Yay and get rid of the sex Ed in school that created more problems than helped and get rid of alternative lifestyle classes that have no business in school and get back to "REAL HISTORY MATH SCIENCE ENGLISH CURRENT EVENTS and Add in practical stuff like keeping a checkbook balanced etc." Etc being the Pledge of Allegiance... The Bill of Rights... The Constitution...The Federalists Papers... Patriotism and even Prayer in silence to your God...AND RESPECT!!!!
Yay and get rid of the sex Ed in school that created more problems than helped and get rid of alternative lifestyle classes that have no business in school and get back to "REAL HISTORY MATH SCIENCE ENGLISH CURRENT EVENTS and Add in practice stuff like keeping a checkbook balanced etc." Etc being the Pledge of Allegiance... The Bill of Rights... The Constitution...The Federalists Papers... Patriotism and even Prayer in silence to your God...AND RESPECT!!!!
Yay and get rid of the sex Ed in school that created more problems than helped and get rid of alternative lifestyle classes that have no business in school and get back to "REAL MATH SCIENCE ENGLISH CURRENT EVENTS and Add in practice stuff like keeping a checkbook balanced etc." Etc being the Pledge of Allegiance... The Bill of Rights... The Constitution...The Federalists Papers... Patriotism and even Prayer in silence to your God...AND RESPECT!!!!
Yay and get rid of the sex Ed in school that created more problems than helped and get rid of alternative lifestyle classes that have no business in school and get back to "REAL MATH SCIENCE ENGLISH CURRENT EVENTS and Add in practice stuff like keeping a checkbook balanced etc."