To be fair, I'd say that the chemistry behind both acid-rain (by sulphuric acid precursors) and ozone depletion by freon and other chloro-fluoro-carbons have been well proven.
The ozone is now repairing itself, and we understand how to reduce pollutants to minimize acidification of rain-water.
The overall "settled science" of consistent trends behind global warming/cooling is a farce. Even the original research on atmospheric retention of CO2 wasn't alarming.
Edit: Included a parenthetical in the first sentence.
To be fair, I'd say that the chemistry behind both acid-rain and ozone depletion by freon and other chloro-fluoro-carbons have been well proven.
The ozone is now repairing itself, and we understand how to reduce pollutants to minimize acidification of rain-water.
The overall "settled science" of consistent trends behind global warming/cooling is a farce. Even the original research on atmospheric retention of CO2 wasn't alarming.