Another one to watch out for is how they refuse to use the word "man" or "men." It's always males, guys, or dudes, but rarely men. The same people who take great care to use sex-specific nouns to refer to animals, like "bull," "buck," or "tomcat," refuse to extend the same courtesy when referring to human men. Why? Because referring to men as "males" is a subtle form of dehumanization. "Males" can refer to any member of the animal kingdom, but only "men" and "man" can refer to humans. Additionally, they do it to strip the power out of the word "man." "I am a man" makes you sound far more serious and stronger than "I am a dude" or "I am a guy."
Be on the look out for this substitution of "males" when "men" would be more appropriate. It's everywhere. And you'll know it's deliberate when you see that they rarely do this to women. They're very good about saying "women" instead of "females," but they don't do the same for men. And the absolute worst are the racists who use "man" or "men" or for other races, but go out of their way to say "white males."
Finally, you can spot the Clown ops by their refusal to use the word "man." Proud Boys instead of Proud Men. White Boy Summer instead of White Man Summer. Which of those sound more serious to you--"boys" or "men"? Again, it's meant to infantilize. They are absolutely terrified of American men thinking of themselves as men.
Another one to watch out for is how they refuse to use the word "man" or "men." It's always males, guys, or dudes, but rarely men. The same people who take great care to use sex-specific nouns to refer to animals, like "bull," "buck," or "tomcat," refuse to extend the same courtesy when referring to human men. Why? Because referring to men as "males" is a subtle form of dehumanization. "Males" can refer to any member of the animal kingdom, but only "men" and "man" can refer to humans. Additionally, they do it to strip the power out of the word "man." "I am a man" makes you sound far more serious and stronger than "I am a dude" or "I am a guy."
Be on the look out for this substitution of "males" when "men" would be more appropriate. It's everywhere. And you'll know it's deliberate when you see that they rarely do this to women. They're very good about saying "women" instead of "females," but they don't do the same for men. And the absolute worst are the racists who use "man" or "men" or for other races, but go out of their way to say "white males."