What the PCR test is looking for is pieces of genetic information. One of these sequences, believe it or not, belongs to your own DNA. You are correct in that at the increased amplification rates of the PCR tests, they will test positive for any fragment of a coronavirus that you have ever been in contact with in your entire life. That does not mean you are infected. PCR is NOT a diagnostic tool for determining if someone is "infected" with SARS-CoV-2. COVID-19 is a completely clinical diagnosis based on symptoms in addition to lab tests. The test is not looking for things like staph or other bacteria. We have specific tests for those. Do you see the problem by labeling a positive result of a misused PCR test as a "case?" Apart from a clinical diagnosis of infection, it is meaningless.
The sequence specific to the SARS-CoV-2 virus is the same genetic sequence that was given to us from the beginning - from China - which I believe is an AI designed S protein and not that of an organically derived virus that existed in nature - even if it did cross species. This was a designer virus. No virus that that supposedly causes COVID-19 has ever been isolated and proven to cause the disease called COVID-19. Besides using this sequence in the development of the PCR test, this same genetic sequencing was also used to design the vaxines that cause the body to produce this same spike protein. How convenient.
When you really think about it, this evil plan was well implemented and difficult to trace back. We are starting to put these pieces together and the overall picture is starting to come into focus. These people truly are evil.
What the PCR test is looking for is genetic pieces. Some of it, believe it or not, belongs to your own DNA. You are correct in that at the increased amplification rates of the PCR tests, they will test positive for any fragment of a coronavirus that you have ever been in contact with in your entire life. PCR is NOT a diagnostic tool for determining if someone is "infected" with SARS-CoV-2. COVID is a completely clinical diagnosis based on symptoms in addition to lab tests. The test also is not looking for things like staph or other bacteria. We have specific tests for those. Do you see the problem by labeling a positive result of a misused PCR test as a "case?" Apart from a clinical diagnosis of infection, it is meaningless.
The sequence specific to the SARS-CoV-2 virus is the same genetic sequence that was given to us from the beginning - from China - which I believe is an AI designed S protein and not that of an organically derived virus that existed in nature - even if it did cross species. This was a designer virus. No virus that supposedly causes COVID-19 has ever been isolated and proven to cause the disease called COVID-19. This same sequence was also used to design the vaxines that cause the body to produce this same spike protein. How convenient.
When you really think about it, this evil plan was well implemented and difficult to trace back. We are starting to put these pieces together and the overall picture is starting to come into focus. These people truly are evil.
What the PCR test is looking for is genetic pieces. Some of it, believe it or not, belongs to your own DNA. You are correct in that at the increased amplification rates of the PCR tests, they will test positive for any fragment of a coronavirus that you have ever been in contact with in your entire life. PCR is NOT a diagnostic tool for determining if someone is "infected" with SARS-CoV-2. COVID is a completely clinical diagnosis based on symptoms in addition to lab tests. The test also is not looking for things like staph or other bacteria. We have specific tests for those. Do you see the problem by labeling a positive result of a misused PCR test as a "case?" Apart from a clinical diagnosis of infection, it is meaningless.
The sequence specific to the SARS-CoV-2 virus is the same genetic sequence that was given to us from the beginning - from China - which I believe is an AI designed S protein and not that of an organically derived virus that existed in nature - even if it did cross species. This was a designer virus. No virus that that supposedly causes COVID-19 has ever been isolated and proven to cause the disease called COVID-19. This same sequence was also used to design the vaxines that cause the body to produce this same spike protein. How convenient.
When you really think about it, this evil plan was well implemented and difficult to trace back. We are starting to put these pieces together and the overall picture is starting to come into focus. These people truly are evil.
What the PCR test is looking for is genetic pieces. Some of it, believe it or not, belongs to your own DNA. You are correct in that at the increased amplification rates of the PCR tests, they will test positive for any fragment of a coronavirus that you have ever been in contact with in your entire life. PCR is NOT a diagnostic tool for determining if someone is "infected" with SARS-CoV-2. COVID is a completely clinical diagnosis based on symptoms in addition to lab tests. The test also is not looking for things like staph or other bacteria. We have specific tests for those. Do you see the problem by labeling a positive result of a miscued PCR test as a "case?" Apart from a clinical diagnosis of infection, it is meaningless.
The sequence specific to the SARS-CoV-2 virus is the same genetic sequence that was given to us from the beginning - from China - which I believe is an AI designed S protein and not that of an organically derived virus that existed in nature - even if it did cross species. This was a designer virus. No virus that that supposedly causes COVID-19 has ever been isolated and proven to cause the disease called COVID-19. This same sequence was also used to design the vaxines that cause the body to produce this same spike protein. How convenient.
When you really think about it, this evil plan was well implemented and difficult to trace back. We are starting to put these pieces together and the overall picture is starting to come into focus. These people truly are evil.
What the PCR test is looking for is genetic pieces. Some of it, believe it or not, belongs to your own DNA. You are correct in that at the amplification rate of the PCR tests will test positive for any fragment of a coronavirus that you have ever been in contact with in your entire life. PCR is NOT a diagnostic tool for determining if someone is "infected" with SARS-CoV-2. COVID is a completely clinical diagnosis based on symptoms in addition to lab tests. The test also is not looking for things like staph or other bacteria. We have specific tests for those. Do you see the problem by labeling a positive result of a miscued PCR test as a "case?" Apart from a clinical diagnosis of infection, it is meaningless.
The sequence specific to the SARS-CoV-2 virus is the same genetic sequence that was given to us from the beginning - from China - which I believe is an AI designed S protein and not that of an organically derived virus that existed in nature - even if it did cross species. This was a designer virus. No virus that that supposedly causes COVID-19 has ever been isolated and proven to cause the disease called COVID-19. This same sequence was also used to design the vaxines that cause the body to produce this same spike protein. How convenient.
When you really think about it, this evil plan was well implemented and difficult to trace back. We are starting to put these pieces together and the overall picture is starting to come into focus. These people truly are evil.