What brought me here was the fraud of an election you guys had. I saw and read alot of the evidence.
Sometimes I wish I didn't take the red pill, literally. I've done psychedelics a countless of times, just for fun I thought. Then a day came and I felt that my way of thinking was not as critical as I wanted it to be. For years I was stuck with the anti-immigration, counter-jihadist, left vs right, socialists vs classical liberals and all the other kind of categorizations of people and groups. I felt controlled by others and I didn't really have my own self.
It could be that I live in Europe and in a socialist country, but I never felt at home. Neither in my home country Sweden or in my parents country in Serbia. Then I saw how patriots with Donald J. Trump at the other side of the Atlantic Sea were fighting for their freedoms that we had already forsaken and take for granted over here.
I felt also more disconnected to God even though I have a christian orthodox background. That didn't help me and I'm trying hard in my mind to believe again. Somehow I could really see what was happening in the world and everything around me. But, I got more anxiety the more I tried to make sense out of everything. I'm really content with relearning everything I knew. Hopefully I will meet someone who thinks likewise.
Wish you guys all the best!
How do psychoactive substances relate to the Great Awakening?
Why is cannabis relevant?
Why is psilocybin relevant?
Why is DMT relevant?
How will the progressive legalization of cannabis and psilocybin affect the collective consciousness?
How will the explosion of DMT use, and ceremonial Ayahuasca affect the collective consciousness?
Could the introduction of these substances redirect the course of humanity?
Why did God give man endocannabinoid receptors if cannabis is the Devil’s Lettuce?
Does cannabis interfere with mind control?
What brought me here was the fraud of an election you guys had. I saw and read alot of the evidence.
Sometimes I wish I didn't take the red pill, literally. I've done psychedelics a countless of times, just for fun I thought. Then a day came and I felt that my way of thinking was not as critical as I wanted it to be. For years I was stuck with the anti-immigration, counter-jihadist, left vs right, socialists vs classical liberals and all the other kind of categorizations of people and groups. I felt controlled by others and I didn't really have my own self.
It could be that I live in Europe and in a socialist country, but I never felt at home. Neither in my home country Sweden or in my parents country in Serbia. Then I saw how patriots with Donald J. Trump at the other side of the Atlantic Sea were fighting for their freedoms that we already forsaken and take for granted over here.
I felt also more disconnected to God even though I have a christian orthodox background. That didn't help me and I'm trying hard in my mind to believe again. Somehow I could really see what was happening in the world and everything around me. But, I got more anxiety the more I tried to make sense out of everything. I'm really content with relearning everything I knew. Hopefully I will meet someone who thinks likewise.
Wish you guys all the best!
How do psychoactive substances relate to the Great Awakening?
Why is cannabis relevant?
Why is psilocybin relevant?
Why is DMT relevant?
How will the progressive legalization of cannabis and psilocybin affect the collective consciousness?
How will the explosion of DMT use, and ceremonial Ayahuasca affect the collective consciousness?
Could the introduction of these substances redirect the course of humanity?
Why did God give man endocannabinoid receptors if cannabis is the Devil’s Lettuce?
Does cannabis interfere with mind control?
Sometimes I wish I didn't take the red pill, literally. I've done psychedelics a countless of times, just for fun I thought. Then a day came and I felt that my way of thinking was not as critical as I wanted it to be. For years I was stuck with the anti-immigration, counter-jihadist, left vs right, socialists vs classical liberals and all the other kind of categorizations of people and groups. I felt controlled by others and I didn't really have my own self.
It could be that I live in Europe and in a socialist country, but I never felt at home. Neither in my home country Sweden or in my parents country in Serbia. Then I saw how patriots with Donald J. Trump at the other side of the Atlantic Sea were fighting for their freedoms that we already forsaken and take for granted over here.
I felt also more disconnected to God even though I have a christian orthodox background. That didn't help me and I'm trying hard in my mind to believe again. Somehow I could really see what was happening in the world and everything around me. But, I got more anxiety the more I tried to make sense out of everything. I'm really content with relearning everything I knew. Hopefully I will meet someone who thinks likewise. Wish you guys all the best!
How do psychoactive substances relate to the Great Awakening?
Why is cannabis relevant?
Why is psilocybin relevant?
Why is DMT relevant?
How will the progressive legalization of cannabis and psilocybin affect the collective consciousness?
How will the explosion of DMT use, and ceremonial Ayahuasca affect the collective consciousness?
Could the introduction of these substances redirect the course of humanity?
Why did God give man endocannabinoid receptors if cannabis is the Devil’s Lettuce?
Does cannabis interfere with mind control?