If America is destroyed from within, there is global hegemony for them.
Consider alternatives:
Where will you go if they force you to be hooked up on their grid, the Internet of Bodies? (8K VR? Can you see where this is headed? https://futuretimeline.net/21stcentury/2030.htm)
What stands in their way? WE, the People and some in the military. However, how can they progress if we are not divided, disarmed and left to their mercy?
You think Europeans in general will lend a hand? With what? They already are disarmed and dispossessed. In Europe everything is in place for the total crackdown on any dissenting voice.
You think the warnings of the French police and military are just a sideshow? There is a real prospect of this thing blowing out of proportion.
ISIS was defeated. And now, it spreads.
Just consider this picture of indonesia. https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/inpicture_slide/peta-penyebaran-islam-di-asia-tenggara-_130103152234-372.jpg
What happened in East-TIMOR?
Keep this in mind.
Compare this to this picture: https://assets.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2017/11/22105823/PF_11.29.17_muslims-update-20.png
Ever heard of the red/green alliance? See here: https://www.yaacovapelbaum.com/2019/08/16/the-red-green-alliance-and-the-real-devil-of-mogadishu/?like_comment=23788
How deep the rabbit hole goes? https://muckrack.com/george-eliason/articles Look for Chalupa's Aninmal Farm part one and two.
Set all this aside in factor in this: https://whatisthislife.weebly.com/islam.html?c=mkt_w_chnl:aff_geo:all_prtnr:sas_subprtnr:742098_camp:brand_adtype:txtlnk_ag:weebly_lptype:hp_var:358504&sscid=51k5_1144b8
Name me one Islamic country that is a shining city on the hill for having top notch free republican and democratic body politic and sustainable ecology?
We often are very forgetful when it comes to Chayna. Their stripes may changes, but not their strategy.
What was the cause belli for Nanking massacre? What happened as a prelude in Manchuria? What happened in Tibet?
What is the population makeup, north of the Amur? Why is China all of a sudden proclaiming itself to be a polar power? When Tom Clancy wrote the book "The bear and The Dragon" he was just writing out a irrelevant impossible scenario?
What do the CCP, Islam and the bolshevik billionaire club have in common?
What stands in the way?
Overlay this with the 16 year plan.
Please, keep in mind, any interest group can be hacked, infiltrated, co-opted and redirected.
However, you are aware of the all seeing eye and the pyramid, right? The general idea is to detest this symbol. In effect is means something different. on an individual level, once you connect to your soul, knowledge will come by itself, in the now.
All the levels in between, of the several commercial interest, political interest, all that happens is more and more layers are added, between you and you soul. And once they hook you up, by forced vaxxing and testing, you are inundated by dopamine effects, triggered by their signals to influence your behavior. Yes, obedience will feel good. Compliance will feel good.
This is what they teach kids at school. Get a fast test twice a week and you'll receive a tasty snack.
Certain places all of a sudden will feel good. Ever seen the TV show V? Look it up. Bliss is a very powerful motivator. And you then want to be hooked up, take some time out from all the shit that is going on, enjoy yourself, be somebody. In 8K it will look tremendous. Yes, you can climb the Northside of the Matterhorn. You can fall down and try again.
You'll live between six planks and you'll be happy. Virtually, cut off from your real being.
If America is destroyed from within, there is global hegemony for them.
Consider alternatives:
Where will you go if they force you to be hooked up on their grid, the Internet of Bodies?
What stands in their way? WE, the People and some in the military. However, how can they progress if we are not divided, disarmed and left to their mercy?
You think Europeans in general will lend a hand? With what? They already are disarmed and dispossessed. In Europe everything is in place for the total crackdown on any dissenting voice.
You think the warnings of the French police and military are just a sideshow? There is a real prospect of this thing blowing out of proportion.
ISIS was defeated. And now, it spreads.
Just consider this picture of indonesia. https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/inpicture_slide/peta-penyebaran-islam-di-asia-tenggara-_130103152234-372.jpg
What happened in East-TIMOR?
Keep this in mind.
Compare this to this picture: https://assets.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2017/11/22105823/PF_11.29.17_muslims-update-20.png
Ever heard of the red/green alliance? See here: https://www.yaacovapelbaum.com/2019/08/16/the-red-green-alliance-and-the-real-devil-of-mogadishu/?like_comment=23788
How deep the rabbit hole goes? https://muckrack.com/george-eliason/articles Look for Chalupa's Aninmal Farm part one and two.
Set all this aside in factor in this: https://whatisthislife.weebly.com/islam.html?c=mkt_w_chnl:aff_geo:all_prtnr:sas_subprtnr:742098_camp:brand_adtype:txtlnk_ag:weebly_lptype:hp_var:358504&sscid=51k5_1144b8
Name me one Islamic country that is a shining city on the hill for having top notch free republican and democratic body politic and sustainable ecology?
We often are very forgetful when it comes to Chayna. Their stripes may changes, but not their strategy.
What was the cause belli for Nanking massacre? What happened as a prelude in Manchuria? What happened in Tibet?
What is the population makeup, north of the Amur? Why is China all of a sudden proclaiming itself to be a polar power? When Tom Clancy wrote the book "The bear and The Dragon" he was just writing out a irrelevant impossible scenario?
What do the CCP, Islam and the bolshevik billionaire club have in common?
What stands in the way?
Overlay this with the 16 year plan.
Please, keep in mind, any interest group can be hacked, infiltrated, co-opted and redirected.