You start with 3 drops in 12-16oz water, 2 or 3X/day for say 3-5 days. Then bump it up a couple drops in same amounts water same # days. I leveled out at 10 drops in 16oz water same amounts per day etc. Space it away from food or other medicine. Remember this is FOOD GRADE H2O2. I know many cancer patients swear by it, it gives you a rush of Oxygen & feels very good. “Breathtaking” not sarcasm. I buy “Jutrian Blue” from:
As with any purification regime there’s an initial detox period when you’re body is ridding itself of toxins from dead tissues, the bad cell’s excretions etc. You may get headaches & feel yuck for a cpl-few day’s that’s not from the treatment meds, it’s the detox. It passes, trust me. There’s a name for this process but I just woke up so goin back to bed. -Peace
You start with 3 drops in 12-16oz water, 2 or 3X/day for say 3-5 days. Then bump it up a couple drops in same amounts water same # days. I leveled out at 10 drops in 16oz water same amounts per day etc. Space it away from food or other medicine. Remember this is FOOD GRADE H2O2. I know many cancer patients swear by it, it gives you a rush of Oxygen & feels very good. “Breathtaking” not sarcasm. I buy “Jutrian Blue” from: