The way Q put it is as follows:
There is Q. And there are anons.
He explained that the term QAnon is CIA/MSM programming to link Q to anons, so that anything a random anon might do that's violent can be used as a weapon to bludgeon the cabal's most feared foe, Q, and by extension the entire movement.
Then we don't do anything violent, and it really drives them stark raving berserk. So they have to pay psychotic antifa goons to commit mayhem while disguised as patriot anons and holding QANON signs LOL
The way Q put it is as follows:
There is Q. And there are anons.
He explained that the term QAnon is CIA/MSM programming to link Q to anons, so that anything a random anon (or fake antifa anon in disguise) might do that's violent can be used as a weapon to bludgeon the cabal's most feared foe, Q, and by extension the entire movement.