She is likely allergic to "crap tumeric", not real good-for-you Tumeric.
You have to pay attention to brands and labels.
Here's a quick read for you and your wife:
Additionally, intermittent fasting will allow your body's natural gut cleansing to take place. Eating too much or too often greatly diminishes a body's ability to do what is required for a healthy gut: essentially preventing Bile production for the small intestine to kill off bacteria that is supposed to stay in the large intestine. This creates a health problem known as "SIBO", which is Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. Read about that here:
Point is, our bodies are amazing things and for it to reject something as beneficial as Tumeric Curcumin is highly irregular which typically denotes an outlying issue that caused the reaction. Finding out what that is can reset your gut/body to begin accepting what it should again WITHOUT hand-fulls of pills from Pharmekia.
She is likely allergic to "crap tumeric", not real good-for-you Tumeric.
You have to pay attention to brands and labels.
Here's a quick read for you and your wife:
Additionally, intermittent fasting will allow your body's natural gut cleansing to take place. Eating too much or too often greatly diminishes a body's ability to do what is required for a healthy gut: essentially preventing Bile production for the small intestine to kill off bacteria that is supposed to stay in the large intestine. This creates a health problem known as "SIBO", which is Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. Read about that here:
Point is, our bodies are amazing things and for it to reject something as beneficial as Tumeric Curcumin is highly irregular which typically denotes an outlying isse that caused the reaction. Finding out what that is can reset your gut/body to begin accepting what it should again WITHOUT hand-fulls of pills from Pharmekia.
She is likely allergic to "crap tumeric", not real good-for-you Tumeric.
You have to pay attention to brands and labels.
Here's a quick read for you and your wife:
Additionally, intermittent fasting will allow your body's natural gut cleansing to take place. Eating too much or too often greatly diminishes a body's ability to do what is required for a healthy gut: essentially preventing Bile production for the small intestine to kill off bacteria that is supposed to stay in the large intestine. This creates a health problem known as "SIBO", which is Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. Read about that here:
She is likely allergic to "crap tumeric", not real good-for-you Tumeric.
You have to pay attention to brands and labels.
Here's a quick read for you and your wife:
Additionally, intermittent fasting will allow your body's natural gut cleansing to take place. Eating too much or too often greatly diminishes a body's ability to do what is required for a healthy gut: essentially preventing Bile production for the small intestine to kill off bacteria that is supposed to stay in the large intestine. This creates all sorts of health problem, to include certain food allergies where previously did not exist.
She is likely allergic to "crap tumeric", not real good-for-you Tumeric.
You have to pay attention to brands and labels.
Here's a quick read for you and your wife: