Boycott donations to them. Why make those kids feel worse and be guinea pigs? The "vaccine" companies should have already done the guinea pig thing with actual guinea pigs and reach 100% survival of them as best as they could.
Boycott donations to them. Why make those kids feel worse and be guinea pigs? The "vaccine" companies should have already done the guinea pig thing with actual guinea pigs and reach 100% survival of them as best as they could.
Boycott donations to them. Why make those kids feel worse and be guinea pigs? The "vaccine" companies should have already done the guinea pig thing with actual guinea pigs and reach 100% survival of them as best as they could.
Boycott donations to them. Why make those kids feel worse and be guinea pigs? The "vaccine" companies should have already done the guinea pig thing with actual guinea pigs and made sure at least 98% survived. Then we could start talking about vaccinating kids.
Boycott donations to them. Why make those kids feel worse and be guinea pigs? The "vaccine" companies should have already done the guinea pig thing with actual guinea pigs and reach 100% survival of them as best as they could.
Boycott donations to them. Why make those kids feel worse and be guinea pigs? The "vaccine" companies should have already done the guinea pig thing with actual guinea pigs and made sure at least 98% survived.
Boycott donations to them. Why make those kids guinea pigs. The "vaccine" companies should have already done the guinea pig thing with actual guinea pigs and try to reach 100% survival as best as they could.
Boycott donations to them. Why make those kids guinea pigs. The "vaccine" companies should have already done the guinea pig thing with actual guinea pigs and made sure at least 98% survived.
Boycott donations to them. Why make those kids guinea pigs. The "vaccine" companies should have already done the guinea pig thing with actual guinea pigs.
Boycott donations to them.