OP, the heart rhythm side-effect is from azithromyicin not HCQ. (The two are often prescribed together for COVID, hence the confusion.)
Fauci and the criminal FDA continue to parrot this lie with no evidence, to demonize HCQ.
OP, the heart rhythm side-effect is from azithromycin not HCQ. (The two are often prescribed together for COVID, hence the confusion.)
Fauci and the criminal FDA continues to parrot this lie with no evidence, to demonize HCQ.
OP, the heart rhythm side-effect is from azithromyicin not HCQ. (The two are often prescribed together for COVID, hence the confusion.)
Fauci and the criminal FDA continues to parrot this lie with no evidence, to demonize HCQ.
OP, the heart rhythm side-effect is from azithromyicin not HCQ. (The two are often prescribed together for COVID, hence the confusion.)
Fauci and the criminal FDA continues to parrot this lie with no evidence, to demonize HCQ.