I believe that every single mass shooting, every single school shooting, every single terrorist attack within our borders, was done under the influence and the prompting of, the FBLie, all the way back to Columbine. They were all false flags designed with the political goal of taking away our guns and enslaving the American People, the last threat to the death cults goal of world domination. None of them would have occurred without FBLie influence.
They followed up Columbine with a "terrorist attack" on the WTC which they then parlayed into the most abusive law in American History, the so called Patriot Act.
Since Reagan began his cognitive decline shortly after his re-election, this government has turned up the heat on the slow burn of government tyranny until today they barely even try to hide it.
It is time for Americans to throw off the shackles. We need to free ourselves so that we may free the world from the grip of this luciferian pedophile death cult that has been controlling all of us for 2000 years.
I believe that every single mass shooting, every single school shooting, was done under the influence of the FBLie, all the way back to Columbine. They were all false flags designed with the political goal of taking away our guns and enslaving the American People, the last threat to the death cults goal of world domination.
They followed up Columbine with a "terrorist attack" on the WTC which they then parlayed into the most abusive law in American History, the so called Patriot Act.
Since Reagan began his cognitive decline shortly after his re-election, this government has turned up the heat on the slow burn of government tyranny until today they barely even try to hide it.
It is time for Americans to throw off the shackles. We need to free ourselves so that we may free the world from the grip of this luciferian pedophile death cult that has been controlling all of us for 2000 years.