I have small shot in the dark.Small datefagging.Such on which I bet about Q being still real (in good or bad way) personally. Some Qincidence shall happen hours ahead and I will have more doubts or we all will see. Day of those it is all about. Think days we are waiting,think Manhattan being next to it with coincidental question.
I'm adult but not only I would like small "gift" on those day too if Q read us too...
I have small shot in the dark.Small datefagging.Such on which I bet about Q being still real (in good or bad way) personally. Some Qincidence shall happen hours ahead and I will have more doubts or we all will see. Day of those it is all about. Think days we are waiting,think Manhattan being next.
I'm adult but not only I would like small "gift" on those day too if Q read us too...
I have small shot in the dark.Small datefagging.Such on which I bet about Q being still real (in good or bad way) personally. Some Qincidence shall happen hours ahead and I will have more doubts or we all will see. Day of those it is all about. Think days we are waiting,think Manhattan being next Perfect day for it,perfect drop about coincidences nicely numbered.
I'm adult but not only I would like small "gift" on those day too if Q read us too...
I have small shot in the dark.Small datefagging.Such on which I bet about Q being still real (in good or bad way) personally. Some Qincidence shall happen about 43-70 (?) hours ahead and I will have more doubts or we all will see. Day of those it is all about. Think days we are waiting,think Manhattan. Perfect day for it,perfect drop about coincidences nicely numbered.
I'm adult but not only I would like small "gift" on those day too if Q read us too...
I have small shot in the dark.Small datefagging.Such on which I bet about Q being still real (in good or bad way) personally. Some Qincidence shall happen about 43-70 (?) hours ahead and I will have more doubts or we all will see. Day of those it is all about. Think days we are waiting,think Manhattan. Perfect day for it,perfect drop about coincidences nicely numbered.
I'm adult but not only I would like small "gift" on those day too if Q read us too...
I have small shot in the dark.Small datefagging.Such on which I bet about Q being still real (in good or bad way) personally. Some Qincidence shall happen about 43-70 (?) hours ahead. Day of those it is all about. Think days we are waiting,think Manhattan. Perfect day for it,perfect drop about coincidences binded to it.
I'm adult but not only I would like small "gift" on those day too if Q read us too...
I have small shot in the dark.Small datefagging.Such on which I bet about Q being still real (in good or bad way) personally. Some Qincidence shall happen about 43-70 (?) hours ahead. Day of those it is all about. Think days we are waiting,think Manhattan. Perfect day for it,perfect drop about coincidences binded to it.
I'm adult but not only I would like small "gift" on those day too if Q read us too...
I have small shot in the dark.Small datefagging.Such on which I bet about Q being still real (in good or bad way) personally. Some Qincidence shall happen about 43-70 (?) hours ahead. Day of those it is all about. Think days we are waiting,think Manhattan. Perfect day for it,perfect drop about coincidences binded to it.