If all audits are fraudulent, how do you audit fraud? If fraud is perpetuated by first parties, how would you prove it? An audit? By whom? The fraudsters? Or a second party hired by those same fraudsters? Don’t people see a problem in that?
In order for fraud to be properly audited, a third party’s presence shouldn’t just be welcomed. It should be mandatory. Otherwise, it’s just the equivalence of “just trust me, bro”. This mentality would havepe every thief walk the streets.
If all audits are fraudulent, how do you audit fraud? If fraud is perpetuated by first parties, how would you prove it? An audit? By whom? The fraudsters? Or a second party hired by those same fraudsters? Don’t people see a problem in that?
In order for fraud to be properly audited, a third party’s presence shouldn’t just be welcomed. It must be mandatory. Otherwise, it’s just the equivalence of “just trust me, bro”. This mentality would havepe every thief walk the streets.
If all audits are fraudulent, how do you audit fraud? If fraud is perpetuated by first parties, how would you prove it? An audit? By whom? The fraudsters? Or a second party hired by those same fraudsters? Don’t people see a problem in that?
In order for fraud to be properly audited, a third party’s presence shouldn’t just be welcomed. It must be necessary. Otherwise, it’s just the equivalence of “just trust me, bro”. This mentality would havepe every thief walk the streets.
If all audits are fraudulent, how do you audit fraud? If fraud is perpetuated by first parties, how would you prove it? An audit? By whom? The fraudsters? Or a second party hired by those same fraudsters? Don’t people see a problem in that?
In order for fraud to be properly audited, a third party’s presence shouldn’t just be welcomed. It must be necessary. Otherwise, it’s just the equivalence of “just trust me, bro”. Otherwise, every thief would walk the streets.