This is horseshit. It all started with an "investigative" hit piece by the local paper, The Tampa Bay Times. I watched it unfold in real time and it was the typical misleading, biased, only-some-of-the-facts-but-not-all-of-the-facts reporting we see all around us. The Pasco Sheriff's issued a DEVASTATING reply at the time, but TBT had long ago locked down their comments sections and catered the Editorials to the hard left, so it was surpressed, as always.
Fact of the matter is Pasco Co has been the "growth" area of the Tampa region for over a decade. It's a former rural area they're trying to control, and the sheriff is having none of their liberal bullshit as the crime rates skyrocketed during the period.
This is horseshit. It all started with an "investigative" hit piece by the local paper, The Tampa Bay Times. I watched it unfold in real time and it was the typical misleading, biased, only-some-of-the-facts-but-not-all-of-the-facts reporting we see all around us. The Pasco Sheriff's issued a DEVASTATING reply at the time, but TBT had long ago locked down their comments sections and catered the Editorials to the hard left, so it was surprised, as always.
Fact of the matter is Pasco Co has been the "growth" area of the Tampa region for over a decade. It's a former rural area they're trying to control, and the sheriff is having none of their liberal bullshit as the crime rates skyrocketed during the period.