I want this to be true. The sad reality is the personal, professional, and financial cost to individual Doctors who push back vs the medical tyranny is incredibly high. I think the majority of Physicians are going to cut their losses and do as little as they can in their practices hoping to avoid state scrutiny and the resulting turmoil when the licencing board tries to cancel them. I'm seeing this in my area where many doctors only do virtual/phone appointments. Doctors were threatened en mass by the licencing board with investigation if they post info on social media that could contribute to "vaccine hesitancy."
I want this to be true. The personal, professional, and financial cost to individual Doctors who push back vs the medical tyranny is incredibly high. I think the majority of Physicians are going to cut their losses and do as little as they can in their practices hoping to avoid state scrutiny and the resulting turmoil when the licencing board tries to cancel them. I'm seeing this in my area where many doctors only do virtual/phone appointments. Doctors were threatened en mass by the licencing board with investigation if they post info on social media that could contribute to "vaccine hesitancy."
I want this to be true. The personal, professional, and financial cost to individual Doctors who push back vs the medical tyranny is high. I think the majority of Physicians are going to cut their losses and do as little as they can in ther practices hoping to avoid state scrutiny and the resulting turmoil when the licencing board tries to cancel them. I'm seeing this in my area where the many doctors only do virtual/phone appointments. Doctors were threatened en mass by the licencing board with investigation if they post info on social media that could cause "vaccine hesitancy."