- Reddit wakes up when it involves activist international POC getting banned on twitter.
They don't dare even acknowledge white American conservatives being silenced.
WhItE fRaGiLiTy
Whites are expected to take it and not complain, but any feminist hamplanet's complaints of a transgression are to be nurtured and coddled?
Please. Even in a based ass sub like r/wallstreetsilver who are almost all conswrvatives who don't trust government or banks, you get little fruit flies like this:
- Reddit wakes up when it involves activist international POC getting banned on twitter.
They don't dare even acknowledge white American conservatives being silenced.
WhItE fRaGiLiTy
Whites are expected to take it and not complain, but any feminist hamplanet's complaints of a transgression are to be nurtured and coddled?
Please. Even in a based ass sub like r/wallstreetsilver who are almost all conswrvatives who don't trust government or banks, you get little fruit flies like this: