If you released a "vaccine" that killed or sterilized a huge percentage of the population, how would you manage the enormous backlash afterwards? I think you would have to eliminate ALL of your political puppets and lower-tier elites who carried out your orders. It would have to look like a revolution so that going forward the new ruling class would be blameless. The people would need to be convinced that they swept aside all the bad actors in a Great Awakening, or else they would exist in a permanent state of rebellion against the ruling class in the wake of the depopulation event.
If you released a "vaccine" that killed or sterilized a huge percentage of the population, how would you manage the enormous backlash afterwards? I think you would have to eliminate ALL of your political puppets and lower-tier elites who carried out your orders. It would have to look like a revolution so that going forward the new ruling class would be blameless. The people would need to be convinced that they swept aside all the bad actors in a Great Awakening, or else they would exist in a permanent state of rebellion against their ruling class in the wake of the depopulation event.
If you released a "vaccine" that killed or sterilized a huge percentage of the population, how would you manage the enormous backlash afterwards? I think you would have to eliminate ALL of your political puppets and lower-tier elites who carried out your orders. It would have to look like a revolution so that going forward the new ruling class would be blameless. The people would need to be convinced that they swept aside all the bad actors in a Great Awakening, or else they would exist in a permanent state of rebellion against their ruling class.