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Edit: PM from an anon: This is a good idea. I was perma banned from the community and reread the rules and still dont know which one I broke nor has anyone responded to me.

How about the community focused on toppling the pyramid stops resembling it?

Despite the (often vague and not helpful) logs, there is little-to-no transparency - there is no clear punishment for any of the 20-something rules which most of us have accidently broken at one point or another, anyway.

What if the mods abdicated their golden, anonymous, Q-shaped thrones and just - you know... moderated? Not rule with an iron-fist? Not censor accounts? I see a shill and I Think Ban! Deport! Refute! - why? - most of them are unwittingly doing so, and merely brainwashed sheep - my fellow man. A victim to the lies of the cabal.

I've been one of the more active anons going after shills, but now I'm thinking it was all a waste of time and energy - who cares?... What effect have they had? If anything the shills red-pill me more, what about you? Do they spread doomitus or it is just engaging negatively which causes you annoyance?

We can self-moderate with our votes - post our comments and posts with good research, well thought-out points, links, etc. (if we want to be credible). If we're too busy, low-info posters, shills or whatever - then we can post without evidence, claims, etc. and just be doomed to the bottom-half of the comments until we wise up.

Let the shills talk and see how accepting we are, how much we love them and hate the cabal - the cabal which we will record the fall of, and display for all to see - shills included. We're on the side of the good guys, Jesus, the Heavenly Father, the humanitarians, buddha - whatever.

We're all in this (against the Satanic pieces of shit) - together, whether we know it or not. How about we leave shills be, and just ignore them.

Let the people decide who to listen to: let the people decide who's a retard, who's a doomer, who's a shill - I mean, isn't that what Q is all about? Critical Thinking? Deciding for yourself? I think many GAW have grown complacent, trusting that all evil-dooers and naysayers must already have been banned, and that many of them have become sheep-like in the same way 2021 FB users are sheep-like..

Hell let the shills have a platform, let them comment - they'll all be down-voted to oblivion anyway. Might be we'll have to introduce verification at login to keep their activity down, might not. I just reckon most of the hot page will be the cream of the crop either way - and I'm tired of all this unnecessary conflict.

MikeWho isn't a shill, he's just some guy who thinks GN is the shit (despite all evidence to the contrary) Kek. Doesn't need to be banned for it - in my view every visibly active mod has made mistakes (especially catsfive, he is not a good mod IMO), well if they stop banning there won't likely be a half as many, and our community might flourish like never before.

The mods can reduce their hours substantially, and help us research and join the discourse, again - many of them are great Qoomers and Autists whose talents are being wasted currently.

You can always back-up the accounts as is and restore all the registered accounts back to right now, and restore the current rules if it doesn't work.

Edit: I've thought about this some more and there have been some preliminary discussions - this is looking less and less like a "Crazy" idea (I actually Capitalized the C to be sarcastic btw) and more like a better way of running things - with free speech and democratic 'bans'.

If you don't like someone, no need to run to mommy and 'deport' them - just ignore their comment/pm/post or whatever and move-on. Or reply with love and/or facts and research to debate with them.

If they're clearly here to sow discord, you can always just block them! No need for mommy-evspra, or mommy-cats five or daddy-NottenOnEtt. Just ignore, respond with love or block - not necessarily in that order, give people as many chances as you want - or as little as you want. We all have free will.

Simple as that! Good arguments will rise to the top, and you don't have to read the bottom ones, just move on to the next post.

4 years ago
9 score
Reason: None provided.

How about the community focused on toppling the pyramid stops resembling it?

Despite the (often vague and not helpful) logs, there is little-to-no transparency - there is no clear punishment for any of the 20-something rules which most of us have accidently broken at one point or another, anyway.

What if the mods abdicated their golden, anonymous, Q-shaped thrones and just - you know... moderated? Not rule with an iron-fist? Not censor accounts? I see a shill and I Think Ban! Deport! Refute! - why? - most of them are unwittingly doing so, and merely brainwashed sheep - my fellow man. A victim to the lies of the cabal.

I've been one of the more active anons going after shills, but now I'm thinking it was all a waste of time and energy - who cares?... What effect have they had? If anything the shills red-pill me more, what about you? Do they spread doomitus or it is just engaging negatively which causes you annoyance?

We can self-moderate with our votes - post our comments and posts with good research, well thought-out points, links, etc. (if we want to be credible). If we're too busy, low-info posters, shills or whatever - then we can post without evidence, claims, etc. and just be doomed to the bottom-half of the comments until we wise up.

Let the shills talk and see how accepting we are, how much we love them and hate the cabal - the cabal which we will record the fall of, and display for all to see - shills included. We're on the side of the good guys, Jesus, the Heavenly Father, the humanitarians, buddha - whatever.

We're all in this (against the Satanic pieces of shit) - together, whether we know it or not. How about we leave shills be, and just ignore them.

Let the people decide who to listen to: let the people decide who's a retard, who's a doomer, who's a shill - I mean, isn't that what Q is all about? Critical Thinking? Deciding for yourself? I think many GAW have grown complacent, trusting that all evil-dooers and naysayers must already have been banned, and that many of them have become sheep-like in the same way 2021 FB users are sheep-like..

Hell let the shills have a platform, let them comment - they'll all be down-voted to oblivion anyway. Might be we'll have to introduce verification at login to keep their activity down, might not. I just reckon most of the hot page will be the cream of the crop either way - and I'm tired of all this unnecessary conflict.

MikeWho isn't a shill, he's just some guy who thinks GN is the shit (despite all evidence to the contrary) Kek. Doesn't need to be banned for it - in my view every visibly active mod has made mistakes (especially catsfive, he is not a good mod IMO), well if they stop banning there won't likely be a half as many, and our community might flourish like never before.

The mods can reduce their hours substantially, and help us research and join the discourse, again - many of them are great Qoomers and Autists whose talents are being wasted currently.

You can always back-up the accounts as is and restore all the registered accounts back to right now, and restore the current rules if it doesn't work.

Edit: I've thought about this some more and there have been some preliminary discussions - this is looking less and less like a "Crazy" idea (I actually Capitalized the C to be sarcastic btw) and more like a better way of running things - with free speech and democratic 'bans'.

If you don't like someone, no need to run to mommy and 'deport' them - just ignore their comment/pm/post or whatever and move-on. Or reply with love and/or facts and research to debate with them.

If they're clearly here to sow discord, you can always just block them! No need for mommy-evspra, or mommy-cats five or daddy-NottenOnEtt. Just ignore, respond with love or block - not necessarily in that order, give people as many chances as you want - or as little as you want. We all have free will.

Simple as that! Good arguments will rise to the top, and you don't have to read the bottom ones, just move on to the next post.

4 years ago
10 score
Reason: Original

How about the community focused on toppling the pyramid stops resembling it?

Despite the (often vague and not helpful) logs, there is little-to-no transparency - there is no clear punishment for any of the 20-something rules which most of us have accidently broken at one point or another, anyway.

What if the mods abdicated their golden, anonymous, Q-shaped thrones and just - you know... moderated? Not rule with an iron-fist? Not censor accounts? I see a shill and I Think Ban! Deport! Refute! - why? - most of them are unwittingly doing so, and merely brainwashed sheep - my fellow man. A victim to the lies of the cabal.

I've been one of the more active anons going after shills, but now I'm thinking it was all a waste of time and energy - who cares?... What effect have they had? If anything the shills red-pill me more, what about you? Do they spread doomitus or it is just engaging negatively which causes you annoyance?

We can self-moderate with our votes - post our comments and posts with good research, well thought-out points, links, etc. (if we want to be credible). If we're too busy, low-info posters, shills or whatever - then we can post without evidence, claims, etc. and just be doomed to the bottom-half of the comments until we wise up.

Let the shills talk and see how accepting we are, how much we love them and hate the cabal - the cabal which we will record the fall of, and display for all to see - shills included. We're on the side of the good guys, Jesus, the Heavenly Father, the humanitarians, buddha - whatever.

We're all in this (against the Satanic pieces of shit) - together, whether we know it or not. How about we leave shills be, and just ignore them.

Let the people decide who to listen to: let the people decide who's a retard, who's a doomer, who's a shill - I mean, isn't that what Q is all about? Critical Thinking? Deciding for yourself? I think many GAW have grown complacent, trusting that all evil-dooers and naysayers must already have been banned, and that many of them have become sheep-like in the same way 2021 FB users are sheep-like..

Hell let the shills have a platform, let them comment - they'll all be down-voted to oblivion anyway. Might be we'll have to introduce verification at login to keep their activity down, might not. I just reckon most of the hot page will be the cream of the crop either way - and I'm tired of all this unnecessary conflict.

MikeWho isn't a shill, he's just some guy who thinks GN is the shit (despite all evidence to the contrary) Kek. Doesn't need to be banned for it - in my view every visibly active mod has made mistakes (especially catsfive, he is not a good mod IMO), well if they stop banning there won't likely be a half as many, and our community might flourish like never before.

The mods can reduce their hours substantially, and help us research and join the discourse, again - many of them are great Qoomers and Autists whose talents are being wasted currently.

You can always back-up the accounts as is and restore all the registered accounts back to right now, and restore the current rules if it doesn't work.

4 years ago
1 score