Awesome meme except for the Waldo part.
Many other patriots deserve to be in that spot, or maybe that patriot beside Waldo actually got the head shot??? ;) yep, Waldo has the bolt action, our hero has the 20 round magazine. Mind-Changed!
Awesome meme except for the Waldo part.
Many other patriots deserve to be in that spot, or maybe that patriot beside Waldo actually got the head shot??? ;) yep, Waldo has the bolt action, our hero has the 20 round magazine.
Awesome meme except for the Waldo part.
Many other patriots deserve to be in that spot, or maybe that patriot beside Waldo actually got the head shot??? ;) yep
Awesome meme except for the Waldo part.
Many other patriots deserve to be in that spot, or maybe that guy beside Waldo actually got the head shot??? ;)
Awesome meme except for the Waldo part.
Many other patriots deserve to be in that spot.