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Reason: None provided.

There is a much deeper explanation of the details of these points, but can't be arsed typing more than this quickie. It's either obvious to you or it's not. eyerighteye gave a perfectly succinct summation imo.

#1 Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Agenda21/30 and all the usual suspects have been telling you for YEARS that the population must be reduced because we are overpopulated (we are not, they just control the resources). There is no way to reduce from over 6 billion to 500 million without it being forced. Unless an asteroid hits and they hide in their DUMBS they'd be taken out too. They've been promising extinction level events for decades and it's no nearer happening . Given their M.O. they are likely going to force it.

#2 Guide reproduction wisely—improving fitness and diversity.

They promote promiscuity at the moment to fracture the bonds with men/women and families. There were 2 reasons the Rockerfellers funded Womens Liberation according to Nick Rockerfeller - 1) to tax the other half of the population and 2) to get the kids in school earlier so they can be indoctrinated to want the future planned for them.

Notice how overpopulation and climate catastrophe are universally believed by the younger generations. Years of indoctrination got them to that point. I think it was Kissinger who came up with the climate hoax btw)

They've got women killing their offspring as if it's no big deal but just like China they will enforce abortions in their NWO if you do not have approval. They have been quite vocal about this.

If the want to maintain the population at 500 million they MUST control, sorry guide, it. That means a system very much like China had with permits for children for the approved, and forced abortions for those who don't have approval.

Fitness and diversity? I remember an Austrian painter who went for all that. Even had breeding farms to breed the best Aryan stock. Put a lot of weight on fitness and health, even banning smoking he cared so much about peoples health.

You will eat the bugs pleb, they are full of protein and good for health, and great for the environment. Oh how they care about us.

Diversity here sounds much like the Kalergi Plan

#3 Unite humanity with a living new language.

*(It would be great if there were a universal language so that people of all cultures could use it to communicate with each other *

There is. It's called English and most people around the world speak it in one fashion or another. But this goes along with destroying the old and creating a new 'reality'. The Deep State did try with Esperanto but it never caught on. What's wrong with learning each others language, one of the joys of travel is learning new languages and having new experiences. We aren't the Borg. But then travel bad for the environment so that is something the plebs won't experience much longer.

#4 Rule passion—faith—tradition—and all things with tempered reason.

(Word to the wise, sounds like it's right out of the book of Proverbs)

Well, that's something they think they are uniquely qualified for. They have TOLD us this many many times. Humanity is just not capable of seeing to their own affairs and need wise leaders to rule for them. Rulers like them who have our best interests at heart.

#5 Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

WTF. In the immortal words of Mandy Rice Davies "well they would say that wouldn't they". The EU Humans Rights Charter says similar things but a closer look shows a different face. The people who are going to be ruling this One World Government are the people destroying things at the moment. What are thge odds they will be fair and just if you don't toe the line.

You really think they have had a Damascene conversion and are going to mend their ways?

#6 Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

Yes, the minor things to give the illusion of independence, but the major rules all countries must abide by will be set by un-elected officals you can never get rid of. The EU was a mini version of this and we had ridiculous, restrictive and unjust laws that EU nations had no choice but to adhere to.

The UN is slated to be the head of this One World Government. You know the one who has just sat the Saudis on the commission in charge of Womens Rights. They absolutely consider themselves the judge of fairness and human rights.

#7 Avoid petty laws and useless officials..

There go those pretty words again. They will be certainly avoiding petty laws and officials, because there will be the Rulers (them) and the Enforcers (the lickspittle forelock tuggers). Then there is the rest of us. Certainly simplifies things, getting rid of layers of useless pen pushers who would no longer be needed if there is only 500 million people. The only laws that exist will be laws they create and of course they won't be petty, they are all wise and seek to help us better ourselves.

#8 Balance personal rights with social duties.

Social duties will always come before personal rights in any fascist/socialist/communist system. The State is paramount. If your personal rights don't allgn with 'social rights' then buh-bye. Totalitarianism 101.

They are not saying anything all would be totalitarian rulers don't claim they intend to do but it never worked out that way. Always the opposite. Funny that.

#9 Prize truth—beauty—love—seeking harmony with the infinite.

This is a mix of evironmentalism and their NWO religion. This is actually kind of funny. Modern architecture is deliberately designed to remove those things, small windows and grey building to crush the soul.

As for God and religion, ah yes, they have said many times there will be a One World Religion whether we like it or not. Luciferarian. They wax lyrical about Muslims and Christians destroying each other and when a weary people turn to the State for help 'then at long last the glorious Light of Lucifer can come out into the open fully revealed' (not the exact quote but close enough)

#10 Be not a cancer on the Earth—Leave room for nature—Leave room for nature.

Isn't this the enviromentalism they indoctrinate everyone with now? Man is a cancer on earth and pollutes everything. Agenda21/30 is about moving everyone into 'super cities' and letting nature return to 'wilderness'. There is even a so-called Wilderness Project I think. Of course they get to keep it as their playground, because unlike the rest of us they know how to be responsible for nature as the self appointed guardians.

We'd probably need a permit to travel outside these huge city states. And of course you will own nothing (they will) but you'll totally be happy. Pinkie promise.

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

There is a much deeper explanation of the details of these points, but can't be arsed typing more than this quickie. It's either obvious to you or it's not. eyerighteye gave a perfectly succinct summation imo.

#1 Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Agenda21/30 and all the usual suspects have been telling you for YEARS that the population must be reduced because we are overpopulated (we are not, they just control the resources). There is no way to reduce from over 6 billion to 500 million without it being forced. Unless an asteroid hits and they hide in their DUMBS they'd be taken out too. They've been promising extinction level events for decades and it's no nearer happening . Given their M.O. they are likely going to force it.

#2 Guide reproduction wisely—improving fitness and diversity.

They promote promiscuity at the moment to fracture the bonds with men/women and families. There were 2 reasons the Rockerfellers funded Womens Liberation according to Nick Rockerfeller - 1) to tax the other half of the population and 2) to get the kids in school earlier so they can be indoctrinated to want the future planned for them.

Notice how overpopulation and climate catastrophe are universally believed by the younger generations. Years of indoctrination got them to that point. I think it was Kissinger who came up with the climate hoax btw)

They've got women killing their offspring as if it's no big deal but just like China they will enforce abortions in their NWO if you do not have approval. They have been quite vocal about this.

If the want to maintain the population at 500 million they MUST control, sorry guide, it. That means a system very much like China had with permits for children for the approved, and forced abortions for those who don't have approval.

Fitness and diversity? I remember an Austrian painter who went for all that. Even had breeding farms to breed the best Aryan stock. Put a lot of weight on fitness and health, even banning smoking he cared so much about peoples health. Dib=versity here sounds much like the Kalergi Plan

You will eat the bugs pleb, they are full of protein and good for health, and great for the environment. Oh how they care about us.

#3 Unite humanity with a living new language.

*(It would be great if there were a universal language so that people of all cultures could use it to communicate with each other *

There is. It's called English and most people around the world speak it in one fashion or another. But this goes along with destroying the old and creating a new 'reality'. The Deep State did try with Esperanto but it never caught on. What's wrong with learning each others language, one of the joys of travel is learning new languages and having new experiences. We aren't the Borg. But then travel bad for the environment so that is something the plebs won't experience much longer.

#4 Rule passion—faith—tradition—and all things with tempered reason.

(Word to the wise, sounds like it's right out of the book of Proverbs)

Well, that's something they think they are uniquely qualified for. They have TOLD us this many many times. Humanity is just not capable of seeing to their own affairs and need wise leaders to rule for them. Rulers like them who have our best interests at heart.

#5 Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

WTF. In the immortal words of Mandy Rice Davies "well they would say that wouldn't they". The EU Humans Rights Charter says similar things but a closer look shows a different face. The people who are going to be ruling this One World Government are the people destroying things at the moment. What are thge odds they will be fair and just if you don't toe the line.

You really think they have had a Damascene conversion and are going to mend their ways?

#6 Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

Yes, the minor things to give the illusion of independence, but the major rules all countries must abide by will be set by un-elected officals you can never get rid of. The EU was a mini version of this and we had ridiculous, restrictive and unjust laws that EU nations had no choice but to adhere to.

The UN is slated to be the head of this One World Government. You know the one who has just sat the Saudis on the commission in charge of Womens Rights. They absolutely consider themselves the judge of fairness and human rights.

#7 Avoid petty laws and useless officials..

There go those pretty words again. They will be certainly avoiding petty laws and officials, because there will be the Rulers (them) and the Enforcers (the lickspittle forelock tuggers). Then there is the rest of us. Certainly simplifies things, getting rid of layers of useless pen pushers who would no longer be needed if there is only 500 million people. The only laws that exist will be laws they create and of course they won't be petty, they are all wise and seek to help us better ourselves.

#8 Balance personal rights with social duties.

Social duties will always come before personal rights in any fascist/socialist/communist system. The State is paramount. If your personal rights don't allgn with 'social rights' then buh-bye. Totalitarianism 101.

They are not saying anything all would be totalitarian rulers don't claim they intend to do but it never worked out that way. Always the opposite. Funny that.

#9 Prize truth—beauty—love—seeking harmony with the infinite.

This is a mix of evironmentalism and their NWO religion. This is actually kind of funny. Modern architecture is deliberately designed to remove those things, small windows and grey building to crush the soul.

As for God and religion, ah yes, they have said many times there will be a One World Religion whether we like it or not. Luciferarian. They wax lyrical about Muslims and Christians destroying each other and when a weary people turn to the State for help 'then at long last the glorious Light of Lucifer can come out into the open fully revealed' (not the exact quote but close enough)

#10 Be not a cancer on the Earth—Leave room for nature—Leave room for nature.

Isn't this the enviromentalism they indoctrinate everyone with now? Man is a cancer on earth and pollutes everything. Agenda21/30 is about moving everyone into 'super cities' and letting nature return to 'wilderness'. There is even a so-called Wilderness Project I think. Of course they get to keep it as their playground, because unlike the rest of us they know how to be responsible for nature as the self appointed guardians.

We'd probably need a permit to travel outside these huge city states. And of course you will own nothing (they will) but you'll totally be happy. Pinkie promise.

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

There is a much deeper explanation of the details of these points, but can't be arsed typing more than this quickie. It's either obvious to you or it's not. eyerighteye gave a perfectly succinct summation imo.

#1 Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Agenda21/30 and all the usual suspects have been telling you for YEARS that the population must be reduced because we are overpopulated (we are not, they just control the resources). There is no way to reduce from over 6 billion to 500 million without it being forced. Unless an asteroid hits and they hide in their DUMBS they'd be taken out too. They've been promising extinction level events for decades and it's no nearer happening . Given their M.O. they are likely going to force it.

#2 Guide reproduction wisely—improving fitness and diversity.

They promote promiscuity at the moment to fracture the bonds with men/women and families. There were 2 reasons the Rockerfellers funded Womens Liberation according to Nick Rockerfeller - 1) to tax the other half of the population and 2) to get the kids in school earlier so they can be indoctrinated to want the future planned for them.

Notice how overpopulation and climate catastrophe are universally believed by the younger generations. Years of indoctrination got them to that point. I think it was Kissinger who came up with the climate hoax btw)

They've got women killing their offspring as if it's no big deal but just like China they will enforce abortions in their NWO if you do not have approval. They have been quite vocal about this.

If the want to maintain the population at 500 million they MUST control, sorry guide, it. That means a system very much like China had with permits for children for the approved, and forced abortions for those who don't have approval.

Fitness and diversity? I remember an Austrian painter who went for all that. Even had breeding farms to breed the best Aryan stock. Put a lot of weight on fitness and health, even banning smoking he cared so much about peoples health. Dib=versity here sounds much like the Kalergi Plan

You will eat the bugs pleb, they are full of protein and good for health, and great for the environment. Oh how they care about us.

#3 Unite humanity with a living new language.

*(It would be great if there were a universal language so that people of all cultures **could use it to communicate with each other *

There is. It's called English and most people around the world speak it in one fashion or another. But this goes along with destroying the old and creating a new 'reality'. The Deep State did try with Esperanto but it never caught on. What's wrong with learning each others language, one of the joys of travel is learning new languages and having new experiences. We aren't the Borg. But then travel bad for the environment so that is something the plebs won't experience much longer.

#4 Rule passion—faith—tradition—and all things with tempered reason.

(Word to the wise, sounds like it's right out of the book of Proverbs)

Well, that's something they think they are uniquely qualified for. They have TOLD us this many many times. Humanity is just not capable of seeing to their own affairs and need wise leaders to rule for them. Rulers like them who have our best interests at heart.

#5 Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

WTF. In the immortal words of Mandy Rice Davies "well they would say that wouldn't they". The EU Humans Rights Charter says similar things but a closer look shows a different face. The people who are going to be ruling this One World Government are the people destroying things at the moment. What are thge odds they will be fair and just if you don't toe the line.

You really think they have had a Damascene conversion and are going to mend their ways?

#6 Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

Yes, the minor things to give the illusion of independence, but the major rules all countries must abide by will be set by un-elected officals you can never get rid of. The EU was a mini version of this and we had ridiculous, restrictive and unjust laws that EU nations had no choice but to adhere to.

The UN is slated to be the head of this One World Government. You know the one who has just sat the Saudis on the commission in charge of Womens Rights. They absolutely consider themselves the judge of fairness and human rights.

#7 Avoid petty laws and useless officials..

There go those pretty words again. They will be certainly avoiding petty laws and officials, because there will be the Rulers (them) and the Enforcers (the lickspittle forelock tuggers). Then there is the rest of us. Certainly simplifies things, getting rid of layers of useless pen pushers who would no longer be needed if there is only 500 million people. The only laws that exist will be laws they create and of course they won't be petty, they are all wise and seek to help us better ourselves.

#8 Balance personal rights with social duties.

Social duties will always come before personal rights in any fascist/socialist/communist system. The State is paramount. If your personal rights don't allgn with 'social rights' then buh-bye. Totalitarianism 101.

They are not saying anything all would be totalitarian rulers don't claim they intend to do but it never worked out that way. Always the opposite. Funny that.

#9 Prize truth—beauty—love—seeking harmony with the infinite.

This is a mix of evironmentalism and their NWO religion. This is actually kind of funny. Modern architecture is deliberately designed to remove those things, small windows and grey building to crush the soul.

As for God and religion, ah yes, they have said many times there will be a One World Religion whether we like it or not. Luciferarian. They wax lyrical about Muslims and Christians destroying each other and when a weary people turn to the State for help 'then at long last the glorious Light of Lucifer can come out into the open fully revealed' (not the exact quote but close enough)

#10 Be not a cancer on the Earth—Leave room for nature—Leave room for nature.

Isn't this the enviromentalism they indoctrinate everyone with now? Man is a cancer on earth and pollutes everything. Agenda21/30 is about moving everyone into 'super cities' and letting nature return to 'wilderness'. There is even a so-called Wilderness Project I think. Of course they get to keep it as their playground, because unlike the rest of us they know how to be responsible for nature as the self appointed gaurdians.

We'd probably need a permit to travel outside these huge city states. And of course you will own nothing (they will) but you'll totally be happy. Pinkie promise.

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

There is a much deeper explanation of the details of these points, but can't be arsed typing more than this quickie. It's either obvious to you or it's not. eyerighteye gave a perfectly succinct summation imo.

#1 Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Agenda21/30 and all the usual suspects have been telling you for YEARS that the population must be reduced because we are overpopulated (we are not, they just control the resources). There is no way to reduce from over 6 billion to 500 million without it being forced. Unless an asteroid hits and they hide in their DUMBS they'd be taken out too. They've been promising extinction level events for decades and it's no nearer happening . Given their M.O. they are likely going to force it.

#2 Guide reproduction wisely—improving fitness and diversity.

They promote promiscuity at the moment to fracture the bonds with men/women and families. There were 2 reasons the Rockerfellers funded Womens Liberation according to Nick Rockerfeller - 1) to tax the other half of the population and 2) to get the kids in school earlier so they can be indoctrinated to want the future planned for them.

Notice how overpopulation and climate catastrophe are universally believed by the younger generations. Years of indoctrination got them to that point. I think it was Kissinger who came up with the climate hoax btw)

They've got women killing their offspring as if it's no big deal but just like China they will enforce abortions in their NWO if you do not have approval. They have been quite vocal about this.

If the want to maintain the population at 500 million they MUST control, sorry guide, it. That means a system very much like China had with permits for children for the approved, and forced abortions for those who don't have approval.

Fitness and diversity? I remember an Austrian painter who went for all that. Even had breeding farms to breed the best Aryan stock. Put a lot of weight on fitness and health, even banning smoking he cared so much about peoples health.

You will eat the bugs pleb, they are full of protein and good for health, and great for the environment. Oh how they care about us.

Diversity sounds much like the Kalergi Plan

#3 Unite humanity with a living new language.

*(It would be great if there were a universal language so that people of all cultures could use it to communicate with each other. *

There is. It's called English and most people around the world speak it in one fashion or another. But this goes along with destroying the old and creating a new 'reality'. The Deep State did try with Esperanto but it never caught on. What's wrong with learning each others language, one of the joys of travel is learning new languages and having new experiences. We aren't the Borg. But then travel bad for the environment so that is something the plebs won't experience much longer.

#4 Rule passion—faith—tradition—and all things with tempered reason.

(Word to the wise, sounds like it's right out of the book of Proverbs)

Well, that's something they think they are uniquely qualified for. They have TOLD us this many many times. Humanity is just not capable of seeing to their own affairs and need wise leaders to rule for them. Rulers like them who have our best interests at heart.

#5 Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

WTF. In the immortal words of Mandy Rice Davies "well they would say that wouldn't they". The EU Humans Rights Charter says similar things but a closer look shows a different face. The people who are going to be ruling this One World Government are the people destroying things at the moment. What are thge odds they will be fair and just if you don't toe the line.

You really think they have had a Damascene conversion and are going to mend their ways?

#6 Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

Yes, the minor things to give the illusion of independence, but the major rules all countries must abide by will be set by un-elected officals you can never get rid of. The EU was a mini version of this and we had ridiculous, restrictive and unjust laws that EU nations had no choice but to adhere to.

The UN is slated to be the head of this One World Government. You know the one who has just sat the Saudis on the commission in charge of Womens Rights. They absolutely consider themselves the judge of fairness and human rights.

#7 Avoid petty laws and useless officials..

There go those pretty words again. They will be certainly avoiding petty laws and officials, because there will be the Rulers (them) and the Enforcers (the lickspittle forelock tuggers). Then there is the rest of us. Certainly simplifies things, getting rid of layers of useless pen pushers who would no longer be needed if there is only 500 million people. The only laws that exist will be laws they create and of course they won't be petty, they are all wise and seek to help us better ourselves.

#8 Balance personal rights with social duties.

Social duties will always come before personal rights in any fascist/socialist/communist system. The State is paramount. If your personal rights don't allgn with 'social rights' then buh-bye. Totalitarianism 101.

They are not saying anything all would be totalitarian rulers claim they intend to do but it never worked out that way. Always the opposite. Funny that.

#9 Prize truth—beauty—love—seeking harmony with the infinite.

This is a mix of evironmentalism and their NWO religion. This is actually kind of funny. Modern architecture is deliberately designed to remove those things, small windows and grey building to crush the soul.

As for God and religion, ah yes, they have said many times there will be a One World Religion whether we like it or not. Luciferarian. They wax lyrical about Muslims and Christians destroying each other and when a weary people turn to the State for help 'then at long last the glorious Light of Lucifer can come out into the open fully revealed' (not the exact quote but close enough)

#10 Be not a cancer on the Earth—Leave room for nature—Leave room for nature.

Isn't this the enviromentalism they indoctrinate everyone with now? Man is a cancer on earth and pollutes everything. Agenda21/30 is about moving everyone into 'super cities' and letting nature return to 'wilderness'. There is even a so-called Wilderness Project I think. Of course they get to keep it as their playground, because unlike the rest of us they know how to be responsible for nature as the self appointed gardians.

We'd probably need a permit to travel outside these huge city states. And of course you will own nothing (they will) but you'll totally be happy. Pinkie promise.

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

There is a much deeper explanation of the details of these points, but can't be arsed typing more than this quickie. It's either obvious to you or it's not. eyerighteye gave a perfectly succinct summation imo.

#1 Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Agenda21/30 and all the usual suspects have been telling you for YEARS that the population must be reduced because we are overpopulated (we are not, they just control the resources). There is no way to reduce from over 6 billion to 500 million without it being forced. Unless an asteroid hits and they hide in their DUMBS they'd be taken out too. They've been promising extinction level events for decades and it's no nearer happening . Given their M.O. they are likely going to force it.

#2 Guide reproduction wisely—improving fitness and diversity.

They promote promiscuity at the moment to fracture the bonds with men/women and families. There were 2 reasons the Rockerfellers funded Womens Liberation according to Nick Rockerfeller - 1) to tax the other half of the population and 2) to get the kids in school earlier so they can be indoctrinated to want the future planned for them.

Notice how overpopulation and climate catastrophe are universally believed by the younger generations. Years of indoctrination got them to that point. I think it was Kissinger who came up with the climate hoax btw)

They've got women killing their offspring as if it's no big deal but just like China they will enforce abortions in their NWO if you do not have approval. They have been quite vocal about this.

If the want to maintain the population at 500 million they MUST control, sorry guide, it. That means a system very much like China had with permits for children for the approved, and forced abortions for those who don't have approval.

Fitness and diversity? I remember an Austrian painter who went for all that. Even had breeding farms to breed the best Aryan stock. Put a lot of weight on fitness and health, even banning smoking he cared so much about peoples health. Dib=versity here sounds much like the Kalergi Plan

You will eat the bugs pleb, they are full of protein and good for health, and great for the environment. Oh how they care about us.

#3 Unite humanity with a living new language.

*(It would be great if there were a universal language so that people of all cultures could use it to communicate with each other. *

There is. It's called English and most people around the world speak it in one fashion or another. But this goes along with destroying the old and creating a new 'reality'. The Deep State did try with Esperanto but it never caught on. What's wrong with learning each others language, one of the joys of travel is learning new languages and having new experiences. We aren't the Borg. But then travel bad for the environment so that is something the plebs won't experience much longer.

#4 Rule passion—faith—tradition—and all things with tempered reason.

(Word to the wise, sounds like it's right out of the book of Proverbs)

Well, that's something they think they are uniquely qualified for. They have TOLD us this many many times. Humanity is just not capable of seeing to their own affairs and need wise leaders to rule for them. Rulers like them who have our best interests at heart.

#5 Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

WTF. In the immortal words of Mandy Rice Davies "well they would say that wouldn't they". The EU Humans Rights Charter says similar things but a closer look shows a different face. The people who are going to be ruling this One World Government are the people destroying things at the moment. What are thge odds they will be fair and just if you don't toe the line.

You really think they have had a Damascene conversion and are going to mend their ways?

#6 Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

Yes, the minor things to give the illusion of independence, but the major rules all countries must abide by will be set by un-elected officals you can never get rid of. The EU was a mini version of this and we had ridiculous, restrictive and unjust laws that EU nations had no choice but to adhere to.

The UN is slated to be the head of this One World Government. You know the one who has just sat the Saudis on the commission in charge of Womens Rights. They absolutely consider themselves the judge of fairness and human rights.

#7 Avoid petty laws and useless officials..

There go those pretty words again. They will be certainly avoiding petty laws and officials, because there will be the Rulers (them) and the Enforcers (the lickspittle forelock tuggers). Then there is the rest of us. Certainly simplifies things, getting rid of layers of useless pen pushers who would no longer be needed if there is only 500 million people. The only laws that exist will be laws they create and of course they won't be petty, they are all wise and seek to help us better ourselves.

#8 Balance personal rights with social duties.

Social duties will always come before personal rights in any fascist/socialist/communist system. The State is paramount. If your personal rights don't allgn with 'social rights' then buh-bye. Totalitarianism 101.

They are not saying anything all would be totalitarian rulers claim they intend to do but it never worked out that way. Always the opposite. Funny that.

#9 Prize truth—beauty—love—seeking harmony with the infinite.

This is a mix of evironmentalism and their NWO religion. This is actually kind of funny. Modern architecture is deliberately designed to remove those things, small windows and grey building to crush the soul.

As for God and religion, ah yes, they have said many times there will be a One World Religion whether we like it or not. Luciferarian. They wax lyrical about Muslims and Christians destroying each other and when a weary people turn to the State for help 'then at long last the glorious Light of Lucifer can come out into the open fully revealed' (not the exact quote but close enough)

#10 Be not a cancer on the Earth—Leave room for nature—Leave room for nature.*

Isn't this the enviromentalism they indoctrinate everyone with now? Man is a cancer on earth and pollutes everything. Agenda21/30 is about moving everyone into 'super cities' and letting nature return to 'wilderness'. There is even a so-called Wilderness Project I think. Of course they get to keep it as their playground, because unlike the rest of us they know how to be responsible for nature as the self appointed gardians.

We'd probably need a permit to travel outside these huge city states. And of course you will own nothing (they will) but you'll totally be happy. Pinkie promise.

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

There is a much deeper explanation of the details of these points, but can't be arsed typing more than this quickie. It's either obvious to you or it's not. eyerighteye gave a perfectly succinct summation imo.

#1 Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Agenda21/30 and all the usual suspects have been telling you for YEARS that the population must be reduced because we are overpopulated (we are not, they just control the resources). There is no way to reduce from over 6 billion to 500 million without it being forced. Unless an asteroid hits and they hide in their DUMBS they'd be taken out too. They've been promising extinction level events for decades and it's no nearer happening . Given their M.O. they are likely going to force it.

#2 Guide reproduction wisely—improving fitness and diversity.

They promote promiscuity at the moment to fracture the bonds with men/women and families. There were 2 reasons the Rockerfellers funded Womens Liberation according to Nick Rockerfeller - 1) to tax the other half of the population and 2) to get the kids in school earlier so they can be indoctrinated to want the future planned for them.

Notice how overpopulation and climate catastrophe are universally believed by the younger generations. Years of indoctrination got them to that point. I think it was Kissinger who came up with the climate hoax btw)

They've got women killing their offspring as if it's no big deal but just like China they will enforce abortions in their NWO if you do not have approval. They have been quite vocal about this.

If the want to maintain the population at 500 million they MUST control, sorry guide, it. That means a system very much like China had with permits for children for the approved, and forced abortions for those who don't have approval.

Fitness and diversity? I remember an Austrian painter who went for all that. Even had breeding farms to breed the best Aryan stock. Put a lot of weight on fitness and health, even banning smoking he cared so much about peoples health. Dib=versity here sounds much like the Kalergi Plan

You will eat the bugs pleb, they are full of protein and good for health, and great for the environment. Oh how they care about us.

#3 Unite humanity with a living new language.

*(It would be great if there were a universal language so that people of all cultures could use it to communicate with each other. *

There is. It's called English and most people around the world speak it in one fashion or another. But this goes along with destroying the old and creating a new 'reality'. The Deep State did try with Esperanto but it never caught on. What's wrong with learning each others language, one of the joys of travel is learning new languages and having new experiences. We aren't the Borg. But then travel bad for the environment so that is something the plebs won't experience much longer.

#4 Rule passion—faith—tradition—and all things with tempered reason.

(Word to the wise, sounds like it's right out of the book of Proverbs)

Well, that's something they think they are uniquely qualified for. They have TOLD us this many many times. Humanity is just not capable of seeing to their own affairs and need wise leaders to rule for them. Rulers like them who have our best interests at heart.

#5 Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

WTF. In the immortal words of Mandy Rice Davies "well they would say that wouldn't they". The EU Humans Rights Charter says similar things but a closer look shows a different face. The people who are going to be ruling this One World Government are the people destroying things at the moment. What are thge odds they will be fair and just if you don't toe the line.

You really think they have had a Damascene conversion and are going to mend their ways?

#6 Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

Yes, the minor things to give the illusion of independence, but the major rules all countries must abide by will be set by un-elected officals you can never get rid of. The EU was a mini version of this and we had ridiculous, restrictive and unjust laws that EU nations had no choice but to adhere to.

The UN is slated to be the head of this One World Government. You know the one who has just sat the Saudis on the commission in charge of Womens Rights. They absolutely consider themselves the judge of fairness and human rights.

#7 Avoid petty laws and useless officials..

There go those pretty words again. They will be certainly avoiding petty laws and officials, because there will be the Rulers (them) and the Enforcers (the lickspittle forelock tuggers). Then there is the rest of us. Certainly simplifies things, getting rid of layers of useless pen pushers who would no longer be needed if there is only 500 million people. The only laws that exist will be laws they create and of course they won't be petty, they are all wise and seek to help us better ourselves.

#8 Balance personal rights with social duties.

Social duties will always come before personal rights in any fascist/socialist/communist system. The State is paramount. If your personal rights don't allgn with 'social rights' then buh-bye. Totalitarianism 101.

They are not saying anything all would be totalitarian rulers claim they intend to do but it never worked out that way. Always the opposite. Funny that.

#9 Prize truth—beauty—love—seeking harmony with the infinite.

This is a mix of evironmentalism and their NWO religion. This is actually kind of funny. Modern architecture is deliberately designed to remove those things, small windows and grey building to crush the soul.

As for God and religion, ah yes, they have said many times there will be a One World Religion whether we like it or not. Luciferarian. They wax lyrical about Muslims and Christians destroying each other and when a weary people turn to the State for help 'then at long last the glorious Light of Lucifer can come out into the open fully revealed' (not the exact quote but close enough)

#10 Be not a cancer on the Earth—Leave room for nature—Leave room for nature.*

Isn't this the enviromentalism they indoctrinate everyone with now? Man is a cancer on earth and pollutes everything. Agenda21/30 is about moving everyone into 'super cities' and letting nature return to 'wilderness'. There is even a so-called Wilderness Project I think. Of course they get to keep it as their playground, because unlike the rest of us they know how to be responsible for nature as the self appointed gardians.

We'd probably need a permit to travel outside these huge city states. And of course you will own nothing (they will) but you'll totally be happy. Pinkie promise.

2 years ago
1 score