated ferritin proteins. Then the rest of the mRNA disburses more evenly throughout the body. This would cause more iron to be at the injection site.
Well the technology is real... https://www.theguardian.com/science/neurophilosophy/2016/mar/24/magneto-remotely-controls-brain-and-behaviour
Its possible the mRNA hits the injection site the most and causes that area to produce a lot of concentrated ferritin proteins. Then the rest of the mRNA disburses more evenly throughout the body. This would cause more iron to be at the injection site.