Reason: Typo
I bought a Panasonic microwave oven from Overstock a few months back because it listed the country of origination as Japan (my dad was 82nd Airborne in WWII and that's a whole different story!) even though it was more money. It arrived and it was made in China. I gave it to my kid. I still don't have a microwave oven.
3 years ago
2 score
Reason: Original
I bought a Panasonic microwave oven from Overstock a few months because it listed the country of origination as Japan (my dad was 82nd Airborne in WWII and that's a whole different story!) even though it was more money. It arrived and it was made in China. I gave it to my kid. I still don't have a microwave oven.
3 years ago
1 score