Nothing will convince me that Spencer Coxucker legitimately won the primary, and I'm certain that election fraud happened in the state (regardless of his legitimacy).
Romney needs to go, too.
And the worst part? I voted for the libertarian for governor, and I never vote for Romney. He keeps getting elected and it's due in part to the primaries. The other part are the cucks who are afraid of mean tweets and the BS they hear on CNN.
I wonder what Sean Reyes would say about this? He joined the Texas lawsuit. I called and encouraged him to do it, then I called and thanked him. He might be into this.
Nothing will convince me that Spencer Coxucker legitimately won the primary, and I'm certain that electron fraud happened in the state (regardless of his legitimacy).
Romney needs to go, too.
And the worst part? I voted for the libertarian for governor, and I never vote for Romney. He keeps getting elected and it's due in part to the primaries. The other part are the cucks who are afraid of mean tweets and the BS they hear on CNN.
I wonder what Sean Reyes would say about this? He joined the Texas lawsuit. I called and encouraged him to do it, then I called and thanked him. He might be into this.
Nothing will convince me that Spencer Coxucker legitimately won the primary, and I'm certain that electron fraud happened in the state (regardless of his legitimacy).
Romney needs to go, too.
And the worst part? I voted for the libertarian for governor, and I never vote for Romney. He keeps getting elected and it's due in part to the primaries. The other part are the cucks who are afraid of mean tweets and the BS they hear on CNN.